-Part 9-

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I looked at Calum's profile to see that he had a little less than one million followers. I don't use Twitter, so I didn't understand how many people that actually was. I stared at the phone for what seemed to be a few minutes, continuouly refreshing the page. I saw some scary things, and some lovely things.

I saw one that said something like, "Wtf? Is that a girlfriend I see?" I was about to reply, but I remembered that this was Calum's account. 

Other's said things such as, "I'm going to cut that bitch!" And, "Who is she?"

Then, occasionally I would see something like, "Well, Luke looks happy. So I'm happy!" That made me smile, then I thought about how she probably thought that I was dating him, and I then got a little sick that people were thinking that we were dating. 

'She's dead,' one said. I don't understand why that comment specifically got to me. My eyes hurt from staring at the screen. I closed them for a second then heard the front door close. I gripped Calum's phone, and ran to the door. I opened it to see the boys getting into Luke's car, they all looked nice, but normal. I sat on the front step after I closed the door. Calum saw me, and I heard the passenger door open, he ran up to me. 

"You okay? You've been staring at my phone for two hours," I handed him the phone.

"I'm fine, I just didn't know where you guys were," I laughed. Then burried my head in my hands, the tiredness begining to get to me, "Where are you going anyways?" I asked as he began walking back to the car. 

"A party. One of Luke's friends," he said. I nodded, and stood, turnign to walk back into the house, "You should come," he said. I opened the front door.

"No way," I laughed as I shut the door, and walked towards my couch. 

I sat staring at the wall for maybe, five minutes before I heard the front door open, "Why back so soon?" I asked. Then all four of the well-dressed boys walked into the room, and stood in front if me, behind the coffee table. 

"Go get ready," Luke said in a stern laughing tone.

"Why? I'm not going to a party with your douches of friends at school," I said crossing my arms and laying down on the couch, setting my head on the pillow. 

"Katie, they're not from school," Luke said. 

"I don't care," I said trying to fall asleep. 

I saw Luke walk over, and grab my arm, he attempted to pull me off the couch and succeded, "Would you rather arrive in your pajamas? Or change?" He said. I knew that he wouldn't drop the topic until I agreed. I stomped up the stairs. I slammed the door, and changed into black, ripped jeans and a black shirt that had the face of skull ripped into the back. I brushed my hair hastily, and put my black sneakers on, I then ran down the stairs to see the boys waiting, I walked out the front door, the boys followed. 

"I'm not drinking, or partying," I said as I took my place in the passenger seat.

"Whatever you say," Luke said, with a slight, shy laugh. 

I just ooked out the window, scared, and not knowing who was hosting the party, where it was, or how I would sneak away when the boys let me out of their sight.

When the car stopped, and I heard doors shut over the loud, thumping bass and loud screams coming from inside the full house. 

I jumped when I heard someone knock on my window. I quickly removed my seatbelt, and opened the door. I saw Luke standing there with a grin. 

"You are not just going to sit in the car," he said as we began walking towards the house. 

"I really don't want to be here," I said miserably. He opened the door and the strong aroma of alcohol and sweat, which wasn't exactly a pleasant smelling when you weren't drunk out of reality like most of the people here. 

When you first walk into the house, the lights are dim, and there are plenty of grinding teenagers. I watched as Luke's eyes wandered across the room, from girl with dripping makeup to girl with red solo cup in hand. I watched as he dragged me to the kitchen where I found a cup, and filled it with water. I then  stood with my back against the kitchen counter.  

I had already lost sight of Luke and all the boys, I might as well begin walking, I thought. I took my cup and crumpled it up, looking for a trashcan, I luckily found one under the sink. When I jumped up, ready to walk out and of course, had bumped into an extremely attractive boy in the most cliche way. He spilt some of his drink on my stomach. I laughed, as he reached for something to dab my shirt with. He seemed concerned. His long-ish, brown hair that swept to the side. He was tall, and wore all black. I could tell that he was drunk when he stumbled back up to me with paper towel.

"I'm so sorry," he kept repeating. I just re-assured him that I was just leaving, and that he had nothing to apologize for between laughs. 

"I have to go now," I said begining to walk towards the living room, "Maybe I'll see you another time."

I was halfway through the living room, when I felt someone latch onto my wrist, it was the cute drunk, "At least let me," he paused for a second, "Walk you home," he said as though he had came up with a brilliant idea. 

"No that's okay, you should stay here," I said as I made an a-line to the front door. 

"I didn't catch your name," he said calling after me. 

"Because I didn't give it to you," I said walking throught the front door, to see Micheal 'chatting' with a girl who was extremely innocent looking, petite blonde. I snuck past him on the porch, and began walking down the sidewalk. 

For some reason I was rather dissapointed that no one ran after me, and tried to get me to come back to the party then offer to walk me home while taking care of my intoxicated behavior, but I continued to march home, admiring the dim light that lit up small areas around the cold street. I should've grabbed a sweater before leaving. 

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