-Part 13-

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I laughed when I almost ran into the shorline before Niall raced up and took the wheel. 

"You can't smash the boat," he said laughing. 

"It wasn't on purpose," I said. 

We were now hading back to the marina, and I walked down to the deck. There was going to be at least forty-five minutes before we got back, so I walked around to the back of the boat, and opened a small, white latch that prevented people from standing on the platform of the other side. I walked along it, watching the waves that ripple in the water as the boat lurched forward.

The water was so clear, I could almost touch it. I sat cross-legged, and put my shoes over the half-wall so they wouldn't fall in the water. 

I just stared, I saw a few fish swimming around the surface, I smiled. 

I leaned over the edge to see where the fish went, I saw them swimming right beside the boat. 

I felt a huge bump, and with that, I was thrown off the boat. 

"He-," I couldn't finish before I took a huge gulp of salt water. My arms were flailing. I kept going under, and I kept losing sight of the boat between the waves. I began to swim to the boat, but it felt like I was going nowhere before I had to stop, if I didn't I would drown. I kept my eye on the boat, I then noticed that the boat stopped moving, and the loud hum of the engine wasn't parading through my ears anymore.

I heard my name, I looked over the wave and saw all six boys staning on the small platform looking to every direction, except mine. 

"He-," I tried screaming, "HELP!" I said, I heard two splashes dive into the water before I fell under again, I tried really, really hard to come back up, but I couldn't. 

I felt another gulp of salt water go into my mouth. I just decided that maybe I could float back to the surface, I just stopped moving. 

I felt people's arms wrap around each of my arms, and then I gasped for air when I could. 

It felt like I kept blacking out every few seconds, before I was lifted fully out of the water. 

I was thudded onto the deck, and just with that the water was knocked out of my lungs.

The water burned as it came out my nose, and cratched my throat. I felt hands on my back and shoulders. 

"It's okay," Luke said. He was making circles on the top of my back. 

I threw up over the edge of the boat, I saw Calum's arms hold me back so I wouldn't fall off. 

"Now that's hot," I said pointing at the water. My eyes closed, and I heard them all laugh. I put my head on the platform, and jut layed there. 

"Come on," Niall said lifing me in a bridal style way, and I felt him set me on the long couch inside the hub of the boat. 

"Thank you," I said before I cuddled up with a blanket wrapped around me. 

"Well, I'm going to go stear the boat now," he said before kissing forehead, "Katie what the hell is that?" He asked. 

"What's what?" I mumbled half asleep. 

"Your eye, who did that?" He asked, I realized that the makeup was probably washed away.

"Oh, no one, just Luke's girlfriend a while ago," I began to drift off. I was still extremely cold. 

The blanket wasn't giving me any heat what so ever. I just shivered, and chattered my teeth as I fell asleep. 

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