-Part 1-

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Thinking about it now, the previous year in hell was definitley not as terrifying as the current one. 

Firstly, they didn' t begin harrassing me until Deidra left the school for impecably obvious reasons near the end of the previous school year. They are the worst beasts that you could possibly imagine. They have a perfectly innocent look on their faces, whilst they speak to the instructors that control the river flow of knowledge that is being poured into our brains. They then push you into lockers, and slam your thin fingers between the metal door and in it's hinges. Once you fall they kick, not one hard blow, or three soft ones, but many gut wrenching, and painful times until they hear you whimper on the cold tiles in the hallway. 

Secondly, I now have nobody. Not a single soul that would think twice about coming to face me, to have a proper conversation, to say hello, or even to slightly smile at me as we pass through the masses of dead, disgusted and expressionless faces. Deidra left because of their abuse, and I've been thinking about doing the same.

And thirdly, because I've only been living in this town for two extremely terrible years now. I may, or may not have sneakily slipped out my slender window in the middle of the night with a tight budget and a plane ticket when I found out that my best-friend removed herself from the game. Dived head first into the rabit hole. Was a sock who fell into the secret vortex of never-return dryer land. She ran away, and never tried to make contact with me again, although I made that sound as though she rather killed herself. I apologize. 

As these thoughts were coming to an end, the bell signalling my buisness class is over erupted, and as if on que, Luke walked out the door, but I saw his baggy, red shirt waiting in one spot. He always tripped me when I came out of my classes. 

I quickly shoved all my books, and loose papers into my backpack, then began to walk slowly toward the door. I waited a second for the girl in front of me to leave so I was the desolate last person here. I saw his foot stick out a little bit from behind the doorway. I walked. Then as soon as I got to the door, without even thinking that there would be more of his kind waiting as I exited, I stepped on his foot as I walked out. I ran down the hallway towards the bus. I heard two sets of footsteps coming up from behind me. 

I watched as the bus pulled away from the visible parking space. I kept running, out the large glass doors, and began down the road to my house. Where I lived alone. It was cheap, but it was more homely than the place my mom obtained.

It was normally a forty-five minute walk, so it might be a slow twenty-five minute jog if I'm lucky enough to loose them. Those odds were not in my favor, I felt one of my wrists being yanked back in the opposite way I was runnning which landed me awkwardly on the sidewalk, with one foot nearly twisted in a complete circle, I heard the low, evil laughter. 

They were literally almost like the Joker, and any other crazy, phsyco, murderous villain that you've ever read about in books or comics. Except they don't make it that easy, they push you through a series of pain until you either dissapear, or break-down and do the literal 'killing' yourself. I would never do that, never give them such a pleasure. 

I just close my eyes, deciding to make it appear as though I've blacked out, or passed out. I heard the rest of the brain-dead possy make their up the side walk. 

"What the hell?" said a familiar voice. It was most-likey Ardene. She sounded scarily concerned for a second until she continued, "You could go to jail! She is still," she paused, "you know."

"She's fine, just hit her head, we should see her tomorrow," Luke laughed, I heard the group of un-wanted misfits waddle themselves down the side walk in the opposite way of my home, I opened my left eye, slowly. I see them rounding the corner. I slowly get off the sidewalk, and turn around to see a smirking Luke. 

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