I'm A Fool For You (Peter Criss x Reader)

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Requested by heartpunker123

'So then I would do this.' Peter hit the drums. 'And then Paul does his stuff and I should do this.' He hit them again making a different sound.

'Yeah, you're right.' Paul agreed.

They continued to discuss things about how the song should sound. But all I could do was focus on Peter and his moves.

It is hard to be around him because he doesn't know that I have feelings for him. But I can't tell him about them.

'Earth to Stephanie.' Ace waved his hands in front of me.

'Oh. Sorry, I spaced out.' I mumbled.

'That's usually my resort, don't steal it.' He laughed. 'You thinking about him, don't you?' He lowered his voice.

'You could be a detective.' I said sarcastically.

'Ha, ha, ha.' He rolled his eyes. 'Why don't you just tell him?' He motioned towards Peter.

'You do realize that he's married, right?' I looked at him with furrowed brows.

'Well, that never stopped him.' He shrugged.

'What?!' I shouted.

And I shouldn't have.

'What's the problem Steph?' Peter stood up from his seat.

'Nothing.' I blushed. 'We have some talking to do later.' I whispered to Ace.

'You sure?' Peter asked again.

'Yes.' I grinned and he shrugged.

'Ace, get yo ass here.' Gene said.

'Gotta go.' Ace sighed and left me alone on the couch.

But I didn't mind it. Because if he would've stayed a few more seconds I would have dragged him out of the studio to get all the information for myself.

So instead I went outside for a little walk. I needed fresh air. I took a quick walk around the block then after half an hour - or what seemed like half an hour - I went back inside.

'Where were you?' Peter's voice made me look up from the floor.

'I went for a walk.' I smiled shyly. 'Where are the others?' I peeked into the room above his shoulder.

'They went back to the apartment.' He said.

'Oh. And why did you stay?' I looked back at him.

'Someone has to take you back to your flat.' He twirled the car keys on his index finger with a big grin on his face.

'Oh. I forgot.' I blushed and walked past him to collect my stuff from the couch. 'We can go.' I reappeared next to him.

He put his left arm around my shoulders and we walked out to his car. I can drive but I don't have a car and I don't really like to drive. So instead they're taking me home every night. They even have arranged shifts for it.

But somehow in the last couple of days Peter always made an excuse to drive me home. And little does he know that it's both a blessing and a curse. I can barely find the right words when I'm around him.

'The boys were worried though.' He spoke up.

'Why?' I asked dumbfounded.

'You were gone for almost an hour and a half.' He stopped at a red light.

'I needed air.' I blurted out.

'You got enough then.' He laughed.

I just smiled and didn't say anything.

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