Empty Promises Pt. 2 (Gene Simmons x Reader)

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netherlandsantilles thought I should do a part two to this, so here it comes.

Y/N's point of view

'We'll be in Toledo, Ohio in two days. Why don't you come and see us?' Paul asked over the phone.

'I can't. I bailed on him, Paul. I can't just go and pretend like I didn't do anything.' I sighed. 'Plus I'm with Rob. He wouldn't let me.' I added.

'What do you mean he wouldn't let you?' He asked surprised.

'It doesn't matter. I can't go. It will be the best. He'll find someone else, I'm sure of it.' I hopped on the couch.

'No, he won't. I told him you loved him. But I'm sure you still do, anyways he knows and now he rejects women. And it's a big thing from him. He's been so melancholic these past few days. I've never seen him like this before.' He explained.

'You're such an idiot, Paulie!' i screamed. 'I told you not to tell him. Ugh why are men so stupid?!' I asked the rhetoric question.

'Sorry.' He apologized. 'But we were waiting for an hour for you to show up. I shouted at him, Y/N, you know I never do that. And it slipped out of my mouth.' He sighed.

'Next time I see you a knife will slip out of my hand.' I warned him.

'You wouldn't.' He chuckled.

'Bold of you to assume I wouldn't stab someone.' I grinned and he went silent. 'Anything you want to talk about or can I go?' I asked.

'Go, but I won't stop. I'll get your ass here.' He said. 'Bye Y/N.' He added.

'Bye.' I hung up the phone.

His offer was charming but I had to say no. I bailed on Gene and now I can't just show up and pretend I didn't do anything wrong. Because I did.

I promised him I would go with them and I didn't keep my word. If I were him I wouldn't bother to talk to me anymore.

Paul's point of view

'Bill could you book a plane ticket for Y/N?' I asked him.

'Oh, she decided to come?' He asked curiously.

'Y-yeah.' I nodded. 'She will come to the concert in Toledo.' I smiled.

'Sure thing. I make a few phone calls.' He winked at me and left the place.

She'll come whether she wants or not. Even if it means I'll get stabbed.

Your point of view

The next day I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. I groaned and reached for it.

'What?' I picked it up.

'You have a plane to attend in two hours. It takes you to Toledo. I'm glad you decided to join us on the tour.' A man talked and I soon realized it was Bill.

'Thanks for the heads up, Billy.' I hung up the phone.

I'm gonna fuckin' kill you Paul. I thought while I got out of bed. I walked to my wardrobe. I took out some clothes and dropped them into my suitcase nearby. I got dressed and after an hour I was ready to go. Even though I didn't want to.

I grabbed a taxi and went straight to the airport. I walked up to a woman in uniform and asked her about directions.

Once I got them I went straight there. First I tried to refund my ticket but the man strictly said no. After waiting in line I finally got on the plane.

The journey was boring. I slept through the whole thing. A flight attendant woke me up when we arrived. It was around 7 pm when I called Billy from a payphone asking which hotel they're staying at.

I took a taxi to the hotel and as soon as I got my room number I hit the elevator. When I was inside the room I jumped onto the bed. It was so comfortable and full of fluffy pillows.

I felt like as if I was in heaven. I looked at the clock on the night stand. It was around 8 pm. The concert must have started by now.


I've been alone for three and a half hours before I heard voices from the hallway. I also heard some female's voices. I rolled my eyes but I opened the door and looked out.

Paul had two girls around him and so did Eric. Vinnie only had one girl walking beside him. And Gene - to my surprise - was alone. He was walking behind the others.

'Y/N! You made it!' Paul shouted leaving the girls to hug me.

I grimaced but my heart skipped a beat when I glanced at Gene who was looking at me shocked.

'You gave me no choice.' I said faking a smile.

'Sorry.' He whispered in my ear when he hugged me.

'Watch out for knives.' I murmured and he let go of me immediately.

'Rude.' He narrowed his eyes.

Then he left with the girls and the others left too. Only Gene stayed in the hallway, looking at the floor.

'Hi.' I whispered.

'Hi.' He said back.

'Wanna come in to talk?' I scratched my arm.

It felt awkward.

'Sure.' He nodded.

We went into my room and sat down on the bed. My back was leaning against the backrest and he was sitting in front of me.

'I -' We both spoke at the same time.

'You start.' He pointed at me.

'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you hanging.' I apologized.

'It's fine.' He shrugged.

'No, it's not. I know I can be such a bitch most of the time but-'

'It's fine. Paul told me that I turned you into this mess. I should've realized your feelings.' He bit his lower lip.

'I never showed any sign because you always brought newer and newer girls so I thought why bother.' I shrugged.

'I like you, Y/N.' He said. 'I always did. I was afraid to tell you.' He confessed.

'You do?' The sparks flew across my eyes and he nodded. 'But I'm afraid it's too late now.' I sighed.

'What do you mean by that?' He moved closer.

'I was a total bitch for a long time now. I can't expect you to forgive me and be together.' I bit into my lower lip.

'Why not? I'm the one who turned you into this madness.' He pointed at me. 'I put up with you being ignorant towards me. I am willing to continue to do so.' He offered.

'No. I don't want you to do that. You deserve someone better than me. Someone who's not me.' I frowned.

'Is there any chance I can win you back?' Sadness was sitting in his eyes.

'I don't think so.' I sighed. 'But I promise I'll try to be around more.' I said.

'That's something.' He half smiled.

'Let's go, grab something to eat. I'm starving.' I wriggled my eyebrows and got out of bed.

Gene let out a sigh before he got up. He held my hand during the walk. It felt good. I still like him but I don't think we'll ever be a good fit for each other. But I promised him I would try to stick around more. And this time I'm really keeping my words.


Author's Note: Don't forget that requests are always open💕

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