-Part 23-

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I sat in the centre of the rectangualr trampoline, and crossed my legs. 

I stole a sip from my drink with every thought that went through my head. 

I thought about how I saw Carter. He wasn't supposed to be out of rehab for another few months, and he had definetly relapsed. Back to the same old Carter. 

Deep down, I want Carter to succeed in life, and I want him to get better, but another part of me wants to see him fall off a bridge. 

I also wondered why the hell he was at that party. He doesn't go to a high school anywhere near here. 

Once I finished my drink, I walked barefoot through the masquito filled grass back into the house and fell asleep on my couch. It didn't hurt when I woke up this time, which was a great surprise. 


I jumped off the couch quickly to check what time it was, and found that I had an hour to get ready. 

I walked up the stairs, and into the room where I saw all the boys sleeping soundly. I crept over to my closet and pulled out the first outfit that I saw. 

I went into the bathroom and threw it on after brushing my hair. 

I walked slowly to the door, and walked down the stairs to the kitchen where I saw a stack of pancakes with a note attached to them. 

I looked around to see that whoever did this, did the dishes. The only evidence someone had been in here was the now mysterious stack of pancakes sitting on the island. 

I walked over, and took the note in my hands. 

It read;

Sorry about last night, didn't mean for that to happen.
Apology Pancakes. 
Sincerly, Calum :)

I was confused as to what he was apologizing for. Whether it was the getting hammered, or the drunk kiss. 

I still laughed at the gesture, and ate two of the eight pancakes that were on the plate, leaving the rest in the fridge for whoever wakes up first. 

I looked through my school bag, and made sure that I had everything that I need for the day. 

I was slipping my shoes on when there was a knock at the door.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and took my keys off the small table before openeing the door, where stood a very un-familiar face of a girl about my age. 

"Hey, what can I help you with?" I asked nicely, knowing that she had the wrong house. 

"Does," she paused to look at a piece of paper, "Luke Hemmings live here?" I automatically got confused. 

"Um, no," I said. 

"Oh, sorry for the disturbance." the blonde said as she turned away and began walking towards the steps with her backpack swaying. 

"Wait," I said as I walked out and closed the door behnid me, "How do you know him?" I asked with a smile. 

"Oh, his dad asked me to look for him here," she said as we walked side by side down the driveway. 

"Do you need a ride?" I asked, assuming that she went to my school because we were so close. 

"To the school that's just down there?" She pointed in the direction of my school. I nodded, "Sure," she said hesitantly as I un-locked the car and we both got in. 

"Why did his dad send you?" I asked out of curiousity. 

"He says that he hasn't been home for almost a week, and that he needs to go back," she said. 

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