-Part 14-

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I woke up in an extremely comfortable position, I pushed away from what I thought was the back of the couch.
I stopped pushing away when I realized that I was laying in Calum's arms, most likely so I wouldn't fall off the couch again.
The house felt extremely cold, but Calum was so warm. I was shivering.
I felt Calum pull me closer so he could wrap his arms further around my shoulders.
"You're really cold," he said in a raspy voice, with his eyes still shut.
"Just a little," I said, and then my eyelids got heavier again and I buried my head closer to Calum's chest.
I then remembered that I had school today. I quickly shot up, desperately trying not to hurt Calum, and I raced up the stairs and into the room, all three boys were sleeping.
"What's wrong?" I heard Calum whisper as he came into the room, he was rubbing the back of his head.
"I have school," I said grabbing a sweater and jeans from my closet, and walked into the bathroom.
Before I closed the door, I peeked my head out.
"Thanks for not letting me sleep on the floor," I said.
"No problem," he replied with a warm smile.
I changed and raced downstairs,
I was late, so I decided to take my car.
I sped to the school and found a discrete parking space.
I made my way into the building to see that it was lunch. I walked to the office and verified my tardiness.
I heard the bell ring, and began making my way to my business class.
I ran towards the room like I was running for my life, because if Ardene was back before court, she would definitely try something, and if she wasn't here, her and Luke's friends would be.
I made it to my class and saw some of Luke's friends sat at their desks. They looked at me with petty smiles.
I just hurried to my seat and took out my books.

When class finished I tried to make my way to the door as quickly as possible, but as soon as I got into the hall, I felt a few pinches all over my body, I flinched with each one.
I really couldn't do this.
I ran towards the office and told the principal that I was extremely sick, being sure to hold my stomach and add that I threw up in the girls washroom.
She excused me, I walked as fast as I could toward the exit, but I felt a few pairs of eyes on me as I walked toward the parking lot.
I dialled Luke's phone number, but didn't put it to my ear, I was then pushed up against a random car.
"Why hello Katie," one of Luke's friends said as they pushed their chest against mine, I could barely breathe as they got closer.
"Get off," I said pushing him away, I saw that the phone was answered and then it hung up. Of course he would ignore me.
"But you see, I can't do that," he said grabbing me and forcing me against another car.
"You know what? I'm so sick of your shit! I'm so done with all of you!" Yelled in his face, I looked him in the eyes and tried to kick him but he backed away just in time.
I made it a few steps before he grabbed me again and slapped me.
I cowered to the ground once he kicked me behind the knees, I held my cheek.
I heard fast footsteps hurdling towards me, I figured it was the other boy that was with the boy who was currently beating on me.
"Hey Luke, want a turn?" The boy asked after kicking me in the stomach and laughing for the second time.
"That's not cool, stop," I heard Luke say, I felt him begin to pick me up by my waist.
"What the hell, just beat her," the guy said, I was then abruptly let go, and hit the ground with a slight thud.
"No," I heard Luke say. By the proximity of his voice I could tell that he was now standing.
"So you've gone soft," the guy said with a smirk.
I then heard a huge thud, and then felt someone try to lift me, I flinched not knowing who it was.
"It's just me," Luke said lifting me up so I was standing on my feet, I was crouched over due to the horrible pain in my stomach. I looked down at the boys body, he was trying to get up, but failed. Resulting in him just laying on the concrete.
"Thank you," I said to Luke as he helped me into his car.
"Let me see," he said when I was situated in the passenger seat, the door was open and he was crouching beside me, my legs were facing out of the car in his direction.
I lifted my shirt only a little bit to show my stomach, where a huge, ripe bruise was forming all over my stomach. It varied in colour, some places were darker than others.
"Do you want to go to the hospital?" He asked looking up at me and pulling down my shirt.
I shook my head 'no'.
"Are you sure?" He asked with a worried expression and raised eyebrows.
"Really, I can take care of it," I said as I painfully pulled my feet into the car. Luke closed my door gently and made his way to the driver's seat.
"How do you know how to take care of that? That needs medical attention," he bobbed his head out of confusion as he spoke.
"It's happened before," I said in a small whisper and he just looked in his lap, knowing that at one point he was the person who caused this.
"Is he going to be okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, nothing he hasn't been through before," he said and started the car, "wait, why would you want him to be okay after what he just did to you?" He was so confused.
"Because I shouldn't be the reason people get hurt," I said. He nodded and began to drive.

We eventually pulled up to the house and he shut down the car but we didn't move.
"Did you ever wish that I would just die?" He asked looking straight out the windshield.
"Never," I replied.
"Because I knew that it was all my fault."
"Everything that I, we, ever did to you was never your fault. I was just stupid, and let this happen to you, if anything, I deserve to-," I cut him off.
"Nobody deserves that," I said.
"No one deserves to die," I repeated.
"How do you do that?" He asked looking at me.
"Do what?" I asked in pain as I turned to face him.
"You let everyone get away with everything, no questions asked. You see the good in people, when there isn't any," he said.
"Because there's always good in people, Luke," I said before trying to open the door, but couldn't get good leverage on the handle because of the mixture of a confined space, and stomach pain.
"Here," he said grabbing the keys and jumping out of the car.
He ran around to my side of the car and opened the door, he helped me out, easing up each time I winced although it wasn't him causing the pain.
We walked into the house, and looked to my left as we walked past the open garage door where I saw Michael and Calum tuning their guitars and laughing they didn't notice me and I smiled.
We then walked past the kitchen where I saw Ashton eating toast while on a laptop, and he didn't notice us walk by. Luke situated me on the couch, and I moaned with pain, I tried to be quiet but I saw Ashton walk in and look at me.
"What happened?" He asked walking over to me.
Luke pulled the blanket over me and went to grab as much ice from the freezer as he could, Ashton followed.
I waited a few minutes and tried to get up to see where they were, but groaned and laid back down, as I heard something from the freezer crash to the floor.
"What the-" I heard Michael say.
"What's the ice for?" I heard Calum say, I imagined that Luke either pointed toward the living room, or shook his head toward it because I didn't hear anything before Calum jogged into the room.
"You doing okay?" He asked.
I nodded.
"You're lying," he said with a smirk, and he sat down on the floor by the couch I was sprawled across.
"N-no I'm o-okay, I j-just-," My sentence was cut short when I passed out.
My head felt like it was spinning. This had happened before, the pain and dehydration don't really help me stay awake.

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