-Part 11-

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I ended up sleeping in the cushioned arm chair with a sleeping bag wrapped around me, and no pillow. 

I woke up when I was bouncily being carried up the creaking steps. I saw a set of tanned arms around my knees, and the top of my back. I looked up to see Calum carrying me up to the bedroom. 

"What are you doing?" I asked grogily with my eyes closed. My neck, and back were aching from the terrible sleeping position I happened to fall into. 

I smelt an intense dose of alcohol as Calum carried me into the room, and set me on my bed. 

"You can't sleep on the chair," he said as he pulled the blankets over my shoulders, "I'm going to wake the boys up, but you sleep, okay?" 

"Yeah, okay," I said as my eyes began to flutter shut. 

I heard him  walk towards one of the beds and shake one of the boys awake.

Then I heard the shower turn on, and the sound of the water sent me into a nice, relaxed sleep, And I didn't wake up until around noon.

When I finally decided that it would be a good idea to wake up, I stood to see that Micheal and Ashton's beds were made, and there were multiple candles around the bright room. Which masked the heavy smell of alcohol from before. 

I made the bed, and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a black pull-over hoodie. I walked downstairs after brushing through my poker-straight hair. 

I found a plate of fried eggs and bacon sitting all by their lonesome, with my name on it. I quickly ate them while leaning over the island. I washed the plate, and downed a glass of water before going to se if Luke was still sleeping on the couch. Whihc he wasn't I went into the backyard. 

Still no sign of the boys. I walked around the side of the house, and as I got closer to the garage door, I heard a slight thumping noise, then cam eto the realization that they were rehearsing.

I walked to the door that lead to the garage, and opened it slowly. I walked in on them singing Teenage Dirtbag, and it sounded amazing. 

I sat on the step that lead into the house, and watched as they played their instruments with such passion. I saw their veins throbing, and their smiles growing, when the song finished I waited a minute before clapping. They all looked over at me with a surprised look. 

"That sounded amazing," I said standing and hugging Luke, then Micheal, then Ashton, which was difficult due to the obstacle of the drum kit. Then hugged Calum, who I didn't even know could sing. 

"Do you want to try?" Luke asked.

I quickly shook my head 'no', and headed for the door, "You guys sounded great," I said again before closing the door and going into the house. I then proceeded to the kitchen to make tea, which I haven't had since the night when I spoke to Calum. 

I walked into the backyard and slowly made my way onto the trampoline, and sat down with a blanket wrapped around me, I drank my tea looking at the clouds over the hills in the distance. 

I smiled. Luke may not hate me anymore, and I don't think I hate him either. I never hated him. He said that he couldn't go back home last night. The only reason for that would be that he told his parents that he was dropping out of school. There was no doubt that I would let him stay here, although I definetly don't have the room, I would compromise. 

I then thought about how I had school tomorrow, and how Luke's 'friends' would know that we're related, and I wondered if they would treat me differently. 

I also wondered if he told them that he was dropping out, and if they knew that Ardene was going to jail, and if they foundn out about the band yet. 

I was still going to avoid as many people as I could, and hope that they don't ask questions. I placed my empty tea cup beside me on the trampoline and layed down on my back looking at the white, fluffy, cotton-ball clouds that were floating over-head. 

I heard footsteps walking throught the grass and up to the trampoline.

"Katie?" I heard Michael ask.

"Yeah?" I said propping myself on an elbow facing him. 

"We're goign out for lunch with the guy who threw the party last night, do you want to come?" he asked. 

"Um," I saw that he really wanted me to go with them, "how long do I have to get ready?" I asked. 

"As much time as you need," he said smiling. I laughed as I stood. 

"Alright give me ten minutes I said jumping off the trampoline and running towards the house with my teacup in hand and blanket still wrapped around my shoulders. 

He laughed and followed me back into the house. 

I dropped the blanket on the couch and ran up the stairs, I walked into the room to see Calum, shirtless infront of his suicase. 

"Why do I always catch you shirtless?" I asked laughing as I walked towards my closet pulling out a black skater dress, and then a white skater skirt with a long-sleeve, tight, lace crop-top. 

"Which one?" I asked him struggling to hold up the shirt and the skirt. 

"That one," he said laughing at my struggle, he pointed to my left hand which held the skirt and crop top. I re-hung the dress and slipped into the bathroom and re-dressed myself, and re-brushed my hair after putting foundation over the bruise, which was healing nicely, and mascara on my eyelashes. 

I then jumped out of the room to see Calum in black, skinny-ish jeans with a rip in the knee, and a loose white t-shirt that showed off two secret tattoos that were located just under his collarbones. He had on a silver dog-tag necklace, and black Vans. I slid my black 'Vans' on as well, and looked at Calum.

"Did you do this on purpose?" I laughed. 

He laughed as well, "Maybe," he said with a wink. 

I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the stairs and into the garage to find Michael, Luke and Ashton. Who turned to look at us when we burst through the door. 

"What a cute couple," Ashton said, I laughed, and linked arms with Calum as we skipped towards Luke's car. 

"Where are we going?" I asked Luke, who was driving, and sitting beside me. 

"That place on Goodwin, with the sick bacon," I immediatley knew what restaurant he was talking about. 

It really did have the best bacon that one could ever taste, I was now excited. Athough I still didn't know who we were dining with, I just wanted more baccon.

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