-Part 8-

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(Continuation of Part 7, Still on trampoline.)

"Katie, I'm so sorry," he paused, "Who did you go to see with Calum today?"

"No one, and I wasn't trying to do anything with Calum, he wanted to come, and I agreed," I said clarifying the situation. 

"I know that, he told me. But when you came in, before I," he paused not wanting to talk about what he did. So I filled in the blank.

"Called me a slut?" I asked, he nodded.

"You seemed as though you had already been crying, who did you go see?"

"Seriously, you wouldn't care, and you don't know him," I said. Shakily getting off the trampoline with the empty glass. 

Luke jumped off much faster than I did, and quickly caught up to me, when I was halway through the backyard back towards the house. 

"Oh, and why didn't you tell me about dropping out?" I turned around to face him. 

"I," he began, but I cut him off. 

"It's none of my buisness, but you know dad is going to kick you out. With Ardene away, where the hell do you plan on going?" I said as we began to walk again. 

"I hadn't figured that out yet," he said.

"That's something you should probably figure out before deciding to drop out," I said. 

When we walked in the house I saw the boys sitting on the sofa, they looked at me as I walked straight past them and into the kitchen to wash the dirty glass. Luke followed.

"You should go have a shower," he said. I turned to look at him.

"I'm sorry the panic," I paused changing my words, "I just get worked up sometimes, I know I look like a mess, I said looking I said looking at my feet. I walked halfway up the stairs, then looked over the railing just catching Luke, "Are you going to make dinner, or am I?" I said with a smile.

"I'll get on that," he said laughing, I saw Calum walked into the kitchen after Luke.  Once I got upstairs I took black harem pants, and a white crop top out of my dresser to ear to bed. I got into the shower, and washed my makeup off afterwards. The bruise around my eye was still there, but wasn't as dark.

I let my hair stay down, I looked over the clock on the bedside table as I was about to open the door. I saw that I had been up here for an hour and a half. I quickly ran downstairs, and smelt some kind of mexican something. I found tacos sitting on the table with four patientlly waiting boys sitting around the table. 

"You guys should've started, I took so long," I said.

It was only five o'clock in the afternoon, but it felt like such a long time. I ate while the rest of the boys talked about the things they did, how hot the girls are back home, and I couldn't help but become slightly self concious about the way I looked right now. I was wearing no makeup, had a not-so-pretty purple bruise on one eye. I wasn't as thin as the girls they were describing seemed to be. I try not to think and over react about this stuff, because honestly there's no point. I don't know what had come over me. I took my clean plate, and began washing it in the sink, before leaving the room, and going to sit in the garage. I would've gone outside, but it was raining. 

I walked through the door, to seemingly black abys, I felt around near the doorway looking for the hidden lightswitch. Once I found it, the room lit up so beautifully. 

The fairy-lights that I put up a long time ago illuminated the room because when I moved in there was no light. So I improvised and never got around to fixing the real issue. 

The familiar space seemed so foreign with all the instruments there. I saw a drum kit, and a bass guitar, then I saw another guitar and a microphone. I looked around the room, and a familiar instrument caught my eye, it was Luke's guitar that he learned to play his first chords on. It sat to the side of the room, in the shaded part of the garage, and I couldn't help but smile. 

I was there when our dad was trying to choose one for his birthday, he had no clue what Luke was into, what he liked or anything. So he brought me along. I walked over to it and just stared at it. From where I sat, the set-uplooked like one that you would see in at a concert. Plus, the black instrument case, box things behind the drums made a sick looking background. 

I don't really tell a lot of people that I can sing and play guitar, because of how much I actually suck at doing so. I figured that the boys would continue eating for a while, I I walked over to the microphone and Luke's guitar. I slowly refreshed my memory of the chords, and began to play the begining of A Day To Remember's song called If It Means A Lot To You. This was the first song that I ever learned to play, because I went through a stage where I was completely and utterly obsessed with it. I set a goal one summer that I was going to learn to play it on guitar. So I did. 

I was about to start singing when I saw a camera flash, followed by someone saying 'Shit'. I quickly walked away from the microphone, and set the guitar exactly where I found it. 

Then sat down, "Sorry, I didn't see you there."

I said, then realizing that it was Luke, "You know, I've never actually heard you sing," he said implying something. 

"Let's keep it that way. I wouldn't want to butcher your ears."

"Come on, I know that song," he said grabbing his guitar and beginging to strum the first chords. I shook my head, but he just continued on, he began singing. I felt so uncomfortable due to the daunting fact that he was so much more extremely talented than I was. 

It came to the next verse, where I was supposed to sing, Luke stared at me and counted me in. When I shook my head 'no', he began singing and erged me to sing with him. I sang quietly, and we sang the rest of the song together, never me by myself, I was thankful for that. 

When we finished, I heard the snap of a camera. I quickly turned to face the door and saw Micheal, Ashton, and Calum standing there with smiles on their faces. 

"Yeah, that's goign on twitter," Calum said walking out of the garage. I jumped up and ran through Micheal and Ashton who walked toward Luke. 

I found Calum sitting in the living room staring at his phone. I took it from his hands, and stared at the screen, and saw that he 'tweeted' a picture of me happily singing with Luke. My back was facing away from the camera, and Luke looked so happy. I smiled, then handed him back his phone and sitting beside him, putting my feet on the coffee table. 

"Take it down," I said. 

"Can we at least see people's reaction?" He pouted. 

I was about to say no, but then thought about the harm it would do, "Fine," I paused, "but I want to watch all of it," I took the phone and looked at what he captioned the photo. It said, 'Caught these two singing 'If It Means Alot To You', aww." I laughed in my head. 

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