-Part 22-

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I spun around, and was about to tell whoever it was that I needed to get going. 

Once I was fully turned around a smirking Carter stood there, still gripping my wrist as tight as ever. He smelled like pure pot, and his pupils were extremely dilated. 

My jaw quickly dropped to the floor, he let go of my hand and spun around with his hands up, as if he was showing me something. 

"What do you  think?" He said. 

"Goodbye," I said before ushering myself out the door and down the street a little bit until I got to the car, the four boys were leaning against it. I unlocked it and made sure that they were all in safely, when I saw Carter stumble into the street looking for someone, who I assumed was me, I sped off causing Luke and Calum to laugh, Ashton just sat there with a huge smile across his face. Michael looked scared. 

"What was that?" He asked while we were pulling into the driveway. 

"Nothing, I just wanted to leave with a bang," I said sarcastically making invisible fireworks spirt from my fingertips. 

"Sure," he said as he got out and opened the back door for Luke, who was still histarically laughing with, or at Calum. I opened Calum's door, and he stumbled out followed by Ashton who could simply walk straight towards the house, he couldn't get in though. Once he stood and he and Luke saw each other over the top of the black car, they burst into another fit of laughter. Michael and I began to make our way to the front steps of the house. 

I unlocked to door, and Ashton headed into the house, and looked back to see that Luke and Calum had an arm around the other's shoulder, and were just managing to walk towards the house while still in a laughing fit. I looked at Michael and we both laughed as we waited for them to get up the stairs. They walked in and Michael helped Calum up the stairs, while I made sure Luke didn't fall backwards. 

"Your sleeping with Calum," I said to him as we reached the door. 

"Ew, gross, I would never do that!" He exclaimed as if I was asking him if he was sleepign with Calum. 

"No, your going to lay in the same bed, okay?" I asked. 

"You mean actually sleep? Cause' thats okay," he laughed. 

He stumbled over towards the bed where Calum was rolling around, and plopped down. I looked over towards Ashton's bed to see him sleeping soundly. 

Michael walked over towards me as Calum and Luke began to fall asleep on opposite ends of the bed. 

"Do you want my bed? Since you have school?" He asked. 

"No, I'll be fine on the couch, " I said, he nodded and I walked towards the door, "Thanks by the way, I couldn't have brought all of you back if you were like that too."

He laughed, "No problem."

"Goodnight," I said as I closed the door. I heard him reapeat my words. 

I walked down the stairs and grabbed a glass of water before realizing that I forgot to grab pajamas. I placed the glass on the counter, and crept up the stairs and into the room. I saw Michael was asleep, so I quickly walked over to my dresser and opened the drawer. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my stomach. I jumped and screamed. 

"What the hell?" I screamed. I heard Michael get up and pull Calum away and put him back to bed. 

"He gets really attached when he's drunk," Michael clarified whilst laughing. 

I held my hand over my chest, because my heart was still racing. I for some odd reason thought that it was Carter, which is why I jumped, "Sorry to wake you up," I told him as I took my pajamas towards the door. He nodded and crawled back into bed. 

I walked downt the stairs and into the living room, I changed quickly, and placed my party clothes in a pile on the floor, I found my way back to the kitchen, grabbed my un-finished drink, and walked out to the trampoline.

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