-Part 19-

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Once I was dressed in ripped jeans and a sweater that was obviously three sizes two big, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and saw that there was literally no food. I closed the fridge door and stood there debating on whether or not to get take out or go grocery shopping.

I looked at the clock and decided that I should just get the shopping done.

I took my wallet and grabbed my keys after throwing on a pair of all black sneakers.

I walked out to my luckily clean car, and began to drive to the local grocery store.

I grabbed a cart, and began making my way through the isles.

"Katie?" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Niall.

"Hi," I said. Stopping and moving towards one side of the isle.

"The guys sent me to find you," he heaved and bent down with his hands on his knees.

"Are you okay?" I asked leaning down and placed a hand on his back.

"Yeah, I just ran down here," he breathed.

"From where? Is everyone okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, everyone's fine, they just wanted you to come in," he said.

"For what?" I asked.

"Their song," he stood finally getting over his breathing.

"What about it?" I asked.

"They want you to listen to it," he said.

"Okay?" I said and we began walking towards my car after I donated my cart to a smiling old woman who didn't happen to have a quarter.

We both got in and closed the doors.

"Did you clean your car today?" He asked with an impressed tone.

"Yeah, just thought it was getting a little dirty," I said.

He directed me through the streets for at least twenty minutes.

"You ran all this way?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. He laughed and nodded.

We were now in the bustling city, where cars were racing past at crazy speeds, and business employees were dressed to the nines.

He told me to pull into an extremely tall building's underground parking area.

When we found a parking space in a secluded corner of the second floor parking lot, I followed Niall into the extremely pristine building, where I definitely didn't fit in.

I walked behind Niall to the front desk.

"Mr Horan, I was told you were sent to bring someone. Is this Kathryn Hemmings?" She said verifying that I was the right person, she asked for identification and I handed her my drivers license. She nodded and called someone on a phone that was coiled into the desk.

"Alright head on up," she said with a smile.

There were big, back-lit letters on the wall that spelled out a company name.

Niall lead me to the elevator and pressed the fiftieth floor button.

"I seriously do not fit in here, I would much rather be grocery shopping," I said.

"Oh, you look fine," he said.

I glared at him, he laughed.

"I missed you," I said and gave him a hug from the side, he smiled and squeezed me extremely hard, I winced. He let go.

I laughed playing off the stomach pain, he glared and smiled as the doors opened. We walked down the hallway and Niall opened a studio door.

There was a sign on the door that said 'Res. Five Seconds Of Summer'.

I looked confused.

Niall looked at me, "What?" He asked.

"Who's Five Seconds Of Summer?" I asked.

"Your brother's band," he said slowly.

"I like it," I said as he walked around a corner in the room, and it revealed an extremely long soundboard, in front if a huge glass wall. There were instruments behind the glass, and the four boys were sitting there, they didn't notice me.

I saw Harry standing on my side of the glass along with three other boys.

"They are?" I asked.

"My band," he said.

We walked closer and they all turned around.

"Katie," Harry said as he hugged me, and I hugged him too.

"This is Zayn, Liam and Louis," Niall said I shook all their hands.

I looked over at two other people who were sitting against the soundboard.

Luke noticed me through the glass.

He ran out and grabbed my hand, he pulled me into the enclosed glass recording part, and placed me in front of a microphone. I looked at him with a confused look. Calum laughed and walked over to me with his bass as Luke grabbed his guitar.

"Just sing the words in pink, and we'll do the rest," I looked at him and put my hands up in front of my chest and shook them back and forth as I shook my head.

"No, I'm not-" I got cut off by Calum walking over to his microphone and music started playing, I glared at Niall as he smirked through the glass. He motioned for me to put the headphones that were resting atop the microphone on.

I did.

Luke began to sing and I followed along with the page, when it came to the parts in pink, I began singing he best I could and closed my eyes, pretending that there wasn't a whole bunch of people watching me.

The music stopped and I placed the headphones back on the microphone and sat on a stool. Luke put down his guitar and bombarded me with a huge, brotherly bear hug.

He stopped and smiled at me.

"That was amazing," he said he, Michael and Ashton walked out and towards he soundboard.

Calum came and put an arm around my shoulder and walked me towards them.

I pulled my hands into my sleeves, and looked at my feet, my hair fell over my face.

One of the people who sat at the soundboard, began playing the song after a few minutes.

It sounded extremely well.

I got a group hug from all the boys when my singing part came on.

I blushed.

"I think that's a good way to end. See you Friday," one of the soundboard sitters said.

The boys grabbed their things and walked me out.

They were on a different garage floor than I was.

"I'll meet you guys back at the house," I said and headed towards a the elevator.

"I'll go with you," Calum said running after me.

"Okay." I said.

Brother, With a Band. (5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now