-Part 25-

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I stood up at the recognition of the familiar voice.

"Yeah, I'm great," I smiled and wiped under my eyes, and wiping underneath my nose. I must've looked like I got hit my the nearby train, "I was actually just about to go back inside."

Calum wasn't taking my bullshit.

I smiled and tried to walk past him, but he just hugged me instead. Rubbing small circles up and down my back, I lifted my arms and latched them onto his shoulders as my head became buried into his chest. I pushed back the tears with all my might.

"What's wrong?" He asked into my hair.

I pulled away and straightened my shirt and smiled.

"Nothing, I'm great. We should go inside," I said and actually walked past him this time. He followed.

I walked through the tables with a smile.

I saw Luke lift his head as I walked towards the table. He smiled, seemingly oblivious to the fact that all my heart was torn from my chest only a little while ago.

Ashton looked me in the eyes before smiling like he wanted to say 'sorry' or maybe, 'we will come back to see you', but I knew that I shouldn't get my hopes up.

'Feeling better?" Michael asked sympathetically as Ashton jumped out of the booth, and let me slide towards Luke before closing me in. I felt Luke's arms wrap around my shoulders and his head rest on the one that was closest to him.

"Yeah, I may have ate something sour today," I lied.

"Katie it's okay," I heard Luke say.

"What are you taking about?" I asked with a stifled laugh.

He loosened his grip and looked at me.

"This is such a cool opportunity for you guys and I hope that everything goes great, and I hope I see you again, but if not, know that I'm proud of you, although that probably doesn't mean much," I laughed looking at my knees under the table. I wiped a single tear from my cheek as I pushed others back and smiled looking up.

"We're going to miss you," Luke said, "and it does mean a lot that you're proud of us."

I laughed knowing that it really didn't.

"Is One Direction a big band?" I asked with a small laugh.

I didn't listen to much pop music, which is what I assumed they sung, being as they didn't play instruments. I hardly watched things like MTV or logged onto YouTube. I really didn't listen to the radio, I stuck to my music library, where I didn't even buy songs, who has the money to do that? I was kind of out of the pop-culture loop.

"Yeah, just a little bit," they all laughed.

"They're just maybe the number one boy band across the world," Ashton chuckled.

"Wait so I was friends with someone from a famous boy band?" I asked excitedly, trying to take my mind off the fact that they were still leaving.

"Yeah," Calum said.

"Boy, do I feel cool," I said sarcastically. Our food came, but I didn't feel/want to eat. So I let the boys split it.

When they finished we headed back to the house, and the boys headed to bed, they told me that they had to pack up all their instruments and get them ready to be put in the equipment truck for the tour tomorrow.

I just made some tea and headed to the place I wanted to be most, the place where I could think clearly.

The trampoline.

I sat silently for a while, drowning in my thoughts.

How could they be going on a world-wide tour? They barely went to a recording studio since they've been here. How did they know One Direction? How long has this band been going on? It would've had to have been a long time if Calum had that many followers on Twitter. They play their instruments so well.

I'm going to miss them, more than they would ever know.

Why were they leaving so quickly? How long had they known about this? Why hadn't they told me earlier?

I couldn't stop the questions from suffocating me, so I just cried.

I knew deep down that this whole situation was too good to be true.

My brother finally caring, meeting my brothers friends, and them not treating me like the piece of shit that I am, and having all of this stay was just a dream.

Now that Carter was back, I knew that there was no way I would be able to survive on my own, coming home to nothing but an empty house everyday. I guess once they left, the house would match my feelings.

I made my way through two years of the old Luke and his posey of assholes tormenting me.

I could make it through another year. I think, I hope.

I know that I was kidding myself, and that I wouldn't get through anything without Luke by my side, or Calum to calm me down, or Michael and Ashton to brighten my mood.

I then realized that it's not just because my brother is leaving that I'm in tears, but because the closest things to friends that I've had in so long are leaving.

Calum's leaving.

There's no denying that I want to tell Calum that I like him, and that he is the guy that I want to be with.

But there was no way in hell that I was telling him that before they left. It would kill me knowing that I confessed my liking towards someone who has been nothing but good to me, and then them leaving the same day.

I just wouldn't do it.

I couldn't do this.

I can't stay here with nobody.

I needed a way out.

I needed them to stay.

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