-Part 30-

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"This is Helen Lancaster reporting from the coast of New York, where the plane had drifted to shore."

The screen blue with subtitles as if people wouldn't understand her standard american speech.

"Although no details have been given out by authorites working the investiation, there are a confirmed fifteen dead, eleven patients hospitalized in critical condition, and nine missing."

The reporter was being lightly drizzled on as the microphone bobbed up and down in her hand. You could see the crowds of people around the shoreline, being held back by no more than police tape, and the rushing police officers, paramedics and search and rescue squads rolling about.

The reporter continued speaking in a thick, pernunciative accent and looked over her shoulder every once in a while.

She and the tragic scene was cut from the screen and a roll of photos and names appeared.

They were honouring the people who were now dead.

Ronald Ferguson

Jamie Landon

Justin Shantz

Kathryn Hemmings

Jill Morrison

Hailey Ghandij

Ashton Irwin

Jack Michalson

Oprahphine Heights

... and the list went on. I didn't reognize any of the names. The people who had lost their lives. It saddened me.

Then the screen went to more photos, they, in the caption, said hospitalized.

Hickson Strathroy

Shannon Domme

Jackson Kalbfliesch

Wendy Danen

Calum Hood

Adelaide Winters

Michael Clifford

Jonah Blue

Luke Hemmings

... These people were on the verge of death, and it scared me. Although I've never met them, I know that they had so much going for them. They must've been so special, and would've done great things if given the chance. All they needed was a chance.

I was tearing up, the hot, salty liquid pouring from my cheeks. I thought, for a moment. A long moment.

I looked down at what I was about to do before the program took over my screen.

I stared at the scars, the markings of self inflicted pain.

I bit my lip.

They were on the verge of dying. They were dead. They were missing, with no one there for them, and I was about to give myself another scar?

I set the razor-blade on the stone top table, and smiled.

I would make something good of this world, for those people that I didn't know, that deserved better.

I may be a nobody, and I may not have any talent, but I'll make them proud.

I never had a reason to stop and save myself. I want to use the chance that I have to do something for the world, the society. Use the chance that was stolen from them.

The rest of the day was spent getting rid of all negative things.

Blades, letters, notes, anything that would bring me down.

I listened to a completely random playlist on YouTube as I did so.

There were a few unfamiliar voices that I wrote down to get music from later on when I had a chance.

One that stood out to me was a band of four guys. They classified themseles as 5 Seconds of Summer.

You can guess what happened when I discovered their real names.

Authors Note:

I'M SORRY! I had to do it.

To clear it up a little, it was told from a third party view, someone who was never involved in the plot, and she was about to cut again, but she didn't because she realized that she could do so much more.

Thanks for reading!

P.S. I know that you're probably really mad, but I can't take it back now.

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