Empty Promises (Gene Simmons x Reader)

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Y/F/N = Your First Name
Y/L/N = Your Last Name
Y/E/C = Your Eye Color


Gene's point of view

'Wanna go to the movies?' I asked her taking a sip from my glass.

'What are the options?' She asked me not looking up from her magazine.

'Alone In The Dark or Creepshow.' I said.

'Choose one.' She shrugged.

'Then Alone In The Dark it is.' I sighed. Sometimes I wanted to kill her because of her indolence.

'Good.' She said as she continued reading.

I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch and went into the kitchen to refill my glass. She's the only woman I haven't slept with. And that's a big thing. She came into my life along with Paul. He was the one who introduced us to each other. But with time she changed. A lot.

'Is Paul at home or in the studio?' She asked.

'Call him!' I groaned.

'Fine!' She shouted.

Yeah, we pretty much shouted all the time. Only talked nicely to each other when she was either drank or high. I really like her during those times. Well, I like her in general I just prefer the times when we ain't shouting at each other.

'I'm going over at Paul's.' She walked into the kitchen looking at me with those big Y/E/C of hers. I sighed. 'Can you pick me up before the movie starts?' She smiled.

'Yup I can. Go.' I gave her a quick hug which she returned.

'Love ya.' She kissed my cheek amd ran out of my home.

Your point of view

I was walking down the street from Gene's house. It wasn't a long road as Paul lives only a few houses away.

'Why did ya come over? I thought you'll spend the day at Gene's.' Paul closed the door behind us.

'Yeah, I know. I'm terrible.' I hopped on the sofa. 'He wants to go to the movies later.' I yawned.

'That's nice. What are you gonna watch?' He walked into the kitchen.

'Alone In somewhere. I don't remember.' I shrugged. I was too focused on my magazine to pay real attention to him.

'You know he likes you, right?' He washed two cups.

'Are you high on something? No, he doesn't.' I grimaced. 'He's always with some woman.' I added.

'That doesn't mean he can't like you.' He placed the cups on the coffee table. 'And no, I'm not high.' He laughed.

'What a shame.' I shook my head. 'That reminds me. I'll have to call Rob later.' I pursed my lips together.

'God I hate that man. He ain't good for you.' He made a sad face.

'You can't blame me though. That man looks good.' I reached for a cup and stirred my coffee to cool down.

'I think you're the one that's high.' He rolled his eyes.

'Nope. You're wrong this time.' I winked at him and took a sip from my drink.

We talked for about an hour and a half and then I left because Rob came to pick me up. I called him from Paul's house even though he doesn't like Rob. Well, I wouldn't say that he's a nice a guy but does it matter? I ain't looking for a serious relationship right now or ever.

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