~~Chapter 1: 2 worlds~~

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The most majestic creatures roaming the oceans and seas. They swim around the ocean like they're flying in the sky. Elegantly, they move which such power that it makes it hard to not look at when you're out on the ocean.

Many have claimed to have seen these creatures, but they haven't got any proof because...It's the 18th century. What? Do you think there are any cameras or some sh*t like that? Then close your device and go back to school. Open your book and study some common sense by Thomas Paine or something like that.

Anyway, most of these mermaids are better known as sirens. They're totally different. A mermaid can't do any harm to humans. They are more a group lover and they are more optimistic.

Sirens, on the other hand...They need to harm humans. Either by crashing a boat into an oncoming rock and getting people in the water or by pulling one underwater and giving them the devil's kiss. The devil's kiss makes the siren become a human and the human a siren.

The sirens are lonewolfers and prefer to be more pessimistic about life. Mostly because they're stuck doing nothing but look for humans.

Enter Y/N L/N.

"My head hurts, my fins are swollen, I'm pretty sure I just puked on that sea turtle, I can't remember anything I've said so far, my head hurts, my fins are swollen, I'm pretty sure-"

She's a mix and match.

Her mother was human and her father was a merman. By sea law, this was unacceptable. The child was cursed to be half siren and half mermaid so they couldn't fit in anywhere. The father was killed after she was born. After living a full 2 years with her mom and 2 older brothers, she was released into the sea.

18 years long she remained alone in the North Atlantic Ocean. She's been outcasted by every mermaid and merman she has ever met and the sirens don't like her. She's been rather positive about her life.

But what she's been aspiring to do is discover more than the sea. She's popped her head out of the water a few times. But was scared by certain loud explosions and ships passing by. She didn't know the name of these damn things.

But she was going to figure it out! She was going to prove all those sea creatures wrong. She had a meaning in this life! She-

"Okay, narrator, that's enough. I'ma go and live my life. You should go live your own too." Y/N told as she pointed behind her.

Excuse me, but this is my job!

"I don't...Care..." She countered as she folded her arms.

You should.

"I'ma go." She waved as she swam away. "And while we're on it, can someone please change this story to first person's perspective?" She asked aloud.


Y/N's P.O.V

I saw away as my thoughts expanded all around me. Maybe I should find a way out of the water as the narrator hinted to. I turned my head upwards and felt my hair shift in the water. I looked back forward and swam to the place where the big brown wales passed every day.

When I reached the place I saw 5 wales in the same place. I touched one's belly. It felt hard instead of soft like I knew it felt. I looked up and swam to the border of the water and the sky. My f/c tail strongly moved left and right to push me towards the sky.

I poked my head out and looked around. I saw that the wales looked very different than normal wales. I swam towards one and let my finger caress the hard material. When I did so, a little piece got stuck in my skin. My finger began to bleed and it pricked. I cringed as I pulled the spike out and put my hand under water.

I slowly swam around and quickly heard people talking. I pressed myself against the wale and listened to the conversation. "-And don't complain. I didn't want to come here too, so just do as you're told." I heard a stern voice command. "Sir, I had important things to do." I heard a low growl. "Hamilton, shut up!" I heard the voice boom. "Get the cargo into the carriage and don't complain." The voice demanded as the Hamilton guy groaned. I heard loud taps becoming more distant.

"Come on Alex." I heard another voice say as I poked my head further to see 4 guys stepping on a plank to get to the wale. "It's just lifting things and putting them in the carriage, it isn't that hard." The voice reassured as the Hamilton guy huffed. "You'll be reunited with your lovely quill after a few hours." Another guy hushed. This guy had a different accent than the other 2.

"Besides," Another voice started. "Maybe you'll see some mermaids or something like that." The voice joked as they all chuckled. "Yeah, because the only way Alexander's gonna get love, is by courting a fish." The weird accent guy laughed as the two other guys laughed. "Shuddap." Alexander hissed at the other 3.

"John, go pull up that crate from the side of the ship and drown," Alexander commanded as the John guy laughed. "Sure." He gimmicked as I heard taps coming near me. I panicked and froze on the spot. I looked up and a little to my left a big box was being pulled up. I moved under the box so I wouldn't be spotted by this John.

"What even is in this crate?" I heard him huff as the other guys did various things on the wale. John groaned irritated as he didn't get an answer. He pulled the crate up and put his fin on the edge of the wale and huffed as he pulled it up. His fin looked weird and he only had 1.

Were these the humans I heard about. The ones with these flimsy things called...Legs?

He leaned to the right to get a better grip and in the process, he had a perfect view of me. He squeezed his eyes together and pulled at the rope. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and made direct eye contact with me.

"..." I stayed silent, in the hope that he wouldn't see me. "What the?!" He yelled as he let go of the rope like it had a contagious virus and stepped away, falling over his feet and onto the wale. The box came falling down and was about to land on my head. I quickly swam under the water and avoiding to be crushed by a falling box.

The box sunk down and I looked at it slowly reach the bottom. I looked up and saw the John guy look over the edge at the water. I looked at him and then the box. I inhaled and went downwards to grab the rope. I softly touched the box, it felt just like the wale.

I pulled the box upwards and swam towards the big stone floor. I reached the sky and looked for a place to tie the crate. There was a fence on the stone floor. I quickly tied the rope onto the fence with the box hanging in the water.

I hope they notice it.

I looked towards the boat and saw John still looking over the edge. I sighed and went back underwater to avoid me being spotted a second time.

(I was sick when writing this, please excuse my poor grammar or poor vocab)

Mix and match: John Laurens X!Mermaid! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now