-Part 2-

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This is how Luke works. He is an irresponsible, extremely smooth talking boy, who offers me things that he knows I can't refuse for something that ends up hurting me more. I know that his Austrailian friends will most-likely be the people to push me off the edge if they're friends with Luke. They might act like him, and that presence, living in my home for months is going to make my life a living hell. No way god can help me out with this dilhema.

I walked downstairs to the basement to get the sheets for all the beds from the much too loud dryer. I pulled all of the white, lavender smelling sheets into a laudry basket. It was extremely heavy for sheets, then again, lifting a tea-cup at two in the morning after cleaning and lifting bed frames up and down the stairs all afternoon, would find itself difficult.

When I reached the bedroom, which wouldn't be mine for the next few months, I pulled all the sheets out one by one, and covered the naked matresses. My bed was a queen size, and the other two, which were placed on the left and right walls on either side of the queen bed, were twin sized. 

This room was large, because it took up the whole second floor, iit was a loft type room, except when you reach the top of the creaking stairs there is a door. There is also an ensuite. 

Saying this, makes this house sound new, and modern. Which it is not. It was a dark, and dreary home. What Luke doesn't realize, is that I repaired everything myself, all plumbing and electrical work. I re-plastered the walls everyday after school for two months, and painted every wall with my own paint-brush in hand, and then bought all the colourful and happy furniture with saved money from the past three years. 

No, I didn't buy this house. No, I don't pay rent. Luke also doesn't know that our father bought this cheap house for me. It was barely a dent in his pocket. As long as I did all the repairs, and the rest of the work that needed to be done, he would buy the place for me. 

Although he had Luke before he had me, and that I wasn't planned, and a complete mistake, he still treated me like his daughter, when nobody else was around. 

I grabbed my duvet from the basket, and placed the dark blue fabric over my bed. I then grabbed the two white twin comforters from the closet and placed the feather-iness on the two twin beds one by one. 

I covered the pillows, in soft, white pillowcases. I then grabbed a pair of pajama pants from my dresser, before walking into the bathroom. I changed and put my hair up quickly. I was about to lay in my bed, but remembered that I just washed all the sheets. I reached to the back of the closet, and took out an old, faded and in some places torn quilt. I also grabbed two pillows before walking down the stairs, and into the living room. On the uncomfortable looking white couch I layed one pillow at each end, and threw the comforter on top. I limped to the kitchen, wincing with each step to the freezer, where I grabbed a bag of frozen peas. 

Once I layed back down, I put my foot up on one pillow, and layed my head on the opposite pillow, pulling the blanket back with me.

I quickly fell asleep, spinning around trying to get comfortable. 


I woke up around seven o'clock in the morning. I never needed an alarm clock for some reason, I feel as though I can fully trust myself to wake myself at a decent hour. I feel that the frost that incased the peas, has defrosted, because the pillow where my foot was rested, is now soaked. I sat up, and looked down at my foot to see that there was zero swelling. I grabbed the bag of peas, and the pillow finding my way to the kitchen first, I threw the bag back to its rightful place in the freezer. I ran down to the cold basement, and placed the wet pillow into the drying machine. 

I slowly made my way up the stairs, and slowly reached up the pantry shelf to grab a box of whatever cereal happened to be there. I quickly ate it, leaning over the island, which was how I normally ate. 

I saw that it was eight o'clock, and my bus gets here at eight twenty-five. I threw the bowl and spoon into the empty sink quickly, and brashly before sprinting up the stairs to get ready. 

I reached into my closet and pulled out a black and yellow Nirvana tank top. I stepped over to pull out a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans from the lowest drawer. Then stood and pulled out a black bandeau. Only because the tank top had stretched arm holes. I quickly got dressed and brushed through my hair. I slid on black, knock-off Vans, and slung my book bag over my shoulder before locking the door, and just managing to catch the bus. 

The ride to hell, is fine. Being as the gang of devils don't take the bus. They drive their expensive birthday gifts to school. 

When the bus lurches to a stop in the parking lot of the school, I stand and quickly begin making my way into the school and to my locker. I didn't see Luke's car in its regular parking space. I found my locker, and started walking to my first class. Someone grabbed my wrist. I held my breath and closed my eyes. 

They spun me around quickly. I opened one eye when the punch to the face that I was expecting didn't come. It was Luke. 

"So, it's fine that they stay at your place?" He asked with a smirk. 

I pulled my wrist out of his grasp, and nodded, looking down at my feet, "Is the deal still on?" I asked with a small, sad, and frightened expression across my face. 

He nodded, in a way that showed that he didn't want to do it. I looked over his shoulder, to see his 'friends' coming towards him. I spun around and began walking as fast as I could when I felt nails dig into my arm. I spun around and there waiting at eye level was Ardene's fist. It made contact with my left eye. I looked over her shoulder to see Luke facing away from the situation. 

"Okay, slut, you can't persuade taken guys to do things for you," I laughed. She slapped me this time. 

"I wasn't," she cut me off with another punch to the same eye. I heard Luke's friends laugh, and Luke walked up behind Ardene, and grabbed her shoulders. 

"She's not worth it," he whispered. Ardene kept her eyes locked on mine. 

"She was trying to take you away from me," she said sadly. It then hit me that he never told anyone that we were related, I didn't blame him. I began walking away. I felt Ardene's nails one more time in a semi-deep scratch down my back before being pulled back. I looked  over my shoulder to see Luke holding her back, "Get your fat ass back here and fight me bitch!" She screamed after me. I just shook my head 'no' and walked into class.

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