I'm Bad pt. 2 (Ace Frehley X Reader)

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Doing this because of HobbitLover13 and Unicorn_Princess_45 because they really wanted a part 2 to this one shot I did a while back. I hope y'all like it! ☺️

I took Ace's advice and went home that night. But not because he told me to. I wanted to get outta there anyway. I got on the first plane and went home to my parents.

That was three years ago. I tried to move on. I almost got married last year but my brother, Peter, told me not to.

He's going to hold a little party for my niece's Christening soon. He invited everyone he keeps close to his heart. And yes, that includes Ace too.

'Does he have anyone right now?' I asked, my niece in my arms, giggling freely.

'I don't know, Y/N.' He sighed.

Since he sabotaged every one of my relationships, I decided to move in with him and his wife, Debra. My parents were glad when I told them that I'm gonna live with my brother.

'Never-mind.' I shook my head. 'I don't care about him anymore.'

'You sure?' He cocked an eyebrow, with a smirk.

'Completely.' I nodded. 'Here, change your daughter's diaper.' I handed her to him.

He made a face at the smell. He hates changing diapers. He's done it enough when I was little. He hated to it then and he hates it now.

I went to the kitchen and made myself some coffee. I stopped smoking, everything, a year and a half ago. Coffee became my new obsession. I needed it. Two cups every day. And painting. Peter set up a whole room for me for that. I already did five huge paintings since I settled in. He wants me to put them in a gallery but I'm not that talented. Although I could sell them for some money.

'What's up dear?' Debra walked into the kitchen. 'Do you have a dress for our princess' big day?' She chirped the question.

'No. I haven't got time to shop.' I smiled.

'We can go shopping tomorrow then. The party is on Friday, so we have a little time before that.' She suggested.

'Sure.' I shrugged.

I wasn't too happy about a shopping spree. Paparazzi are everywhere and I hate them.

'I'll let Peter know.' And with that she disappeared.


The shopping spree with Debra was a pleasant surprise. There were only a few paparazzi. Only like two or three. We went to four different shops before we found two dresses. One for the ceremony, I mean it will be in a church after all. And we got another one for the little get together party at our house.

The first one was a long, dirty white, silky dress, with lace sleeves. The second dress was a red, knee length, also silky but it was more revealing around my cleavage, and it had spaghetti straps. Debra chose it, reasoning that there will be men at the party.

Yeah, but I only cared for one person. I only wanted to see one man. But I wasn't sure if he wanted to see me too. He probably doesn't know that I live with Peter. But he maybe suspects that I'll be there too considering that it's my niece we're talking about.

'What are you thinking about?' Peter asked me as he sat down next to me in the grass.

'Nothing.' I took a deep breath.

'You wanna smoke something for old times sake?' He smiled, taking a big joint out of his pocket.

I know I said I stopped. But one time won't hurt me, right?

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