~~Chapter 4: Boom~~

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*Sips diet coke as well* Good, right?

Y/N's P.O.V

I was surrounded by darkness. I couldn't hear anything or see anything. It still felt like I was underwater but I just couldn't hear that well. All the sounds coming from the abyss seemed very muted. I inhaled sharply as I felt cold air hit my mouth.

It wasn't salty or warm. It was crisp and fresh. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw a beige-ish color with some brown splattered on it. I groaned as I looked to the side. The amount of mixed dark colors was too much for me to even make out what it was. I looked back up and felt a sudden pressure on my stomach. 

I grunted as the pressure immediately stopped. I heard some words being spoken, but I couldn't make out what it was. The voice became clearer as my ears began to work again. "-Gonna be fine, trust me," I heard as I slowly opened my eyes and let them rest on a narrowed position. "I found her lifeless, face down in the water. She drowned and that on the bed is a lifeless body," I heard another voice say.

"She's breathing, she's fine," The other voice reassured. "Just let her rest. Let's go get some wet towels to lay on her head, okay?" The voice suggested as the other grumbled. "Fine," The voice muttered as I heard taps getting further away from me.

Once I was sure that the 2 were gone, I opened my eyes fully and sat up straight. I let my eyes wander around. It didn't take less than 2 seconds for me to be amazed by every little detail around me. Everything looked so awesome! 

You know I just had to go around and touch everything.

You know I just had to!

Alexander's P.O.V

We walked towards the supply tent to get a towel. John had found her head down in the water, probably dead. But after he called me to come and inspect, I hit him on the head and told him that she wasn't dead and she needed to get the water out her throat out ASAP.

So I pushed John to perform CPR, bring her to the tent and give her some proper clothing. Because you know...She wasn't wearing much. We gave her a uniform and asked one of the nurses to put it on her. She hasn't been moving, but she's breathing. Luckily. I suggested that we should at least keep her head cool and get her a towel. We walked inside the supply tent and asked for a clean towel. The guy told us that all the clean towels were gone so we had to get a dirty one and clean it. 

We walked back to our tent and grabbed the first towel we found. Then we walked towards the lake and stood in front of it. 

"I'm not doing that," John butted in as I handed him the towel. "Well we can't give her a dirty wet towel, now can we?" I asked as he rolled his eyes. "Sure we can!" He smiled as he dropped the towel in the water. "JOHN!" I yelled as he put his hands in his pocket and smirked. 

"Towels don't grow on trees!" I yelled as I pointed at the lake. "Then go get it." He smirked as I threw him a dirty look. I hissed at him as he kept grinning. I took off my boots and socks. I rolled up my beige pants to my knees and stepped into the water.

"You know Alex?" I heard behind me as I walked a few feet from land and bent down to get the towel. "What?" I hissed as I got a hold of the towel and started to rinse it since it was already in the water. "You look good wet," I heard him say as I felt someone pushing me on my back. I yelped as I fell down in the muddy lake. My hair was wet and my whole lower body was under water.

John was laughing so hard. I hissed as I leaned forward and pulled his leg making him fall next to me, face first. Now it was my turn to laugh. "Suprise mother f*cker!" I yelled with tears of pure laughter rolling down my cheek.

"I hate you," John stated as he lifted his head out of the water. "Love you too," I grinned as I lifted myself off and made sure the towel was clean. John raised himself up as well and we made our way to the medical tent.

We were both laughing and we looked drunk as hell. 

We entered the medical tent. As we looked at the bed, we noticed the lack of a body. "F*CK!" John yelled as he saw the girl at the back of the tent holding a saw. The saw was used for sawing off legs if it was needed. She looked at us and gave us a cheeky smile. "Hi!" She greeted us as she waved the saw around like it was a handkerchief. John pulled out his gun and aimed it at her.

"Put the saw down," John calmly stated as he pointed the gun towards her. "What's that?" She asked with a glint of curiosity in her eyes. "John..." I whispered but John kept looking forward. "Put the f*cking saw down," John stated more firmly.

"What does it do?" The girl asked with a childlike wonder and stepped closer still holding the saw. "I'm gonna shoot you," John informed her but she didn't stop. "What's shoot?" She asked as she neared us. She was only a few feet away from us when John narrowed his eyes.

"John, don't," I told John as he narrowed his eyes even further so he could shoot more accurate. "John," I started but I heard him cock the gun and almost pulling the trigger. "For f*ck sake," I mumbled under my breath.

He was about to shoot. So I put my left hand under his hand and my right hand on his forearm and made him shoot a hole in the ceiling of the tent.

Mix and match: John Laurens X!Mermaid! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now