Snow Day (KISS x Reader)

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Requested by fangirlh04
I'm soooo sorry it took me so long.🥺❤️❤️

It was a chilling, winter afternoon. The boys have been calling me all morning to go to the studio with them. But I didn't feel like going anywhere.

It was snowing since last night and everything was covered in snow. Dad left for work, and mom went to grandma's to take care of her. The sudden snowing left grandma locked up.

I was alone, yet I didn't want to go to the studio with the boys. Instead I was drinking hot cocoa in my bed. The wind started to get heavier and the falling snow was getting thicker.

I pulled my blanket over my stomach and drank the remaining of my drink. It was hot inside but I got under a blanket, nonetheless.


It was around 3pm when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs and opened the door only to be met with four boys.

'Hi!' Ace waved at me.

'Ciao, doll.' Peter wriggled his eyebrows. 'What's up?'

'What are you guys doing here?' I looked at them.

'We finished with the song, so we thought we would stop by.' Paul smiled.

'Then come on in.' I invited them.

We sat down in the living room. I made hot tea for them and we chatted for a while.

'We should go somewhere.' Gene suggested.

'I don't really want to go anywhere.' I looked at the red dotted carpet.

'Why? It's so beautiful out there.' Ace pointed at the window.

'I don't like snow. It's cold and wet.' I made a face.

'Come on. If you don't want to go anywhere, at least let's go to your backyard.' Paul smiled. 'I'm sure we can make you love snow.' He giggled.

I didn't really want to go out but I agreed. I went up to my room, got my jacket on and went downstairs. I put on my boots and we went outside.

At first I was just standing on the porch, watching the boys as they played around in the snow. They made snowballs and threw it at each other. Ace fell over and got halfway buried in the thick snow.

Peter laughed at him, but as he was having fun, Gene threw a big ass snowball at him. It hit his face and the smile disappeared from his face. I had fun watching them.

And meanwhile they had fun, Paul walked up to me.

'Come on. Let's make snow angels.' He motioned towards the untouched area.

I was gonna say no to him but I changed my mind. As much as I hate winter, a little snow won't kill me, right?

He reached for my hand and I took his. He guided me to the clear place.

'Now what?' I asked and I got my answer when someone pushed me into the snow.

Face down in the cold. I screamed and got up.

'Which one of you fuckers did it?' I asked them angrily when I stood up.

They all pointed at each other when I looked at them. I could have left them there, but instead, I went and pushed them into the snow. One by one. Then Ace got up and pushed me into the snow.

We kept pushing the other and threw snowballs again. Now I was participating too. Then we made snow angels. I didn't how much time we spent outside but when we got inside, we were soaking wet.

'I'll get y'all some clothes and towels.' I went into the bathroom.

I took five towels out that I gave them. Then I raided my dad's wardrobe for some clothes.

'There. You can change in the bathroom downstairs.'

They left and I went into the bathroom upstairs. I took off my clothes and dried myself. Then I put on sweatpants and a sweater. When I went back to the living room, they were already there, sitting on the couch.

'Movie night?' I suggested reaching for the remote control.

They all agreed and got comfortable. While I went upstairs for two blankets, Peter and Gene made us some sandwiches and hot tea.

'Thank you.' I smiled at Gene when I took the cup of tea from his hand.

'So, Hailey... Do you still hate snow?' Paul put his arms around me.

'Maybe.' I shrugged. 'It's so wet and cold.' I added.

'But did you have fun?' Ace cocked a brow, sipping his cup of tea.

'Yeah, I did.' I smiled at him.

'So, what are we watching?' Peter snitched the remote control from me.

'I don't know. Anything that's on the telly.' I smuggled up to Paul.

'Okay.' Pete shrugged and went through all the channels before he stopped at a cheesy romantic movie.

Although I hate winter, I did have fun today. And before my dad got home from work, they went home. We planned that we'll build a snowman at Paul's place. He promised us hot chocolate and grilled cheese. And he makes the best ones.


I hope you like it👉🏼👈🏼❤️

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