-Part 26-

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I was still sniffling from the hot tears that were falling down my cheeks as I walked back into the house and sat on the sofa.

My back wasn't to inching the back of the couch as I held my head in my hands and continued to cry as quietly as I could.

"You know, I couldn't help but overhear some delicate sobs coming from down here, and out of complete curiosity I came to see if there was a girl in need of a friend that gives reasonably decent hugs," Calum said. He smirked as he leaned against the arch that lead to the living room from the foyer.

I laughed as I looked up from the pitiful stance.

He walked over and sat beside me, pulling me into his chest and wrapping an arm across the back of my shoulders, and the other draped across my waist.

"What's really bothering you?" He asked as he gently rested his head on the top of my own.

"I'm just going to miss you guys," I said with a sniffle.

"Really? You're going to miss the mess, and the smell, and the constant boom coming from the garage?" He laughed, I chuckled slightly and nodded.

"I really will," I began, "How long have you know about this tour?" I asked out of curiosity.

"A day or two," he answered.

"Why are you leaving so soon?" I asked.

"Because apparently they had been wanting us to come with them for a while, and the idea only got approved a few days ago," he told me. Which was understandable.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Isn't that what you've been doing this whole time?" He asked, and I laughed.

"Well, are you guys actually going to miss me?" I asked biting my lip.

"Well," he paused. I tensed, and he chuckled a little, "Not really no," he said.

"Oh," was all I could say.

"Well that is if you accept the offer I'm about to make you," he began.

I looked up at his smiling face.

"Luke wanted to tell you tomorrow, but seeing how disheveled you are, I need to ask you right now," he began. I nodded, urging him to continue with wherever he was trying to take this, "I, Calum Hood, am asking you, Kathryn Hemmings, if you would like to go on tour with this band of stupid mates, called 5 Seconds Of Summer. Because after a long, heart-felt, cry over how much these boys would miss you a couple days ago, they decided that they wouldn't be able to leave without knowing you would be okay. With the consent of the main act, and tour management, you, Kathryn Hemmings, are allowed to be our only form of sanity on this tour."

He paused, and I moved out of his grasp, and stood in front of him. I couldn't help the gigantic smile that was fighting it's way across my face through the plummeting tears.

"Did I mention that they all have Australian accents?" He asked standing and spreading his arms out, like one would when awaiting a hug.

"I-," I began, "Do-," I couldn't manage to put a sentence together in my mouth, "Really?" I asked.

He shook his head 'yes', and I swear my smile grew even larger, if that was possible.

"Yes!" I screamed. I ran into Calum's arms and he spun me in circles, he set me down and I kissed him. I kissed him. The best part was that he kissed me back. I pulled away and blushed. Smiling shyly, I said, "I'm sorry, I don't kno-," he cut me off.

"It's okay," he smiled.

"Can I go tell the boys?" I asked hopping up and down on the spot.

He nodded and grabbed my hand, we ran up the stairs.

The room was dark, but I could make out each boy because of the bright moonlight.

I let go of Calum's hand and ran towards where Luke was sleeping.

"Luke!" I screamed as I jumped on his bed, he bounced a little, but didn't wake up.

"Luke!" I screamed again, and jumped onto him.

"What?" He asked groggily.

"I'm coming with you!" I screamed.

He turned to look at me, who was sitting on my knees beside him, "I know," he smiled.

"Michael! Michael!" I screamed as I practically fell off Luke and Calum's bed and ran to jump on Michael.

He awoke immediately.

"Yes princess?" He asked with one eye open, his voice was low and made him sound like he had a bad cold.

"I'm going with you guys!" I said hopping up and down on my knees again.

"Yeah, we knew you would say yes," he smirked.

"Ashton!" I said running towards his bed and shaking him awake.

"It's not Christmas," he moaned as I jumped on his bed.

"I'm going with you guys!" I said for the zillionth time.

"That's awesome," he said before he closed his eyes again and shoved his head back in his pillow.

"Goodnight guys!" I said.

I heard muffled words from each of them before I thanked Calum and decided that I needed to sleep.

I didn't really sleep though, obviously. 

I had to plan everything that I was going to do tomorrow so that everything would be set up for the departure. 

I needed to phone the school, and tell them that I wouldn't be attending. I had to call the electricity company and tell them when to shut off the power. I had to tell Grace. 

I felt kind of bad that I'm leaving her with Carter, although I barely know this girl, and that she grew up with Carter, I feel terrible just up and leaving after she stuck up for me at school. 

But she'd be fine, she was much stronger than I was, and has the courage that I lacked. 

I woke around eight o'clock in the morning. 

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