-Part 28-

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After the water ballon fight, I told the boys that I would make dinner if they took apart the beds upstairs. 

They agreed, and I headed back downstairs after they agreed to pasta, becasue in all honesty I did not want to cook right now. 

I heard the doorbell ring, and I peered out the window to see Carter standing there looking down at a piece of paper, or maybe a phone. 

I panicked and sprinted up the stairs to the bedroom where all the boys were failing to take the beds apart. 

"Luke, he's here," I said with a scared tone, I felt tears brimming my eyes because he now knew where I lived. 

"Who?" Luke laughed before standing and looking me in the eyes, which were now glossy. 

"Carter, he knows where I live!" I said as I began to pace. 

"I'll get rid of him," Michael said as he stood, "He doesn't know who I am," he stated. I hugged him before he walked out and I heard the wole conversation as I paced. I felt someone grab me and hug me. I knew it was Calum, and I burried my head into his chest, and he squeezed my shoulder's tighter. 

I heard Michael come back up the stairs, and I turned and hugged him. 

"What did he say?" I asked into his shoulder. 

"I told him that thi was my house, and that I didn't know who you were, and then he left," he said. 

"Thank you," I said, "I'm sorry for freaking out," I let go of Michael and wiped under my eyes with my thumbs. 

"Need help with supper," Calum asked. I nodded, and grabbed my speaker from the dresser before heading downstairs. 

I plugged my phone into them and played 'The 1975' album, before walking over to the cupboard and pulling out the ingrediants for pasta. 

I heard Calum walk in, "What do you need me to do?" He asked eagerly, I stiffled a laugh, and told him that he could boil water, he abliged, and did so. 

I began chopping tomatos, and green oinion, which I never recalled buying, but hey, it works. 

I looked over at Calum and saw him slightly dancing, and singing in a hushed tone. I laughed, as I pushed the vegtables to the side, and put out another pot for the sauce, I threw the vegtables in, along with some white sauce that I found at the grocery store and turned it up. 

I was swinging my hips as I grabbed five plates, and sets of cutlery, and placed them on the island. The song 'Chocolate' came on and I began singing and dancing around the kitchen as I reached for glasses. 

I couldn't reach them, if course, "Calum?" I asked. He turned to face me with a smile, "Can you grab those?" I asked. He then danced while he sung the song, over to me and reached over my head to grab the glasses. He set them on the island, and grabbed  my hands. He spun me in circles as the song played, and we laughed. 

I saw and/or heard the water boilig and broke the dancing session to pour the noodles into the pot. 

Calum grabbed my hands again as the song switched, and we slow danced, but at a faster pace than what you normally see. I laughed as he kept spinning me faster and faster. 

He kept dancing with me as he stirred the sauce, and then we looped around the island a few times before the food was ready. 

When I took the food off the stove top, I was having difficulty draining the pasta, so Calum took that over while I seperated the plates, and stirred the sauce once more. 

"Can you go grab them?" I asked when he set the pot beside me on the island. 

"Yes, ma'am," he said in an American accent, I laughed and shook my head. 

I gave each of the boys a large amount of pasta before laying the colourful sauce over it, I then placed three barley leaves on each. 

They looked good, if I did say so myself. 

They reminded me of when I used to work in this fancy restaurant, and a chef walked out, so they needed me to take his place for a while. It was a good paying job, but I moved here and couldn't drive there from here. 

The boys walked in, and sat around the table, as I placed the food in front of them one by one. I gave them forks, and placed my bowl down as I sat. 

"Shit," Michael said, "this is so good," he said as he shoved a forkful of the food into his mouth. 

I laughed at his comment, "It really is good, Katie, thanks," Ashton said. I replied with a wink and a smile. 

"Are you guys excited for your tour?" I asked, "It's not too late if you don't want to go," I said. 

They all shouted 'You're going!" at the same time, and I held up my hands in surrender. 

"Just making sure," I said. 

"Are you packed and stuff?" Luke asked. 

"Yeah, I was packing while you guys were in the garage earlier," I said as I took another bite of my food. 

"Sorry about Harry," Luke said. 

"It's okay, really, don't worry about him," I told him with a chuckle. Harry really did make me uncomfortable, but the last thing that I needed was for him to be worrying about how I feel while he was on tour. 

"Are you sure?" he asked, "We all have your back," he said. 

I nodded and smiled at them, "Thanks," I told them. 

They smiled and finished their food, Ashton insisted on doing dishes.

I headed upstairs, and showered, then changed into pajamas. 

I came out and the boys were all on the floor with pillows and blankets, "You guys can all fit on the bed you know," I told them laughing as I grabbed my towel, and headed for the door. 

"You get to sleep in your bed," Michael told me as he dragged me back to my bed, and pulled the covers back. 

"No, you guys can't sleep on the floor," I said, "I'm sure we can all fit," I told them. They all immdiately jumped up, and covered the bed laughing as they found places over adn under eachother. 

I crawled in between Calum and Ashton with the comforter, and we all made sure that everyone was covered. 

Luke got up from the bed for a minute to set an alarm, and turn out the lights, we laughed as he wiggled his way back into an un-coccupied place on the bed. 

Doing this, all of us sleeping in one bed, didn't feel awkward to me. It didn't feel un-nessacarily sexual or wrong, because they were like the closest friends I've ever had. 

I sub-conciously snuggled closer to Calum though, and he wrapped his arm around me. I laughed lightly, and I felt him smirking, "What?" he asked. 

"You smell good," I complimented, "Sorry, that was a weird comment," I said and placed my hand on my forehead. 

"It's okay," he said, "You smell like," he paused, "chocolate," he chuckled, "Was that a weird comment?"

"Yes," I told him as I fell asleep. 

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