-Part 24-

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I was able to take all the back ways to my classes for the mornings until I figured out how to deal with this situation. 

It was now lunch, and there was no way that I was going anywhere near the cafeteria. I avoided the more heavily populated areas, and went outside to a small garden where a few other people sat. 

I took my place under a tree, and sat against it's trunk. I took out a reading assignment that I had to work on for class, and began reading it over. 

I heard a voices getting closer, and they were all too familar. I tried stuffing my papers in my bag quickly so that I could get out of the situation before anyone saw me. 

But no, "Katie, fancy seeing you here," Carter said walking over towards me with some of Luke's friends. 

"You know this bitch?" One of the guys laughed. 

"Yeah man, I had that one time," he said pervertedly, I felt disgusted. 

"Shit," Another one of the stupider boys said with an impressed tone, they fist punded. 

"What are you working on?" Carter asked leaning down and whispering in my ear. 

"None of your god-damned buisness," I threw back at him loudly, and a quite a few pairs of eyes were on me. I felt them burning holes into my skin. 

"What did you say?" Carter asked as he stood after I slung my backpack over my shoulder. 

"Dude just punch her," a tall boy said. 

I stood right near Carter's face and crossed my arms, "Go ahead, do it," I said softly. 

Of  course Carter was extrememly rough with me when we were dating, like when he grabbed my wrists, and small 'playful' punches and slaps on my arms, but what he never did was attack me like these boys did. 

He shook his head 'no', and backed away a little bit. 

I then felt something hit my back, I recognized it as a punch. I kneeled on the ground in pain. 

Carter leaned down on his knees beside me, and helped me stand again. 

"Are you alright?" he asked. 

I looked at him like he was stupid and hobbled away from the scene. 

I spotted Grace and we made eye contact, she immediately made her way over once she saw me hold my back. 

"What happened?" She asked concerned. 

"Oh, it's nothing, I said stretching my back, which hurt, but felt nice at the same time. 

"Where is he?" She asked in a rage. 


"There," she said pointing at Carter and his friends before racing off in his direction. 

"You can't do that!" She screamed. 

"What can't I do?" He asked with a smirk.

She pointed at me, and then his facial expression changed. She slapped him across the face, and then looked at the other boys. 

I walked up behind her and pulled her away before she did something that she'd regret. 

"Don't ever do that again," I told her. 

I hadn't seen Grace for the rest of the day, I was going to ask her if she wanted a ride, but couldn't find her. So, I headed back to the house. 

It was Friday, so the boys would most-likely be at the recording place, and I went grocery shopping. 

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