-Part 29-

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I woke up to an annoying default alarm noise, and sat up with a slow yawn. I was about to swing my legs over the edge of the bed, when I realized that I was in the middle, and on each side of me were snoring boys. 

I decided that I would just push them off of the bed, because why wouldn't I? I mean this is a great oppourtunity to do so, and I won't be getting this chance for a while, so I pushed Calum off with a huge thud, then Michael, followed by Ashton, and then Luke. They all groaned and blamed eachother as they all stood, and then I just pretended to sleep in the centre of the bed. 

I heard them all laugh in a sarcastic tone, "Very funny," Michael said. I felt someone grab my ankles and drag me quickly towards the edge of the bed, I tried grabbing the headboard, then the pillows, followed by a desperate attempt to clutch the comforter, but it didnt work. I was pulled off the bed, and fell onto the floor. 

I laughed, "I guess I had that coming," I told them, I looked around for Luke's phone so I could shut off the alarm, but couldn't see it. The annoying song kept looping, "Turn the goddamned alarm off!" I shouted at Luke. 

He put his hands in the air in surrender. 

When the alarm went silent, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. 

"Can I shower before we leave? Please?" I asked as they grabbed their clothes. 

"Yeah, go quick," Luke told me. I grabbed a towel and ran into the bathroom. 

When I finished I changed into a pair of black leggings, and a grey sweatshirt, but it was too big, so I grabbed a black hair elastic and gathered a majority of the fabric towards the back, and tied it. I slid on my shoes, and quickly towel dried my hair before grabbing my suicase and following the boys downstairs. 

I saw a van in front of the house, and surrounding it was the boys. I rolled my suicase over there, and a large man took my bag and put it in the back. I told him thank you, then walked over to the circle of boys. 

"Ready to go?" Michael asked. 

"Yeah," I told them nervously. 

"Well, let's go," Ashton said with a smile as we all piled into the van. 

The ride to the airport was quiet except for when one of them would film a short video every three seconds, other than that, silence. 

We pulled into the airport and the boys told me to stay with them or else I would get lost in the crowd. As we approached, I wondered why they meant by 'crowd', but once we began making our way towards the gate, I was greeted with a large wave of screaming girls. 

I was so shocked, and flabbergasted, that I just stopped halfway through the crowd. I couldn't hear my own thoughts, I looked around, but couldn't see the boys anymore. I began to panic, and managed to shove through a couple girls in the process, but couldn't move further. I felt an extremely strong grip on my wrist, and saw the huge man that took my suitcase to the car earlier, draging me through the girls, I stumbled trying to keep up with his step. He let go of my wrist once we were out of the gate, and walking through the empty hallway. We then walked up the ramp into the plane, where I saw Luke pacing. 

"There you are!" He laughed, as he saw me and dragged me to my seat, "You thought I was kidding?" 

"Well, yeah," I told him, still out of breath from the fast pace the guard dragged me at. 

Luke laughed again as the flight attendant began the mandatory speech, we then buckled ourselves into our seats, me between Luke and Michael, with Ashton and Calum and another teenage boy with black hair sat beside them behind us. 

I held Luke and Michael's hands while the plane took off. I always felt sick and anxious, although I had been riding in planes to and from Australlia since I was seven years old, it was still a little nerve wrecking. 

Once the plane was flying causually in the air, I let go of their hands and they took them back, twisting their wrists this way and that as a stretch from the grip I was holding them in. I apologized and they laughed it off. 

Michael was talking about some bands, as Luke scrolled through his phone, I eventually fell asleep, not to be rude toward Michael or anything, but I just needed to sleep. I leaned my head back onto the headrest at the top of the seat, and I had no clue how after a few hours I was sprawled across the two boys, my legs across Luke's lap, and my head in Michael's, and beign skaken awake at the shoulders. 

"Katie we're here," Michael said. I quickly apologized for making their plane ride uncomfortable, and pulled my seatbelt across my chest. 

I tried my best to refrain from gripping onto the boys hands again, and so I clutched the armrests until my knuckles turned white. Luke put his hand over mine, and smiled, I gave him a small smile back as I felt like I was about to throw up all over him.

But when the plane finished it's descent, I let out the breath that I didn't even know I was holding in.


Author's Note;

I know that the issue is beyond apologies, and I'm sorry for not updating in what seems like an extremely long time. 

I've really just been trying to get settled into my new school, which has been a little difficult. 

I'll keep trying my best to update, any ideas for the story would be much appriciated! 

xoxo To The Moon And Back,

Katie, :)

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