-Part 5-

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I grabbed four sets of cutlery, and four plates, and placed them properly on the table. I took glasses out of the cupboard, and filled them each with water. I placed the food on the center of the table, and called the boys down, "Dinner" I yelled up the stairs, then walked back into the kitchen. I was wiping off the counter when the boys came in and at down. 

"You guys can start," I said as I finished wiping down the stovetop. I didn't hear anything moving. I spun around adn saw that they were waiting for me. 

I sat in the empty chair with Ashton to my left, and Micheal to my right, with Calum directly in front of me, "Seriously, you could've started,"  I said grabbing the pasta and scooping some onto my plate, then passing it to Ashton. Micheal passed me the chicken filled platter and I took a breast. 

"You made it, and are letting us sleep in your house, it's the absoulute least we can do," Ashton said. I took a forkfull of pasta and ate it. 

"You have  something on your arm," Micheal said, pointing towards Ardene's claw marks. 

"Oh, it's nothing," I said. 

I quickly finished my dinner, and began washing the dishes. Calum came up behind me, and took the sponge from my hands. His chest was agianst my back. 

"Please, let me," he said. I nodded, and grabbed a rag to wipe down the table but Micheal took it from me.

"Well then, is it okay if I quickly shower upstairs?" They all replied with a yes, in unison. 

I ran up the stairs, and grabbed a pair of black sweatpants. I took a towel from the linen closet, and quickly showered and washed the foundation and conceler off my face revealing a ripe black eye. I put my hair in a braid, then slid up the sweat pants, and slid the Nirvana tank top back on. I grabbed my things, and walked out of the bathroom, to see Calum changing his shirt.

"Sorry," I said looking away and walking towards the door. 

"It's okay, it's just a shirt," he said. 

I walked down the stairs to see Micheal and Ashton sitting in the living room, I went into the kitchen and grabbed the re-frosted peas from the freezer, and holding them to my eye. 

I looked around to see that the kitchen, and dining table were spotless. Although they left the drying dishes on the counter beside the sink, they did a better job then I thought they would. I put the peas in the freezer just while I put away the dishes. Micheal walked in and saw my eye. 

"What happened? I didn't see that before," he said getting closer to my face to examin the bruise. 

"Nothing, I was just a," I paused trying to think up a lie, "being clumsy at school. Ran into a door, that's all," I said as I jumped to put a plate on the shelf in a cabniet, I missed. "Could you?" I asked politely. He gently took the plate from me and placed it on the shelf with ease. 

"I'm going to head up to bed," he said exiting the kitchen. He looked back into the kitchen, "Goodnight, Katie."

"Goodnight," I said before reaching back into the freezer to retrieve the peas once more. Walked into the living room to see that it was empty, I grabbed my quilt, and pillow from under the coffee table, and set up my bed. I was just getting to sleep when I heard footsteps, then the back door open, and close. I stood and walked over to the window that gave me a clear view of the backyard, I saw Calum walk over to the trampoline and sit down, and look up at the stars.

I was about to go back to sleep. 

But I felt guilty knowing that he was just sitting out there, in the cold, most-likely being bothered by something, and I knew. I walked into the kitchen and whipped up some tea. 

When I finished I quietly snuck outside, trying carefully not to wake Ashton or Micheal. I walked through the grass in the moonlight, over to the trampoline. Calum was facing away from me. 

"What are you doing up so late?" I asked, he turned his torso. I handed him the two mugs, and carefully got on the trampoline, and sat beside him. 

"Just thinking," he said then looked at me, "Your eye, What happened?" He asked with a concerned tone. 

"I bumped into a door at school, no big deal," I said brushing off the concern. "What are you thinking about?" 

"Well, I was just thinking about the band. We left school, Luke is dropping out, and we are going to pursue this. We just don't have anything to fall back on if it doesn't work," he sounded puzzled.

"Luke's dropping out?" I asked.

"Yeah, this week is his last," he said. 

"Did he tell his parents?" I asked, extremely confused. I know that if Luke dropped out his parents wouldn't be happy with him. 

"No, he says they would kick him out," Calum said taking  a sip of tea.

I wondered why he didn't tell me this, then I remembered that Luke hated me with a passion, and that I was just here for favors. 

"So, Luke is nice to you guys?" I asked after a minute of silence. 

"Of course, he's nice to everyone isn't he?" Calum laughed. I let out a small, faint snicker. Causing Calum to look at me, "What?" 

"Sure he's nice to everyone," I said sarcastically. Calum looked confused. 

"What do you mean?" His joyful expression turned to confusion as he looked at me. 

"It's just that lately, he hasn't been himself, I guess," I said. 

"Wait, he didn't to that, right?" he asked. I shook my head 'no', and laughed a little, "Well what happened? Because I don't believe that you got that from a door."

"It definately wasn't Luke who gave me this," I paused, "It was his girlfriend though. She's a straight up bitch."

He laughed, "Now why would she do that?" 

"She thought I was trying to date him," I said. 

"Well, were you?" It then crossed my mind that Luke hasn't told ANYONE that we're related. 

"Ew, that would be disgusting!" I said laughing, "Since were brother and sister and all." 

Calum's face went blank, and shocked all at once, "He never told us that."

"He doesn't tell anyone that, I guess," I said. Calum was looking at me with furrowed eyebrows, "What?"

"I just don't understand why. It doesn't seem like him," he said, and I laughed. 

"Well he kind of hates me, so there's that," I said. I stood on the trampoline and jumped onto the ground. I grabbed the two mugs, and Calum jumped off as well. 

Once we got inside the house, I placed the mugs in the sink, and Calum was halfway up the stairs. 

"Goodnight Calum," I said as I leaned over the banister. He stopped adn turned around. 

"Night, Katie," he said, I nodded and walked back to my 'bed'. 

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