Young (Peter Criss x Reader)

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I was sitting on a chair not too far away from him. I sat there in quiet facing the painted wall. He tried to talk to me but I couldn't look at him let alone listen to his new excuse. I had enough, all I needed now was time to think. It was the third time when he came home late and I didn't say anything about it the last two occasions.

'Doll, let me explain.' He tried for the tenth time tonight but I wasn't listening. 'Please, Y/N.' He continued.

We kept this up for about an hour. He kept trying and I sat in silence. I turned around on the chair finally facing him. I took a deep breath and spoke up.

'I don't care about your excuses anymore. This was the third time and I can't keep my mouth shut forever.' I raised my voice in the middle of the talk. 'I just don't care anymore, Peter. I might be young but not that young to not know when I'm cheated on.' A single tear rolled down my cheek. 'I can't trust you right now.' I sniffled.

'Doll.' He reached for my hand but I pulled away. I didn't need his touch. I didn't need him at that moment.

'Please, don't.' I stood up crying. 'I'm staying at Gene's tonight. Don't try to follow.' I sniffed.

I went into the bedroom grabbed some clothes that I dropped into my bag and I was off to the Demon's house.

It was pitch dark and I was alone with my heart broken in two. My mom always told me to stay away from troubled men but I never listened to her. And now look where I am. Walking the streets when it's almost 1 am trying to find Gene's house in this darkness.

After wandering around for half an hour I found his house and knocked on the door.

'I swear to God if it's one of them -' He opened the door. 'Hi Y/N. What you doing here this late?' He asked me. I looked up at him my eyes full of tears ready to leave their place. 'Oh my God, Sweetheart. Come in, quickly!' He guided me inside to the living room. 'What happened?' He asked when I sat down.

'Peter.' I whispered between tears streaming down my cheeks. 'I know he's cheating.' I sniffled.

'That son of a bitch!' He growled. 'Why would he cheat on you, Baby Doll?' He sat down next to me and embraced me in a big hug.

'I just know, Gene.' I bit my lips nervously. 'I might be young but I'm not dumb.' I cried out.

'Of course you're not, Sweetheart.' He stroked my messy hair. 'Don't you ever say that about yourself, okay? You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And he couldn't ask for a better partner in crime than you.' He boosted my self-esteem.

'Then why did he cheat?' I snuggled up to his side.

'How do you know he did?' He asked me.

'It was the third time when he came home this late. That's why.' I told him my opinion.

'What if he was just out with Ace?' He looked down at me with furrowed eyebrows.

I shook my head at this. Everytime when they went out together Ace would let me know before. But considering those three occasions it never happened. That's why I think he cheated. There's no other explanation.

I spent the remaining days of the week at Gene's place. I didn't go to rehearsals with him and didn't even went to their shows. I simply couldn't but I knew I can't be doing this forever.

'I'm going home tonight.' I said playing with my food on the plate.

'You ready to face that bastard?' His deep voice echoed through the small dining room.

'I can't hide forever.' I shrugged.

'You could though.' He smiled. 'Mi casa es su casa.' He raised his hands.

'I know.' I smiled faintly. 'And I can't thank you enough.' I stood up and gave him a hug from behind.

'That confidence in you is enough for me.' He said. 'Do you need me to drop you off?'

'Nope. I'll walk home. I'm afraid if you come I'll chicken out.' I sighed.

'Well, do what you gotta do, Sweetheart.' He encouraged me.

I finished my lunch and spent the remaining hours alone in the guest room. I packed my stuff and around 7 pm I said goodbye to Gene and thanked him for the hundredth time that he let me crash at his house.

The walk home was frightening. I didn't know what to say to Peter and how should I bring this up. Gene said that he asked about me everyday but all he told him was to stay away till I calm down which I did now.

I was standing in front of his house, my hand frozen in the air, trying to knock on the door but I couldn't. But when I forced myself to do it the door suddenly opened. He stood behind it, looking like a mess. I looked him in the eye and I instantly regretted leaving him in the first place.

'I came back.' I said quietly.

'I can see that.' He growled. 'Come in.' He widened the door and I walked in.

Put my bag next to the coffee table as I sat down on the sofa.

'I wanna talk, Peter.' I fixed my hair.

'Okay.' He stood in front of me.

'But I want you to be honest with me.' I said, and he nodded. 'Firstly I want to apologise for leaving you the way I di-'

'No need. I deserved it. I had it coming.' He interrupted me shaking his head. 'You were right. Well, halfway.'

'At least you're honest.' I looked down at the carpet, my vision starting to become blurry.

'It's not what you think. The only part you're right about is that I came home latter than I should have. The other part that you don't know is the reason why.'

'Then tell me.' I bit my lower lip.

'I've been writing a song with Ace for you. Those three occasions when I came home after midnight? Those were the days when I recorded the song.' He explained and I felt like a complete idiot.

'So you didn't -' I looked up at him once again.

'No.' He smiled softly. 'I tried to explain before but you weren't listening. But it's my fault that I let you think I was cheating.' He took my hands into his. 'Trust me Y/N, I could never.' He pulled me up on my feet. 'You're my partner in crime for life. And I'm not letting you go.' He promised and I didn't hesitate to kiss him right there and then.

'I love you, Peter.' I murmured into our kiss.

'I love you more, Y/N.' He said pulling away just for that sentence then he continued from where he left off.

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