Play It Cool (Eric Singer x Reader)

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'Are we really doing this?' I asked my friend Noah.

'Of course. Don't try to bail on me now Y/N.' He gave me a death glare.

'Fuck.' I sighed knowing damn well how much of a trouble we were going into.

Sneaking into a concert is one thing. Not getting caught is almost the same. But sneaking into the backstage is a whole another level of danger which we took with Noah. Only I had a ticket for the show and he also wanted to come so I suggested to sneak in.

While I was joking with it Noah took it into real consideration and decided that it would be the best idea. Well, it's harder than it seems. It was a miracle that he didn't get busted for not having a ticket.

'How are we gonna do this, you idjit?' I asked looking around for bodyguards or roadies.

'Have you read the text I wrote?' He looked at me annoyed.

'Do I look like I did?' I threw my arms open.

'Then just follow me.' He stepped in front of me looking for people who could throw us out for trespassing. 'It's clear. Come on.' He waved and started to slank. We went about two metres when we had to hide again. He snuck out his head again and we began walking again ahead.

This time we walked a longer distance before hiding again from some tech people. I was dead nervous and started sweating. I neved did such a rebellious act before. But Noah always made sure that I get in trouble. We once went to the movies instead of going to school. My parents didn't like it when the principal called them telling how I didn't arrive to school that day. There was an other time when we wanted to run away leaving everything behind but Noah's grandmother made roast chicken so we stayed and never took off.

Once he stole a magazine from a shop but he was caught in action and had to pay for it. Of course he didn't so he left it in the shop. We still ain't allowed to enter that shop even though it's a café shop now.

'At the count of three we run into that room, got it?' He asked me and I nodded. 'One... Two... Three... Run!' He ran and I followed him.

We made it into the room without anyone noticing us. It was the dressing room as I saw plenty of mirrors and clothes all over the couches. There were some tables, food and drinks on top of them. I couldn't believe my eyes.

'We really did it.' I whispered mostly to myself. 'We actually made it.' I said looking around the room.

'I knew we could do it. I never doubted it.' He crossed his arms, a proud smirk on his face.

'What's next though?' I pursed my lips.

'Be a weirdo and smell all of the clothes.' He pointed at the couches. 'Or be like a normal person and eat something.' He walked towards the tables.

I didn't think much as I followed him. He offered me a sandwich and I took it. While I was eating it with one hand I poured some alcoholic drink into a cup with the other.

'I said eat, not drink.' He rolled his eyes at me. 'But why do I bother? You never listen to me anyways.' He sighed and took a bite from his sandwich.

We spent half an hour there when Noah decided that he needs to find the restroom. So he left me alone in the dressing room drinking wine from a plastic cup. I was sitting in the corner humming Hard Luck Woman to myself. It was my favourite from the Rock And Roll Over album.

I liked Peter's raspy voice. Don't get me wrong I also loved Carr's and Singer has a good voice too. It was hard to get to know someone new again but I kinda grew into liking the new drummer.

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