-Part 16-

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I woke up and looked at the clock. I wasn't planning on going to school for as long as I could milk the injuries anyway.
"Are you awake?" I groaned slowly. I was facing away from his side of the bed, "Calum?" I asked,
Slowly turning around wincing every one or two centimetres.
I looked over to see that he wasn't there.
I slowly sat up and saw that Michael and Ashton weren't in their beds either.
I gently swung my legs over the edge of the bed, and stood. I immediately felt dizzy.
I used my hand to lean against the nearest wall, and heard the door creak open.
"You're up!" Luke said rushing over to me and helping me walk towards the top of the stairs, "We were in the garage."
"Oh," I said in pain as I nearly fell down the top two steps.
"Slow down," he said and helped me get to the bottom.
He walked me to the living room, and sat me on the tidy couch.
"Dad called," he said, he walked into the kitchen before re-appearing with toast and a glass of orange juice.
"What'd he want?" I asked, choking down half of the glass of orange juice.
"He asked where I was staying, and said that I had to come home," he said as he sat down beside me.
"What'd you say?" I asked taking a small bite of my toast.
"I said that I wasn't coming home. I didn't say that I was with you," he said.
I nodded.
"You should get back to band practice," I said.
"Nah, they're doing fine," he smiled.
"Seriously, go practice," he hesitantly stood and walked out of the room.
I heard him shout, "It's a rehearsal," before closing the garage door.
I smiled. I heard the music start to play from the garage, it sounded good for being muffled between walls. I heard the a knock on the door.
I was about to call for Luke, but he wouldn't hear me. I stood and placed my hands along the walls as I walked towards the front door.
When I reached it I slowly opened it with a smile, not knowing who this person was going to be.
"Hello," a perky girl with an accent began.
"Hi," I said, then realized no one was talking, "How can I help you?" I asked.
"I'm looking for Katie," she said.
"That's me," I said.
"So you and Calum?" She said with sad eyes.
I then realized who I was talking to, I felt stupid for not realizing earlier.
"Uh, yeah," I said unsure of what to say to her.
"Are you going to be good to him?" She asked with a concerned tone.
"Of course," I said, with a smile still not sure what to say.
"Make sure he doesn't get into trouble," she said with a small, shy, yet sad laugh.
"I will, I promise," I said, "I hate that I ruined something between you two," I faked the bit of sadness in my voice.
"No it wasn't you," she said.
"Well I should get going," I said.
"Thank you, can you tell him that I said goodbye, forever this time?" She asked. I nodded in response.
She began walking down the driveway, "I never got your name," I shouted after her. She briefly turned around and smiled.
"I'm Alisha," she said before putting her face down and walking away.
That encounter was not what I expected at all. I shut the front door and made my way to the kitchen, where I found a cellphone, I imagined that it was one of the boys, because it wasn't mine or Luke's.
I got another drink of orange juice and sat at the dining room table, it hurt, and took five times longer than it should've, but I just wanted to sit by the window.
The phone on the table vibrated and out of habit I picked it up to answer, I slid my thumb across the screen and placed it against my ear.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey-wait your not Michael," a teenage boy's voice came through the speaker.
"Who is this?" I asked.
"His brother," the boy said slowly.
"Okay one minute, I'll get him."
I told his brother before screaming Michaels name at the top of my lungs. Which it also hurt to do.
I heard the instruments stop, then I screamed again.
I heard someone rush into the kitchen, it was Michael.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Your brothers on the phone," he walked over and I handed him the phone and he sat at another chair, while I looked out the window and sipped my orange juice.
"Yes?" I heard him say.
A few seconds later I heard, "No I wasn't."
Then I heard, "No she isn't!"
I laughed and Michael looked at me and giggled.
"What do you want?" He said into the phone.
"Okay," he said.
"Alright tell her I love her," he said before hanging up.
"What'd he need?" I asked.
"My sister won her dance competition, but she didn't want to talk to me because I wasn't there."
"That wasn't nice," I pouted, "I know how it feels. How old is she?"
"Eleven," he said standing and placing his phone in his pocket.
"That's cute," I smiled.
"She's lovely, I have a practice to get to," he said before running out the door.
I just watched as people walked down the sidewalk from the window. I pictured what I thought they were doing, where they were going, what type of house they're living in, what their life is like.
A girl in a suit walked by, she had her hair up in a bun, and was texting on her phone.
I imagined that she was headed for a meeting, and that she lived in a fairly nice house, but her boyfriend took her car and she has to walk to work.
I did this for many of the people that walked by.
My orange juice was finished and I decided to get up and watch the boys rehearsal.
I placed my feet on the cold floor and stood, not realizing that my foot was behind a piece of a chair.
I fell, it was on my butt, so it didn't cause as big an ache through my stomach as it did a vibrating thud throughout the whole house.
I heard the faint sound of music stop and the garage door burst open.
It was Calum who came in first. He rushed over.
"I'm fine, really," I said trying to push myself up but failing because of my weak arms, and landing exactly where I started.
"Okay," he laughed and helped me up. When I was standing, he pushed in my picked up the fallen chair from the floor, and stood it up right.
"Well, Alisha came by this morning," I began walking around the kitchen with one hand on the wall.
"You didn't let her in? Right?" Calum asked.
"No, she just told me, to tell you that she said goodbye. Forever this time," I laughed.
"That's all that she said?" He asked confused.
"Yeah, that and to keep you out of trouble," I paused thinking of the conversation, "and that I was going to be good to you." I added as I placed my glass in the sink.
"Okay then," he smiled.
"What are you guys up to today?" I asked.
"We're meeting with someone from a band to write some songs," he said nonchalantly.
"Songs for what?"
"An album," he said.
"Right," I said. I didn't want to intrude their rehearsal and meeting.
"I'm going to have a nap," I said placing my hand on the wall and being walking towards the living room.
I wasn't even out of the kitchen before Calum offered to help.
I said no, but instead of listening to me, he came up from behind me and placed a hand behind my back, and his other hand behind my knees. I let go of the wall and kind of fell backward, or sat into his arms and he lifted me. He walked me up the stairs, and placed me in his bed.
"Thank you," I said as he pulled the comforter back over me.
"No problem," he said and began making his way to the door, "Do you want me to wake you up before we leave?" He asked.
"No, I should be fine, goodnight," I said, he smiled and walked out, shutting the door.
I heard him walk down the steps and then it was silent.
A few moments later, I heard the music begin to play.
I made out words every now and then.
They sounded really good, and I fell asleep to their music.

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