-Part 6-

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I woke up around seven o'clock. I sat up on the uncomfortable couch, and smelt something good. I stood quickly and then slowly walked towards the kitchen to see three boys, shirtless, in sweatpants, cooking breakfast. 

I walked over to where Micheal and Calum were standing, in front of the stove. I peeked between their shoulders to see Calum making baccon, and Micheal making fried eggs. I looked down the counter to see Ashton using the waffle maker. 

"What can I do to help?" I asked. Micheal laughed.

"Relax," Ashton said. 

Calum took the eggs off the stove top, and walked over to me and began pushing me by the back of my shoulders up the stairs to my/their room, and pushed me in gently, "Get dressed or something," he said closing the door. 

I laughed. I grabbed a pair of extremely ripped, light-wash jeans and a slightly cropped, mint sweater, that was short in the front, and slightly longer in the back. I walked into the bathroom, and got dressed before brusing through my hair. I didn't do much to my hair on a daily basis. I just flip my head over, then scoop it all to one side when I come back up, so that the part is far to one side. I then covered the bruise on my eyes with foundation and stuff. I debated on whether or not to put on eyeliner. I decided not to, I was just too lazy. I did put mascara on though. Just enought that it was a little clumpy, in a good way. 

I looked at the necklace that Luke picked out when we were little. Back when he didn't hate me. 

You'd think that I would have a well grown hatrid towards Luke, but I don't. I feel like I must've done something to make him hate me so much. I just wish he'd tell me what I'd done. I love Luke with all my heart, he is family, and to me family is everything. At least when your mom doesn't find a boyfriend who is constantly trying to have sex with you. Other than that, the feelign of family, blood or not, is what I feel most strongly about. 

I heard a knock on the bathroom door. 

I opened it quickly. My eyes lit up when I heard Micheal say that breakfast was ready. I sprinted down the stairs after Micheal. I walked over to the dining table and sat down, everyone began passing a waffle tray around, then baccon, then eggs. 

"You guys really didn't have to do this," I said as I took a bite of the delicious baccon. 

"Well, since we're going to be living under the same roof for a while, we will be helping out as much as we can," Ashton said. The other two boys agreed. I agreed. 

Once I finished, I began doing dishes. This time Ashton took the sponge from me and I just looked at him with an I-Can-Do-It look. But he continued theh dishes. Micheal was already wiping down the table. I gave up trying, and walked into the foyer. I saw Calum come down the stairs. He was now dressed in a black, short-sleeved button down shirt, with black jeans that had a single rip on his right knee, that made it look like he had been power-sliding on it. 

I was sliding my black sneakers on, "Where are you going?" he asked standing on the last step and leaning on the banister. 

"I have to go see someone quickly, I'll be back," I said with a smile. 

"Can I go with you?" Calum asked in a very cheery tone. I was going to make sure Carter was doing okay, I debated back and forth for a minute. I eventually agreed. 

"Okay, but you have to stay in the car," I said with a sorry look on my face. 

"That's fine," he said slipping his shoes on. I reached to the table beside the door for my keys, and wallet. I then walked towards the kitchen and peeked my head in.

"I'm going to visit," I quickly stopped myself, "See someone quick, Calum and I will be back soon," I said and they nodded. I then lead Calum to my car, and he got in the passenger side door. I started the car, and pulled out of the driveway. It was a short ride to the rehab centre that Carter was residing at. 

Carter is my ex-boyfriend. I still visit him every once in a while, he's landed himself in rehab after we broke up because of heroine and pot. I wasn't always part of the 'right' scene. 

When we pulled in past the sign, Calum smiled, "It's good that you come and visit," he said. 

"Yeah, I feel like I owe it to him," I shut the car down, but left the stereo on. 

"Him?" Calum asked confused.

"Ex," I said, and he nodded. I got out of the car, and walked into the building. I was greeted by Natasha, the receptionist. She quickly handed me the visitor's pass, and I made my way to Carter's room, I knocked on the open door, and without facing me he instructed me to come in. I sat at the end of his bed, adn he looked up from his Rubik's cube. 

"Sorry, I can't stay for long," I said. 

"It's okay, I do have one question then you can leave if you want," he said. He had his black hair up in a quif, and his black sweatpants on. I nodded, "When I get out of here, can we go back to being us?" He asked.

"Carter," I said but he cut me off by kissing me. I didn't kiss back though. I was good at resisting things that I didn't want to take part in. 

"Do you not love me anymore?" He asked with mad eyes. 

"Carter," I said but he cut me off again. 

"I know that you still love me, even though I slept with Deidra," he smirked. My jaw dropped. I felt the tears begin to brim my eyes. He slept with Deidra? When we were together? 

"You're smoking pot again aren't you?" I said as I stood and began walking out of his room. He grabbed my wrist, and forcefully kissed me again, I pushed him off with a disgusted look on my face. I ran down the hall.

"Katie," I heard him say after me.

"I'm not coming back," I said towards him. I walked up to Natasha, "He's smoking again, I can smell it on him." 

She nodded as I handed me the tag, I smiled at her, she gave me a pitiful smile. I knew that I was full on crying now. I succeded in wiping away most of the tears before I reached the car, and Calum must've saw that my eyes were red and puffy. 

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