Just Like A Domino (Gene Simmons x Reader)

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Being the little sister of a successful drummer is exhausting. He's friends with a lot of people I want to meet. Fortunately mom and dad let him take me with him. Being fifteen years older than me put all the responsibilities on him until I turn twenty-one. Which will be in 1994. I've got five years till that.

'Y/N, I've got news for you.' My brother came into my room unannounced.

'Spill them.' I sat up on my bed excited.

'There's a rock band that wants me to join them. Their drummer got sick and they need someone to fill in on the album.' He smiled from ear to ear.

'Do I know this band? I kinda feel like I've heard this story before.' I looked at him suspiciously.

'Please don't freak out.' He held up his hands. 'I'm gonna work for KISS.' He said grinning like a child I did the opposite of what he asked me.

I freaked out. In the good way.
I got up from my bed and ran up to him and hugged him. Then I started to jump around my room like a complete idiot.

'Oh my God! You gotta introduce me to them!' I screamed like a fool.

'Okay, I will.' He smiled. 'Just calm down.' He laughed leaving my room.

He gave me more space last year when I turned eighteen. He doesn't even know the stuff I've been doing since I became eighteen and he doesn't have to know it, like ever.
You know having a brother like him is a big opportunity for me in some ways. I mean he's got connections to certain people. Like famous people I'd like to meet. And I already did with some of them.

To clear things up, by meeting I also mean banging. Not every one of them just some of them. It started with my little journal. I kept writing people's names in it that I wanted to meet. But I got a friend who said I could do so much more than just meeting them and having them give me their autographs.

And I was naiv enough to listen to her. At least that's what I thought. But now thinking about it I think she was right.

'Y/N, you going out with us tonight?' Paul asked me.

'O-oh sure.' I went back to reality.

'Glad you said that.' Gene pointed at me. 'Otherwise I would've dragged your ass out.' He winked and I stuck out my tongue at him.

Remember that journal of mine? Yeah, Gene's name is in it as well as other's. And tonight will be the perfect occasion for my little plan.

I spent the rest of the day thinking about how should I bring this up to Gene. I mean we have known each other for a year now. I bonded with him instantly which I didn't think would happen.

'Earth to Y/N!' Eric waved his hands in front of me.

'What?' I blinked repeatedly.

'I asked you, what are you going to wear tonight?' He crossed his arms.

'Why?' I asked.

'Because I want to make sure that you won't wear something low-cut.' His voice was stern.

'Of course I won't.' I rolled my eyes.

'Y/N, I know you and your style of clothes.' He looked me straight in the eyes.

'Fine.' I threw my hands up. 'I swear I won't. Now get out! I need to change.' I got up motioning towards the door.

When he finally left I took a shower and got dressed into black tight jeans, and an orange off shoulder top. I curled my hair, and made it look messy. For my make-up I only used foundation and mascara so if my plan is going to work then I won't have to fix anything on my face.

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