Haunted (Eric Carr/Bruce Kulick x Reader)

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'Go and get him.' Eric shouted at the top of his lungs.

'Would you shut up?' I covered my ears with my pillows.

'You know I won't. You should go to that fucking rehearsal and tell him you love him.' He said.

'I can't, you moron.' I sighed loudly and put the pillow back under my head.

'Why not? It's easy, you genius.' He played with the curtain.

'I can't because I would have to face the possible consequences. What if he says no?' I groaned.

'He wouldn't. I know he likes you too.' He drawn the curtains so the sun could burn my eyes out.

'Draw them back or I'll -'

'Do what? You can't kill me, I'm already dead.' He threw my swivel char into the corner.

'Hey! That was expensive!' I sat up.

'I bought it for you.' He said and I could see him rolling his eyes.

'Whatever.' I laid back. 'Can you at least turn on the radio?' I asked him.

'No.' He said.

'Eric please!' I asked him but he didn't respond. 'Eric!' Now I shouted but it ended the same.

Nice, he just left. He always does that. Wakes me up in the morning and then leaves. Then comes back around lunch time even though he's not eating. I mean probably not because he's a ghost but you get it.

I slept for an hour then finally got up. Brushed my teeth, took a shower then dressed up. I went down to the kitchen just to see that everything was placed on the counter for me.

'Thank you Caravello.' I opened the box to pour cereal into the bowl.

'How come I do this almost every day and you're still surprised when you come down?' His voice was really close this time.

'First of all, distance. I don't want you accidently possessing me. Second of all, because I'm always half asleep when I come down.' I poured milk onto the cereal.

I grabbed the spoon and sat down in the living room. I was looking for the remote control but I didn't seem to find it.

'Which channel?' He sighed.

'Surprise me, foxy.' I told him and he turned on the television. 'Not the news again.' I groaned. 'Yeah, cartoons will do it.' I grinned.

If you're asking why he isn't spending his time at Carrie's or his parents' house is because he doesn't want to. He said it would tear his non-beating heart apart. So now we kinda spend every day together. Sometimes I'm surrounded by more spirits. Especially when I go out.

But Eric's like a guardian angel. He not only keeps the unreliable spirits away but keeps me company. I would go mad without him. The others don't know that I can talk to spirits so I have to be careful. And sometimes that's hard when Eric's around because he keeps doing stuff.

'Will you go to that fucking rehearsal or what?' He asked and the clock on the wall started going crazy.

'I'll go. Take it easy tiger.' I rolled my eyes while I put down the bowl on the coffee table.

I got up and went upstairs to put on some nicer clothes.

'Why is that I'm the one doing stuff around your house and I'm also the dead one?' He appeared in my room.

'What did we agree on?' I covered myself with my shirt.

'Distance is the key. Never stand too close because of possible possession. Never go into the room if someone's changing or taking a shower.' He listed the things from our non-existent rule-book. 'Gosh you made my afterlife so boring.' He whined and I heard a book falling off the shelf.

'No, I didn't. Now get out!' I pointed at the door.

I waited for a minute before I put on my shirt and tight black jeans.

I grabbed my car keys in the hall and went outside only to get inside the car. I started the engine and headed to the studio where they were staying.

'Hi guys!' I walked in.

'Hi Y/N!' They said in a chorus.

'Did you managed to catch that mouse?' Bruce asked me while tuning his guitar.

'Mouse?' I asked but then it clicked. 'No, it's still hiding behind the walls.' I frowned.

Once when Bruce was at my place we watched a movie and Carr couldn't stay in his realm so he randomly opened cabinets and made weird noises that even Bruce heard. So I told him I'm having a mouse problem.

'Oh, that's bad. You should call an expert then.' He looked at me.

'Absolutely.' I agreed.

'Oh hell nah.' Eric's voice came from beside me.

'Distance.' I whispered.

'Did you say something?' Paul looked at me.

'No, I didn't.' I grinned and he made a weird face.

I quickly ran out to the hall. I made sure noone was out.

'Could you please stop doing stuff while we're here?' I asked him.

'I'm sorry you're the only one who can hear me.' He mocked me. 'Deal with it Y/N.' He said it into my ear.

'Oh Gosh I loved you better when you were alive!' I punched into the air wishing I could hit him.

'Who you're talking to?' I heard Bruce's voice from behind.

I turned around to face him and I'm pretty sure I looked like a tomato. I was so embarrassed and anxious.

'Noone.' I gulped hard.

'You sure? Because we heard you were arguing with someone.' He narrowed his eyes.

'Tell him before I possess you and reveal everything about you.' I felt Eric's breath on my neck which sent shivers down my spine.

'Fine.' I whispered. 'I was practicing.' I lied.

I just couldn't tell him that I'm a medium. He would freak out like I did when I realized that I can talk to dead people.

'You know, Eric's last wish was to confess my feelings for -' I looked away. 'Well, for you.' I whispered.

'Y-your feelings?' He asked doubtful.

'Yeah.' I glanced at him. 'I kinda like you.' I added.

'Erhm, I think the words you were looking for was "love you".' Eric cleared his throat.

I tried to remain calm and not to start punching the air again.

'Well, I like you too, Y/N.' Bruce scratched the back of his head while smiling.

'You what?' I asked as if I didn't hear him.

'Yeah. I had a crush on you since Eric introduced us to each other.' He chuckled. 'I didn't know you felt the same way.' He smiled.

'Told you.' Eric said from beside me and I can just imagine him wriggling his eyebrows.

'So, you're free tonight? So we could talk about us?' Bruce asked blushing a little.

'Sure.' I said immediately.

'I'm gonna go back. See you inside.' He kissed my cheek then disappeared into the room.

'If that means you're going to get laid then I just go to my realm.' Eric said.

'No I won't, you punk!' I grimaced. 'You can stay as long as things are in place though.' I sighed.

'You wish.' He whispered.

'I heard that!' I pointed at the air.

Kinda hated that I can't see the spirits but on the other hand I was grateful for not being able to see them.

Hearing Eric's voice alone can be stressful. If I had to see him every day I would go nuts. I mean I discovered that I'm a medium right after Carr died.

He appeared in my house and I thought I went bonkers. Turned out I was just mad enough to have this ability.

And honestly, I need him to be around me.

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