He Don't Need To Know Pt. 3 (Peter Criss x Reader)

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As the tour went on and the end of it was closer I became more and more anxious. I didn't know how to tell Matt that I - multiple times - cheated on him. Though with only one person.

I talked to him on the phone but I couldn't bring up the topic. Not yet.

'Stop it!' Gene's voice brought me back. 'You're ruining my shirt.' He whined.

'Don't worry. Peter's personal assistant will take care of it for you.' Paul snickered mockingly.

'Okay. You can stop it.' Peter walked through the door. 'I know you all hate me now. But she choose me. Get over it.' He walked over to me. 'Do I need to punch any of them?' He whispered the question into my ear.

'No.' I shook my head unperceived.

He stood next to me and put his hand around my waist.

'Yeah, rub it in our faces, Petey boy.' Ace rolled his eyes but burst into laughter soon.

I didn't listen to them because I got used to them mocking us about it. But only Ace asked me how I'm doing. Party because he remembered that I'm married.

I walked out and left everyone in the room.

Tour ends in four days so I needed to talk to Matt. And this is what I did as soon as I reached my hotel room. I picked up the phone from the nightstand and dialed Matt's number. Well, our number.

It rang four times before he picked it up.


'Hi.' I said hesitantly.

'Y/N. How you doing honey?' His voice softened.

'I just wanted to tell you that I'm going home on Sunday.' I informed him.

'That's amazing honey.' Although his voice wasn't that happy.

'I -' I tried but a noise interrupted me.

I looked at it's direction and saw that the door was open. And Peter was coming through it. He let out a smile and walked closer.

'You what?' Matt's voice interrupted us.

'I'm here.' Peter whispered.

'I... It might be sudden and I understand if you're not ready for it but.. As much as I adore you and loved you for the past five years -' I sniffed. 'I want a divorce Matt.' I said finally.

He went silent for a few seconds. And Peter used those moments to sit next to me.

'I'm not surprised.' Matt spoke up. 'Since you work for that damn band you never here. I can't even remember when was the last time we went somewhere together. Or spent a day without you having to run away because of a band emergency.' He ranted angrily.

'I-i'm truly s-sorry Matt.' My voice was stuttering.

I almost started crying but Peter put a hand on my thigh which calmed me down a little.

'I know Y/N. I'm sorry too. I told you to take that job, unaware of what it might do to us.' He sighed.

'There's some -' I tried to bring up the other issue.

'I gotta go now, Y/N.' He interrupted me. 'Whatever it is, we'll talk about it when you get back home.' He hang up on me.

I stared at the white wall not knowing what to do. The phone slowly slid out of my hand. Peter caught it in time and placed it back to it's place.

'What did he say?' He asked me.

'He thinks that I only want a divorce because I spend a lot of time on the road, without him.' I told him still looking at the wall.

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