-Part 27-

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I smiled as I sat up, and layed my head over the back of the sofa. 

I sat like that for a little while before getting up and dancing to the kitchen, where I quickly drank a mug of tea, and grabbed my cell-phone. 

I began thinking of what I was going to say to my secretary when I called to tell them that I wouldn't be attending anymore. 

Once I configured a rough script, I dialed the school's number, and listened to the ring. Once, twice, then the familiar voice answerd. 

After she gave me the typical school greeting, I began to talk. 

"Good morning," I began, "It's Kathryn Hemmings, and I'm calling to let the school know that I will be absent for the next little bit, I don't know how long."

I could feel her skeptial glare through the phone, "It's a rather impromtu vacation," I continued. 

I heard her scratch something down on a piece of paper. 

"Okay, you're filed under independant living, is that correct?" she asked. 

"Yes, ma'am," I verified. 

"So there is no need for a signature then?" She asked. 

"Nope," I said. I heard more scratching down on paper during the period of silence. 

"Alright, have a great vacation Ms. Hemmings," she spoke. 

"Thank you, good-bye," I said in a preppily happy tone. 

I placed my cell phone down on the table, and began jumping around. 

"You seem more excited than I am," I heard Luke chuckle as he walked in and poured himself a glass of water. 

"Sorry," I said. I stopped jumping when he came into the room. 

"It's okay," he said. 

"Oh!" I exclaimed, "Do you have Grace's phone number?" I asked biting my lip. 

"What Grace?" He asked, all emotion dropping from his face. 

"She has a brother named Carter," I began, he just looked extremely emotionless all of a sudden. 

"No," he said quickly and flatly. 

"Sorry, I just wanted to thank her before we leave," I said in a shy, small voice. 

"Here," he said as he extended a hand and motioned for me to pass him my phone, he began dialing somthing, "Why do you want to thank her?" He asked.

"She stuck up for me at school," I said looking at my feet, "Carter was there and-" he cut me off. 

"That bastard," he said, "He's there now?" 

"Yeah," Luke handed me the phone, and it was already calling Grace. I heard someone pick up, and placed the phone to my ear mouthing a 'thank-you' to Luke before he exited the room. 

"Hello?" I heard a happy, chirpy voice ask. 

"Hi, Grace? It's Katie," I said. 

"Oh, hey!" She said. 

"I jut wanted to call and say thank you for sticking up for me the other day, and that I won't be coming back to school," I said. 

"Oh no problem, and why is that?" She asked. 

"I'm going on," I paused to think of the right word to say, "a vacation," I decided on. 

"Oh, okay, I hope I can see you soon though," she said. 

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