Taken (KISS x Reader)

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Go for a walk in the dark alone - they said. It will calm you down - they said. Well, look where it fuckin' got me. Tied up in a dirty basement somewhere in New York. Wish I didn't have that fight with Peter. I wouldn't be here then. But me being myself had to argue with him and leave the fuckin' hotel. I'm such an idiot.

'Oh, you ain't fighting anymore?' My kidnapper walked down the stairs but stopped at the bottom.

'Why should I? You ain't letting me go.' I shrugged.

'You were cute when you were desperately struggling to survive.' He sighed.

'Well not every one of your wishes comes true.' I grinned. 'Why did you even kidnapped me?' I asked out of the blue.

'Does it matter?' He rolled his eyes and left me locking the door.

I didn't know why he did what he did. I doubt he even knows how I am. But again I know nothing as Peter would say.

'Fuck!' I shouted.

I didn't know if anyone could hear me or not. The basement was pretty dark. It was dark outside too. I just hope they find out in time that I'm missing.


It was my third day here in the basement. The sun just came up so I saw everything in the little room. Last night my kidnapper whose name is Roger. What a dull name for a murderer though. Anyways he untied both my hands and legs so now I had free access around the room.

So now I was pacing back and forth trying to think of a good escape plan. I'm too short to reach the window so there it goes. There was hardly any furniture in the place so I had to be extra creative.

But then I heard the keys jingling. I knew it was Roger.

'Hi sweetheart.' He greeted me. 'I brought something for you.' He handed me a plate that was filled with yummy looking cakes.

I grimaced but took the plate. I didn't want to die of course. Also I was hungry but at the same time I was afraid to eat them.

'I have things to do but I'll come back in the evening.' He smirked and left me.

Locked up in the musty basement. My stomach growled. I knew I had to eat so I did. But it tasted weird so I only ate one piece. I looked for a trashcan and when I was glad when I found it.

Because not only I found a litter bin but also a phone. I quickly threw the cakes away abd began dailing Peter's number. Once he picked it up it was green light.

'Hallo?' He said.

'Hi Pete! It's me, Y/N.' I couldn't finish it.

'Where the hell are you woman? I thought you came home but you ain't here.' He said angrily.

'No shit Sherlock!' I facepalmed myself. 'Remember the day we had a fight and the others said I should go out for a walk to calm down?' I asked him.

'Yeah. But that was like three days ago. Why?' He sounded totally confused.

'Someone called Roger kidnapped me. He tried to kill me but I ended up in his basement.' I told him.

'It's not funny. Tell me where you really are.' His voice was stern.

'I'M TELLING THE TRUTH YOU FUCKING MORON!' I shouted at the top of my lungs. I didn't care if Roger is still here and heard me. 'I went out for a frigging walk and someone took me behind.' I sighed.

'Did you see the road?' He asked.

'I was knocked out, shithead!' I rolled my eyes. 'One thing I know is that im still in New York.' I coughed.

'Because that narrows it down.' He growled. 'How far were you from the hotel?' He asked.

'Remember the liquor store near to it? I wanted to go inside but I couldn't.' I coughed again.

'I'm calling the police and the guys. We're getting you out of there, I promise.' He said.

'Okay.' I said and hung up the phone.

I placed it back where it was. I took out the plate and cakes from the trash and put them onto the chair. I thought if he sees them in it he'll know that I found the phone.


'I hope you ate those cookies.' He walked down the stairs.

'You thought I wouldn't realize it?' I sat on the floor leaning against the wall.

'What?' He stopped at the bottom as usually.

'How rude. You tried to poison me.' I looked up at him. 'And I thought we were friends.' I sighed that turned into another cough.

'Fuck.' He murmured. 'I really hoped you'd be dead by now.' An evil smile appeared on his lips.

'You're cute.' I pursed my lips. 'It's a shame you're a murderer.' I looked at the ceiling.

'Look just because I kill people for a living doesn't mean I'm evil. It just means I like money.' He took a few steps closer to me.

'So you kidnapped me because someone else wanted me dead?' I gasped.

'Yeah. My job was to kill you instantly but you were so feisty.' He licked his lips.

'Well at least I didn't die in this outfit.' I sighed.

And that's when we heard knocking on the front door.

'Stay silent.' He ordered and left me again.

I coughed again and heard a little noise above my head. I looked up and saw Ace's face. He tried to open the window from outside and after what felt like an eternity he succeeded.

'Move that chair.' He ordered and I did.

I placed it right under the window and stood up on it.

'This isn't exactly how I imagined it, but it works.' He extended his hand for me which I took.

After a few minutes I was out of that nightmare of a place. We didn't hugged each other but got inside the car immediately and drove off.

'I'm so sorry for what I said to you at the hotel.' Peter embraced me in a hug. 'And don't you ever try to take a walk alone again.' His grip became stronger so I had to move away a little.

'You made us worried when Peter told us you were missing.' Paul looked at us in the rear view mirror.

'At least you didn't die, did ya?' Gene tried to joke but it wasn't funny at all.

'Shut up.' Peter glared at him. 'Everything's will be fine, Y/N.' He caressed my back and I snuggled up to him.

It felt good. Really good. And I don't think I'll ever be capable of going somewhere alone.

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