-Part 15-

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I woke up on the couch, and immediately felt absolutely frozen.
I tried to reach for a blanket, but there was none. I painfully looked over to see Michael walking through the room towards the back door.
"Michael?" I managed to choke out.
"You're awake," he said with a friendly smile.
"C-can you get me a blanket?" I asked, he nodded and ran up the stairs.
He brought down one of the comforters from the bedroom and draped it over me, he tucked it under my legs. I laughed, he smiled.
"There," he said as he stood up.
"Where is everyone?" I asked through my chattering teeth.
"In the back," he said, "do you want me to get one of them?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.
"No, it's fine, thanks," I said, he hesitantly walked out the door and I heard voices. I tried to fall back asleep but couldn't.
I lifted the blanket and dropped it at my waist so my legs were still covered.
I then lifted up my shirt to see that the bruises weren't swollen, but they were still a vibrant shade of purple.
I felt my hair, and it was a mess, I guarantee my face was worse.
The back door burst open.
"You're awake," Luke said rushing over and crouching beside me, I pulled my shirt back over my stomach so he wouldn't see, but he lifted it slightly, and I pushed my lips into a thin line.
"Are you sure that you don't want to go to the hospital?" He asked looking me directly in the eyes.
"Nope," I said with a forced smile.
"Katie," he said.
"Luke," I mocked.
I then in a quick movement pushed the blanket off me, and slowly began to stand, I winced a couple times on the way up.
"What are you doing?" Luke asked as he abruptly stood and helped me stand steady.
"Making dinner," I said.
"I'll make dinner," Ashton said walking out of the room and towards the kitchen, I huffed.
"Then I'm going to take a shower," I said. I, at the speed of a turtle, began walking towards the staircase. I felt two sets of hands, one on my arm, and one on my waist.
I stopped in pain for a second and realized it was Luke holding my arms, and Michael holding my waist.
I began walking again.
I winced an innumerable amount of times before I reached the bedroom.
I pointed to things in my closet and Michael grabbed them while Luke started the shower and grabbed me a towel.
I then walked, by myself to the shower and told the boys that I would be fine.
They left and I locked the door.
I gently pulled my clothes off, avoiding looking at the bruises in the mirror.
I began to get dizzy again, I leaned against the wall. A minute or two later, I slowly lifted one leg at a time into the shower and began to shower.
I was took extreme precaution when washing the bruises.
Once I finished, I shut off the water and I began the difficult task of getting out of the now extremely slippery shower.
I sat at the edge of the bathtub and lifted one leg over at a time, I began to stand but fell with a huge thud. I slowly recovered from the fall, but not before I heard a knock at the door.
"Katie? You ok?" I heard Luke say.
"Yeah, I'm great," I said between silent winces.
"I can help if you need it," he said. I knew that it wasn't a it's-an-excuse-to-see-you-naked offer, because he is my brother.
I was halfway standing, before I slipped with another thud.
"Can you?" I asked Luke from the floor. I then grabbed a towel off the rod, and managed to wrap it around me while sitting on the floor.
"Is it okay that I come in now?" He said as he slowly opened the door, he looked around the room before his eyes landed on my towel-covered body, he rushed over and helped me stand, he dried the floor once I was balanced on the vanity counter.
He then shut the bathroom door, and turned away while I put my undergarments on.
"Can you help?" I asked. It was excruciating to pull over the hoodie.
"Sure," he said. He closed his eyes and tried helping me.
"That's my face," I said as he poked at my nose, "you can open your eyes, I'm your sister."
He hesitantly opened his eyes and quickly pulled the sweatshirt over my head and help pull my arms through the sleeves.
"Thank you," I said with a slight laugh, I had already pulled my pants over my legs. I hung my towel over a hook on the door and Luke helped me limp out of the bathroom. I saw Calum making his bed.
"Hey," he said with a smile.
"Where have you been?" I said with a laugh.
"Nowhere, just out," he said cautiously.
Luke started walking me towards Calum's bed.
"I need to go to bed," I said trying to turn towards the door to go downstairs to the couch.
"Yeah, so come here," Calum said.
I decided that there was no way I was getting down the stairs alone, and that none of the boys would help me. I just let Luke help me over to the mattress. I laid down on the left side of the bed.
"Which one of you is sleeping here, and which one is sleeping on the couch?" I asked as I rolled onto my side.
They looked at each other.
"I already saw her half naked toady, I'm not sleeping in the same bed," Luke said, throwing his hands up in defence.
"Well looks like I'm stuck with you," I said to Calum in a playful way, he pretended to act hurt.
Luke laughed then said goodnight before heading downstairs.
Calum grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt before heading to the bathroom.
I began to fall asleep, then felt a dip in the mattress.
"Are you asleep?" Calum whispered.
"Maybe," I said with my head buried in the comforter.
"Okay," he said with a small laugh.
"So where were you?" I asked, with a smirk only I could feel, "On a date?" I chuckled, but immediately stopped from the pain it caused.
"No, I was shopping with Niall and Harry," he said.
I nodded then remembered that he couldn't see me.
"Shopping for what?" I asked.
"I don't know," he said.
"So you weren't shopping?" I questioned.
"Fine," he said, then he just stopped tailing until I urged him to continue his sentence.
"I was meeting someone," he said.
"And," I asked.
"I don't want to talk about it," I could tell he was disheveled about whatever this encounter held.
"Was it a crazy sociopath?" I asked, he chuckled.
"Did you get kidnapped?" I asked. He laughed again.
"Raped?" He shook his head.
"Crazy ex?" I asked and he didn't move.
"Woah, she came all the way from Australia?" I asked.
"She's staying in a hotel, and I kind of lied to her," he said slowly, implying something.
"About what?" I asked, getting tired of this conversation, and my eyelids were getting heavy.
"I said I was dating someone," he said.
"Who?" I said with my eyes closed and head feeling heavy.
"You," he said.
"Okay," I said before falling asleep, I barely heard what he said, and I wasn't going to run into this girl anytime soon. I didn't really care, I'm used to being lied about. Luke lied about the fact that we were related for over a year.
I could manage being a secret girlfriend for a few days until she left the country.

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