-Part 10-

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I unlocked the door, and lazily made my way upstairs to shower and change back into my sweatpants knowing that the boys wouldn't be back anytime soon. 

I left my hair down, and jumped down the stairs and headed to the couch to lay out my bed. I went to the kitchen in search of a glass of water. I sat at the kitchen table and drank. I then realized that Luke wouldn't be able to drive home drunk. Well, he could, I thought. But I wouldn't let him. 

I took out my phone and decided to text each of them, with the hopes that someone would still be sobe enough to make them all walk home. 

I sent a message to Luke; 'You aren't driving home, text me if you can't walk either.'

It took me a while to find the other boys numbers in my contacts list I sent them all a message saying something along the lines of 'No driving,' and 'Please tell me one of you is sober.'

I waited a few minutes for them to reply, I was biting my nails already regretting my choice to leave. I debated on whether or not to walk back to the party. I decided I would, but just to gather the boys, they've been there for an hour and a half. I set down my glass, and grabbed my old leather jacket, and black shoes. I grabbed the house keys and began walking down the street after locking the door. 

When I got there, there seemed to be even more people. I ran towards the house, and looked around the room, and quickly found the bright-haired Michael doing pitiful, no-handed shots off of a trashed piano. I made my way over, and grabbed his hand, and waited to speak until he looked at me, not wanting to waste my breath. 

"Micheal, we have to go now, okay?" I asked. 

"Okay, just a few more," he said turning towards the piano again. I tugged him, and he looked into my eyes again with a dopey smile on his face, his eyes squinting. 

"Now, Michael," I said sternly, and he followed my as I pulled him thorugh the sweaty, and disgusting grinding teenager floor, "Where's Ashton and Calum?" I asked. 

"Ashton's over there," he said pointing to a couch which sat many girls, and Ashton, the table between the couches held a spinning bottle. I dragged Michael with me as I made my way towards Ashton. 

I grabbed his hand to, "Come on, time to leave," I said pulling him off the couch. I wouldn't be able to drag them both through the whole house, I told them to go sit by Luke's car, and if they weren't there when I got there I would smash their instruments. They gasped with their hands over their mouthes, and I watched as they went out the front door. 

I walked towards the kitchen where I saw people gathered around the huge keg. I made my way through the crowd to see Luke getting down from doing a keg-stand, his face was red and he was wobbling about the room. I pushed through the many girls that were around him, and grabbed his hand after sneakily taking his keys from his pocket. 

"Oh, hey Katie!" He said as I dragged him around, "Having fun? I haven't seen you all night," h said. 

"We have to get you back home," I said as we made our way out the front door, and towards where Micheal and Ashton were sitting beside Luke's car. 

"I can't go home," he said. 

"Why?" I asked as I sat him down. 

"Dad don't want me back," he said. 

"Just stay here, or else I will break everything," I said to all three of them who were sitting against the doors of his car. 

"Aye-aye Captain K."

I laughed as I ran in the house and looked for Calum, he was no where on this floor, I've travelled through the sea of sweat nearly three times already. 

I made my way up the stairs, and spun around the corner, running into a familiar face for the second time. 

"Hey," he the handsome, brown-haired boy slurred. 

"Hello," I said trying to walk around him. 

"Wait, come here," he said pulling my body back towards him and swiftly pushed me against the wall gently, "Seriously what's your name?" He laughed. 

"I told you, it's a mystery," I said he got closer.

"Well, I'm Harry," he said. 

"Please move, Harry," I said trying to push him off of me. 

"No, no, no, what's your name?" he said again. 

"It's Katie, now please get off me," I said more sternly. 

"Dude, get off her," I heard a familiar voice soberly say gently. I saw someone gently pull him back and stand between me and him. 

"I was just being friendly," he said. 

"I know, I know," Calum said. His brown hair was a bit messed up, and his neck had a small smear of pink lipgloss on it. 

I saw Harry, walked down the hall, and Calum turn towards me, "Thanks," I said as I began walking towards the staircase, him following. 

"No problem, he's actually a nice guy when he's not wasted," he laughed. Which caused me to shyly laugh.

When we got to the car, I saw the three boys, except that Luke had a girl sitting on his lap. I reached down and pulled her off him, nad she stood. 

"It's okay honey, he has to go, his cat just died," I told her ushering her towards the house. 

"I'm so sorry," she screamed towards Luke, who looked extremely confused. 

"I don't have a cat," he said, "Or do I? I don't remember," he said laughing. 

 I unlocked the car, and me and sober Calum helped them all get in before taking the two front seats, me driving. 

"Hey! Katie texted me, but I can't read it!" Micheal slurred, and the three drunken boys laughed histarically. 

I just looked at Calum and shook my head as we pulled into my driveway. 

Me and Calum took the boys in, one by one. I told him that he could go to sleep. He hesitantly nodded looking at Luke, who sat with a glass of water in the kitchen. I just nodded and handed him two pills for each Micheal and Ashton, along with two glasses of water. I was extremely glad that Calum wasn't drunk right now. 

I then walked back into the kitchen when I heard Calum get to the top of the stairs. 

I sat beside Luke, and he smiled at me, "Thank you, I'm really thirsty."

"Yeah, you are," I laughed, "I think it's time for bed, come on," I began helping him walk by holding his side. We got to the couch, and I layed him on it, I took off his shoes, and pulled the blanket over him. 

"Love you Katie," he said dozing off. 

"Love you to," I said. 

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