-Part 4-

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Once the oblivious bus driver pulled up to my street and I hopped off the bus. I walked slowly up the street and unocked the door to my house quickly. I threw my book bag onto a chair in the foyer. 

I then kicked off my shoes so I was in barefeet. I walked over to the fridge, and looked at some of the drawings that I kept from Josie. They mostly looked like abstract scribbles, but they had meaning, maybe. I walked upstairs to cover the bruise around my eye with some makeup so it doesn't scare Josie. I really miss her. I checked my phone and saw that Luke should be here any minute. I strolled downstairs and sat on the couch and read a book that I left on the coffee table.

I had read three short chapters before I heard a knock on the door, I jumped up and walked towards the foyer, I opened the door. Josie was sitting in Luke's arms, and he was holding her flourescent pink Hello Kitty backpack. I laughed when she spun around to see me her eyes lit up, and she stretched her arms out and I took her into a big hug, leaving Luke with the pink backpack, which I took from him, and he walked in and shut the door. 

"Katie! How was you're vacation?" She asked happily. 

"It was amazing, how have you been?" Luke smiled, 

"Good! Luke took me to the park yesterday!" She said and I laughed when Luke giggled uncomfortably. He obviously didn't like people seeing how nice he was when he wasn't in hell. 

"I'm going to go pick up the boys, I'll be back soon," he said and left. 

"Luke's friends from 'Aunstrialla' are coming here?" She asked. It had slipped my mind that Josie was from Austrailia as well. 

"You've met them before?" I asked smiling and putting her down. 

"Mhm," she nodded, "they're so good!" I laughed, by good, I believe she meant to say nice. 

"What do you want to do?" I asked her. 

"Can you paint my nails?" She held out her hands and shook her hips back adn forth behind her. 

I nodded, she was reaching for her backpack, I pulled it off the counter, and handed it to her. She un-zipped the zipper and sat on the floor, as she dug through the bag. She pulled out two bottles of Hello Kitty nail polish, and handed them to me. 

We walked into the living room, "Which ones do you want this colour?" I asked. She held up a thumb, and I painted it. "Next," I said, she held up a random finger, and did this five more times. Then instructed me to switch colours. I did, and painted the rest of the nails purple. 

"I like your necklace!" She said, "Where did you get it?" 

"Luke picked it out for me when we were little," I said smiling. Her nails were acceptably dry now. 

She ran into the kitchen and came back seconds later with a shiny piece of jewlry I couldn't tell what it was. 

"He picked this one out for me to!" She held up the necklace. It was the same as mine, except the diamonds were pink, then black, then red, "Do you know Luke has a green one, on his keys, I picked it out!" she said, "We all match! Can you put it on?" she jumped to she was facin gthe other way, I securly snapped the necklace together.

"Do you want to jump on the trampoline?" I asked excidedly. She eagerly nodded and stood on the couch, I faced my back to her, and she jumped on, I galloped out to my backyard, where the previous owners left a gymnastics-type trampoline outside. I helped her get on, and then I jumped up.  We kept jumping, for a long time. I flipped, and she tried, I would help her, I would jump around her and she bounce and laugh. This continued for another half hour, before I heard the back door slide open. I was watching Josie do a trick, while I was sitting on the side. I craned my neck to see Luke walking over towards me. I smiled when Josie jumped sat and came back up. She saw Luke and ran over towards him. 

"Hello," he said spinning her around in a hug.

"I had so much fun! Can I sleepover?" Josie asked. I laughed, and so did Luke. 

"Not tonight, maybe another day. The boys are inside," Josie's eyes lit up again, and Luke put her on the grass so she could run back towards the house. She crawled up the steps and dissapeared into the house. 

I heard screams, and laughing, adn hellos. I laughed so did Luke. 

"While they visit Josie, I can take their shit to their room, if you'd show me where it is," he said as we walked back towards the house. 

"I'll help," I said. The head ache was still thumping from getting punched. I flinched. 

"What happened to your eye?" he asked wondering where the bruise had gone.

"I covered it up before Josie came, I didn't want to scare her," I said, and he nodded in understanding as we walked into the house. I grabbed three of the heavier bags that I saw, and began to easily make my way up the stairs, I placed them all upright in the centre of the room. Luke followed, struggling with the three light bags he had, and placed them how I did. 

"Where'd you get the muscle?" he asked. I laughed. 

"I had to work on the whole house, lots of lifting and stretching and twisting."

"Ah,"  he said finally understanding how this whole house was possible. He walked down the stairs first, I heard voices coming from the foyer. Luke walked toward them, and I slowly followed. I was becoming nervous. 

"Katie, Guys. Guys, Katie," Luke said. I nodded and so did they. 

"That doesn't help me with names, Luke," I rolled my eyes with a slight smile. Each boy came up to me and shook my hand. Ashton, Micheal and Calum. They all had warm smiles, and seemed very happy. That gave me a slight amount of reassurance.

It was almost five o'clock. "Come on, Josie get your stuff," Luke said. When she came back, he picked her up, "You  guys have my number, and I will be here tomorrow to set up the garage," he mouthed 'thank you' to me and left. 

"Tour?" I asked. They nodded then followed me. I walked through the house and then finally up to the bedroom, "Sorry that you all have to share a room, its the only one I got."

"Where are you sleeping then?" The brown haired, Calum asked conceredly. 

"Oh, I took the couch, it's no problem really," I said. 

"You have school, you need the rest," the colourful headed one, Micheal, said.

"No I'm great, really. I should go start dinner. Any vegitarians?" They all said nope, "Chicken and pasta sound decent enough?" I asked. They nodded.

"You don't have to cook for us," the dark blonde-brown haired one, Ashton, said. 

"You're guests," I was walking out of the door, "Just holler if you need anything."

I went into the kitchen and pulled my hair into a high pony-tail. Then washed my hands. I commenced with making dinner, and did a great job, if I do say so myself.

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