I Guess Not (Gene Simmons / Eric Singer x Reader)

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Requested by shandiStargrove
I hope you like it♥️

I was next in line. I held my picture close to myself and when I reached them I gave Paul the item.

'What's your name?' He signed my picture.

'Shandi.' I blushed.

'Did you enjoy the show?' Gene popped up.

'Y-yeah. It was phenomenal.' I bit my lip.

'Eric! The sharpie.' He walked towards the smaller man.

He handed him the pencil and he walked back to us.

'Where do you want your autograph?' He grinned.

I was gonna say on the picture, but he began writing on my upper arm. If I wasn't red enough now I was definitely. He then managed to sign the picture as well.

It already had Tommy's and Eric's autographs by the time Gene signed it.
Next I had my picture taken with all four of them.

'Take care, Shandi.' Eric winked at me before I left the room.

I walked out and texted my friend that she can come and get me as we talked about it earlier that day.

'Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes.' My friend said when I called her.

'Don't take too long, it's cold outside.' I told her.

'I won't.' She said then hung up on me.

'Fuck.' I shoved my phone into my pocket.

I was standing outside the big arena, waiting. The meet and greet was over about half an hour ago. It was more than I could ever imagine.

The stage was awesome and they sounded amazing. It wasn't my first time attending a KISS concert. But it was my first meet and greet. I think I can say that it went good. Except the part where I was redder than a fuckin tomato.

Another half an hour passed by without my friend showing up.

'Bitch.' I sighed.

I knew I shouldn't have trust her. She always promise everything and then never do it.

I was so cold at that moment that my whole body was shaking but I started walking despite living far away from the arena. Like a city away but who cares?

I walked alone until a car stopped beside me on the road. I found it a little strange so I continued walking.

But at one point the car stopped and two men got out of it. Usually I would be scared and run away. But these two men were Gene and Eric.

'Didn't I tell you to take care?' He joked.

'What are you doing out here in this cold?' Gene asked me.

I didn't know what to say at first. Two of my favorite people were talking to me and were worried about me. Or at least it looked like they were.

'My friend failed to pick me up.' I sighed.

'Must be a horrible friend then.' Eric stated.

Next thing I saw was Gene whispering something into Eric's ear and in the next moment I was sitting in the car with them.

'You don't have to do this.' I said.

'Well, we're not taking you home, that's for sure.' Gene grinned.

'But I -'

'Nah. You're coming with us to the hotel.' Eric smiled genuinely.

'Oh.' I said.

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