He Don't Need To Know Pt. 2 (Peter Criss x Reader)

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I walked around the room then sat on the bed and soon leaned back on it.

'The bed's comfortable.' I stated.

'Good. It should be because we're paying a lot to stay here.' He put a cigarette between his lips then lit it.

'Hmm.' I sat up. 'Why did you bring me to your room?' I asked curiously.

'Because you're drunk, Y/N.' He walked in front of me, exhaling the smoke. 'And I'm responsible for that.' He took another drag from the cigarette.

'Naaah.' I laughed. 'I wanted to drink.' I leaned back on the bed on my elbows.

'You need to sober up.' He exhaled the smoke.

'You know how to kill a party.' I scoffed.

'Sorry for looking out for you. Really.' He dropped the remaining half of the cigarette on the floor and stomped it. 'Go to sleep.' He leaned in and kissed my temple.

'Peter -' I looked into his eyes.

'What, sugar?' He asked.

'I didn't go out partying with you to come back and sleep after.' I confessed.

He took a step back.

'You're married, Y/N.' He ran his fingers through his hair nervously.

'He doesn't need to know about it.' I walked up to him. 'I'm always away for months! I don't think he would mind it. I'm pretty su-' He crashed his lips on mine.

'Shut up.' He grabbed my waist. 'Fuckin shut up, Y/N.' He pushed me towards the wall.

My back was against the cold concrete as he kissed me more and more passionately.

'Fuck!' He took a step back again, leaving me wanting more. 'You're fuckin married!' He shouted.

'And I don't fuckin care.' I reached for his hand and pulled him back.

He rested his hands on the wall at each side of my face. He leaned down and the tip of our noses touched.

'I... We shouldn't.' His husky voice was driving my mind crazy.

'You've been a fuckin tease for the past three months.' My heart was pounding in my ears. 'The least you could do is -' I couldn't finish my sentence because he kissed me.

'Enough talking.' He breathed between kisses. 'Be a good girl and climb on that fuckin bed.' He nodded towards it's direction.

I bit my lip and did as he told. I jumped on the bed, quickly getting rid of my dress while he unbuttoned his jeans. By the time he got to the bed he was already in boxers.

Well, those women didn't lie.

'Just keep in mind that you asked for this.' He climbed on top of me.

'I did?' I arched a brow. 'I'm sure you played this scenerio in your head as well.' I ran my hands up his muscled arms and left them on his neck.

I played with his hair at the back of his head. He placed his hand onto mine and kissed my arm. Then he kissed me.

'So... You've been fantasizing about me, huh?' He smirked.

'Just as much as you did.' I bit my lip.

'What makes you think I've been thinking about you?' He left soft kisses on my skin.

'Your remarks.' I breathed. 'The way you always look at me.' I hissed at the sudden pain caused by Peter biting my neck.

'Shhh.' He put a hand over my mouth while the other traveled down on my body. 'Be quiet, sugar.' He whispered.

It was hard to control myself. The way he treated my body was something I've never experienced before. He made me feel like I was both a goddess and a whore. But I loved every second of it.

The morning was the other thing I wasn't prepared for. I thought he would be gone somewhere but instead he was still laying next to me. His head was resting in the crook of my neck, his left hand was laying across my abdomen. Our legs were entangled under the sheets.

I tried to get out of bed but once I tried to move, Peter's grip on my side tightened.

'Where do you think you going, sugar?' He murmured into my ear.

'Trying to dress up, before your friends come looking for you.' I stroked his arm that was on my tummy.

'Do you really care if they see us?' He pulled me closer.

'Yes, because you are literally my bosses.' I sighed.

'Looks like you got yourself a promotion then.' He chuckled.

'Not funny.' I hit his arm and he kissed my cheek.

'Don't be so uptight about it, Y/N.' He turned my head to face him. 'All of them wants you in their bed. I just happened to be faster.' He licked his lip. 'Must be my charming appearance.' He placed a kiss on my lips.

'Yeah, sure.' I rolled my eyes while I giggled.

We stayed in silence while we got dressed. And we got our clothes back on, just in time.

'We leaving in an hour, Petey boy.' Ace walked into the room without knocking first. 'Oh, hi Y/N.' He waved at me.

'Hi Ace.' I said.

My face started to heat up. I know he knew why I was in there. He saw us acting naughty in the club.

'Meet you in the lobby.' Peter pointed to the door.

'Sure. Okay.' Ace left us.

'Are you going to tell Matt?' Peter walked up to me.

'No.' I shook my head.

'Did you regret it?' He asked.

'No.' I smiled sheepishly. 'Did you?' I arched a brow.

'Are you kidding? It was the best night of my life!' He exclaimed. 'Question is, do you want it to be something in the future or nah?' His question caught me off guard. 'If you gotta cheat on him, let's make it worth cheating for.' He shrugged.

'You make it sound like I'm a bad person.' I sat down with my face buried in my hands.

'Sugar, you see him, what? Three or four months a year?! And you spend the rest of it with us. Plus, you could always get a divorce.' He ranted.

It got me thinking. He was right. I do barely saw Matt because I always have to go with them on tours. He said that I should apply for this job. So, in a way, he's responsible for me cheating on him.

Okay, I know cheating is bad and not justifiable. But he's a man who spends five or six months alone because his wife is away, working. I'm not there to check on him. And I don't ask him about his daily stuff. Sometimes I barely got time for myself.

I call Matt whenever I can, but he could say anything. I'm not there to catch him in a lie.

'Yeah, I could.' I said finally. 'But only if this -' I pointed at us. 'Is going to be like this.' I finished.

'Why wouldn't it be?' He took a step closer.

'Peter, I've known you for two years now. I've seen the things you do.' I crossed my arms.

'Just so you know, I can't promise anything. But considering that you're gonna spend every minute with us, it's gonna work.' He put his hands on my shoulders.

'I'll talk to Matt as soon as the tour ends.' I sighed.

'Good girl.' He pulled me in for a hug. 'And I'll be there with you when you do that.' He reassured me.

Peter was always teasing me since I joined their team. But I never knew that two years and five months later I would consider getting a divorce because of him. But if anything is gonna be like yesterday and this morning then it's all worth it.

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