My Saviour (Peter Criss x Reader)

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Requested by Vinnie_Vincent

Today wasn't like the rest of my days. My parents had a fight, bigger than ever. And that's what I had to come home to.

'You are the one who never does anything around the fucking house!' I heard mom shouting.

'Then who goes to work every fucking day so that you can put food on the frigging table?' Dad shouted back at her.

I tried to avoid them, I tiptoed my way to my room. But it was useless, they saw me.

'And don't get me started on you, young lady!' Dad pointed at me. 'You're always away, you never help your mother around the house!' He kept shouting as he walked in front of me.


'He's right.' Mom joined him. 'Any time I ask you to do something around, you just disappear. You stay out all night hanging around with those losers. They won't make it big.' She lowered her voice a little.

'But I..'

'No, you fucking don't! You're grounded!' Dad put an end to the story.

I finally managed to get inside my room. I couldn't lock it though but I made sure that it made some noise when I closed it.

They always argue then they blame everything on me. As if I'm responsible for their broken marriage or something. If I have to blame anyone, then it's dad. He's the one who always turns mom against me.

Those nights when I stayed out was the best moments in my life. And those "losers" are my only friends. Four guys who are the sweetest I've ever met. I remember when I first met Peter in a shop. We were both searching for vinyls. We ended up talking for a few hours at the shop. We both payed for our items and agreed that we would meet next week.

And we did. And "let's meet next week" soon turned into "let's hang out tomorrow". So we met whenever I could escape from my house. One time I got caught while I tried to sneak out in the middle of the night. I couldn't meet him for three days. I didn't have his phone number so the next time we met I explained everything to him.

That's when he introduced me to his friends, Paul, Ace and Gene. They were funny looking guys with their messy hair and strange clothes. But I liked them. They were in a band actually. They wanted to make it big. They were working on their first album for a while now.

I've actually been to their recording studio a few times. They're pretty good, but my parents think they're morons for following such a dream. But I think they're brave.

'I need to leave this place.' I whispered as I looked at the pile of clothes.

I've been thinking about packing my things and just hitting the road. And I think that time finally came. I went to the door to eavesdrop. Once I made sure that no-one was in the living room, I started packing my stuff. When I was ready I made sure once again that the area was clear.

Then I opened the door and tiptoed my way to the living room. There I looked around and walked to the front door in complete silence. Then I opened the door and went out and started running as if hellhounds were chasing me. I swear I could hear my mom's voice calling me but I didn't turn around.

So I ran to the only place I felt comfortable, Peter's house. I knocked on the door and waited patiently for him to answer it.

'Hey Emily. What's up?' He opened the door. 'What's in that bag?' He narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

'I, uhm... Can I stay with for a few days?' I asked, looking around nervously.

'Yeah, sure.' He shrugged. 'But what happened?' He walked me to the kitchen.

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