-Part 7-

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"Are you okay?" Calum asked.

"Not really," I said. I, a little too quickly, pulled out of the parking lot, and onto the road. 

"It's okay," he said, I smiled, "he must be a total dick."

I laughed and I felt the puffiness of my eyes come down a little bit. 

"Are my eyes still red?" I asked quickly facing Calum. 

"Nope," he said. He used his thumb to wipe some makeup from underneath my eye as I focased on the road. 

"Thanks," I said, "So, do you have a girlfriend back home?" I asked, trying to make conversation. 

"I did, but I kind of broke it off the day I left," he said. 

"That's cold, what did you say?" I asked, then realized that was a really personal question, "No, you don't have to answer that. That's your buisness."

"Well I told her that because I was leaving, I couldn't be there for her like another person could, and that wouldn't be fair to her. She ended up storming out anyways," he said. 

"I would've understood that," I said nodding my head. We were pulling into the drive way where I saw Luke's car parked on the street, "Shit," I said a I un-buckled my seat-belt. 

"What?" Calum asked as we got out of the car. 

"He's going to be angry," I said. I put my head down as I walked through the door, and placed my things on the table by the door. I tried to keep my red eyes towards the floor, as I heard Luke step from the kitchen. 

"You're such a slut," he said angerly. 

"I wasn't," I said still looking at the floor, he walked closer to me, but Calum stepped in front of him. 

"I knew you would try to sway one of them, I just didn't think it would be this fast," he said laughing. 

"Dude, what are you talking about?" Calum asked. 

"She was playing you, wasn't she?" He asked retorically, "Such a slut."

"Calm down, she didn't try to do anything bro," Calum said, calming Luke down. 

"Whatever," he said walking back into the kitchen, I heard him say something about let's start moving the stuff. I assumed he was talking about setting the instruments up in the garage. I began walking towards the front door, but something tripped me. I fell face first to the floor. I looked u pto see Ardene snickering. Why the hell was she here?

I stood and looked her straight in the eyes, "Get the hell out of my house."

"No," she said crossing her arms. 

"I'll call the cops," I threatened.

"Go ahead," she said thinking I wouldn't do it. I took my phone off the table and dialed 911. I began talking. 

"There is a phsyco woman in my house, she is a physical threat to me, and she refuses to leave," I said into the phone. 

"Officers should arrive in a few minutes." The woman on the other end said after I gave her my adress. 

Ardene ran into the garage freaking out. I heard sirens, then a knock at the door. I quickly opened it. 

"She is in the garage," I said. The two officers walked to the garage door, and quickly opened it. I heard some shouting, then some talking, then footsteps. I turned my head as one officer walked Ardene out in handcuffs the other walked over to speak to me. 

"She has a record of tresspassing and assult," he said and I nodded, "Did you allow her onto your property?" 

"No I did not," I said in reply to the officer's question. 

"Have you had physical encounters prior to today?" he asked. 

"Yes, she punches and kicks and all that on a regular basis," I said. 

"Okay thank you, we might be back for more questions, thank you for calling us," he said as I walked him out and shut the door. I leaned against it and slid down the door until I was sitting against it. 

Why would he bring her here? I thought that we were getting somewhere, I guess not. I thought that he didn't want Ardene knowing about the band? I was so confused and overwhelmed that tears started streaming and I felt my heart race as the panic attack began. I stood and walked through the house, and out the back door to get some air. I sat on the trampoline, and layed down on my back. I slowly breathed in and out. Trying to count to ten before each breath, but it wouldn't stop. The tears kept falling, my head kept pounding, my breathing just got shorter and faster. I felt someone step onto the trampoline. I didn't want anyone to see me like this. 

They sat down beside me, and I rolled onto my stomach, from my back so whoever it was couldn't see my face. 

"I'm sorry," he said. I shook my head after realizing it was  Luke. 

"Don't," I managed to get out, "What happ-," the breaths were still short and choppy, "happened to the deal?"

"Ardene followed me, I had to do something to make her think nothing was going on," he placed his hand on my back and made small circles. 

I tried to shrug him off, but I couldn't manage to do it while I was on my stomach. I sat up and faced away from him. 

"Katie, I'm really sorry," he said, "she won't be bothering you for a while, if that helps."

"No, Luke, it doesn't." I said sharply, "Because you still treat me like complete shit, just as I thought we might be getting closer, and that we might be 'friends' again, but I was wrong," I said in one breath. 

"You need water," he said handing me a glass of water from my side. I gently took it, and some spilt over the edge because of how shaky my hands were. I drank it, in almost one gigantic gulp.

"Now Ardene knows where I live Luke. Plus," I swallowed more water, "I thought that you didn't want her to know about the band," I said as if it was a question. 

"I told her a lie, and she won't be coming back," he said.

"What did you tell her?" I asked knowing that it was probably something involving me. 

"I told her that they were your cousin's and I that I was close to them before I moved here, and that I was just visiting," he said. By the tone in his voice I could tell that he was upset, in a sad way.

"You shouldn't be sad about her going to juvy," I said calming my breathing a little bit.

"I'm definetly not sad about her, all she wanted to do was gossip and make out anyways," he paused and moved into my view, "I'm sad because I want to be friends again, but I keep ruining it."

I nodded, "Yes, you do."

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