-Part 21-

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I stood from the place where I was sitting on the deck, I knew that Harry most-likely only did that to me out of a drunken stupour. He wouldn't remember, and I would try to forgive and forget.

I walked around to the front of the house, thikning that the side of the house would be free of filthy people. But no, there was a group of about three or four boys standing in a circle, passing a tightly rolled blunt.

I tried desperatly to make my way around them, getting an all too much dose of alcohol, and the thick stench of whatever they were smoking, but I bumped into one of them.

Soon all the boys attention were on me, they all had perverted smiles painted across their faces, I walked away quickly.

"Hey," I heard one of them say as they ran after me. The voice sounded mellow, but seemed extremely familiar.

I felt whoever it was make an attempt at grabbing my wrist, but they missed and I walked up the front steps, into the bustling party house. I looked around, feeling as though I needed familiar company. I craned my neck around the rooms that were in view, and spotted all four of the boys conveniently sitting in a circle with maybe, five or six other people, at least four of them were girls.

I walked towards their spot which was on the floor near the couch.

I saw Harry, and another boy that was in their band sitting in the cirle as well, I walked over, and sat behind the crowd and eventually a slurred speaking Ashton invited me to play the game.

When I refused, Calum, Luke, and Michael begged me until I was too annoyed to continue witholding my participation.

I sat between Luke, and Michael. I noticed that the girls who were also paticipating had streaks of makeup falling down their cheeks due to the amount of sweat that was most-likely accumulated during heated grinding sessions. They laughed like high hyenas, which was ironic, and funny.

"What's your name again?" I asked the light-brown haired boy that was in Harry's band.

"I'm Louis," he said I could tell that he was trashed.

"Luke, your turn," I heard Harry say.

"Louis, kiss Kendal," he said after thinking for a few seconds.

I turned my attention back to Louis who was already sucking the face of the girl to his right.

They pulled apart and it was Louis' turn, he looked around the circle, as if choosing his next victim of humiliation.

His eyes landed on me. I thought he was going to be creative and not choose the newest joiner. But no, he had to turn this into a cliche event from a movie.

"I'll start you off easy," he began as if he was trying to spare my dignity, "Kiss the guy that you find the hottest in the circle," he said with a shrug.

I saw all eyes on me, and Harry's eyes lit up with a smirk, I was not kissing him again. I looked around and saw Calum looking at his phone. I knew that because I was closer with him than anyone else, he wouldn't care. I crawled over to him, he was still looking at his phone, and didn't notice me sitting on my knees in front of him.

I scooped my head under his face, and above his phone, and pecked him on the lips.

He looked up once it ended and looked at me, he smiled then looked at Harry, who looked agitated, and then back to me and scrunched up his nose as I crawled back to my spot between Michael and Luke. Who didn't look like he was comfortable with me kissing his friend, which I understood.

" I agree, he's definetely the hottest!" A girl from the across the circle screamed before crawling/waddling on he knees over to Calum and straddled him.

"Lukey!" A bleach blonde bimbo said. She kind of threw herself at him, and he obviously didn't like it juding by the look on his face as she hoved her tongue into his mouth. It was extremely gross watching your brother make out with anyone, I looked away.

"Ashton," a brunette, who I would imagine would be a very nice girl if she wasn't drunk out of her mind. She whispered somthing in his ear as she began to climb into his lap.

I looked to my left and saw Michael laughing.

"This is gross," he said to me.

I was about to speak, when I was cut off by a girl trying to sit between Michael and I, "He-ey, Mikey," she slurred.

"Hi," he said with a smile.

She tried to lean in and kiss him, but he pushed her away.

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend," he said with his hand between him and her.

"Oh, and who would that be?" She asked in a flirty tone as she stared at his lips.

"Um," he said trying to think of a name, I could see that he wanted nothing to do with that girl.

"Me," I said quickly and pushed Michael onto his back on the floor, and stage-kissed him.

I straddled him and continued to kiss him with my hand between our mouths until I heard her grunt out of anger and stand up.

I got off him once she was out of sight. I stood up and took my phone out of my back pocket to see that it was already midnight, and I had to go to school tomorrow.

"Thank you," Michael said as he stood.

"Is it okay if we go? I have school," I asked, he nodded and I told him to pull Luke from his 'friend' while I pulled Ashton from his.

"Time to go," I told him politely, he began to get up, put the girl that was on top of him pushed him back down.

I placed my foot on the side of her hip and seemingly cow-tipped her off him. He stood and looked at me as if I was the worst person in the world. I crossed my arms and told him to go to the car.

I saw that Michael couldn't get Luke away from this random girl who's shorts were so deteriated that you could almost see everything. I walked over, and Michael gave me a shrug as if he didn't know what to do. I simply pushed the girl off him, and she groaned. Michael and I each grabbed Luke's arm and hoisted him to his feet.

"Time to go, I'll get Calum and meet you at the car, keys?" I held my hand out. He was about to put them ini my hand, when I reached for them he pulled them away. He was so incrediably drunk that he burst out into a loud, histerical laughter. I snatched the keys, and semi-drunk Michael escorted him and Ashton to the car. I looked over to the couch where I sat first, and saw a girl straddling Calum. I walked over.

"Calum it's time to go," I said, he obviously didn't hear me, "Calum," I said louder. No response. I hesitantly walked over and kind of pulled her off the couch. I lost my footing and ended up leaning over Calum. I quickly got up, but he pulled me down.

"Calum, I'm not Kendal," I said as he tried to kiss me.

"I know," he said. I could definetly tell that he was drunk now. I was so shocked by what he said that he pulled me down because my guard was let down for a milisecond, his lips smashed into mine.

I didn't kiss back, and my eyes were wide open. Not saying that I didn't want to kiss back, because in some way, I sort of did, but I knew that it was wrong.

"Katie is every-" I heard Michael's voice walk into the room, and so did Calum.

We both quickly stood up. Michael looked at me and smirked like he already knew something that I didn't. I walked behind Calum as he was being lead to the car by Michael when I felt someone catch my wrist. It kind of hurt.

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