~~Chapter 30: No~~

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A/N this was definitely one of my favourite chapters to write so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

John's P.O.V

"No, we are not attacking the British camps! Have you fallen on your head?" Washington barked at me as he stepped on his horse. "But sir-" I tried to argue back. "No, Laurens," Washington hissed and grabbed the reins of his horse in hand as his horse neighed. "You're staying here until we know who stole the plans," He sneered as if I knew who had the plans.

And I did.

"I know who stole them," I said and looked down. He narrowed his eyes as he loosened his grip on the reigns. He stepped off of his horse and pushed the reins into my hands. "Who?" He demanded to know. "You don't know her," I mumbled as I looked to the side. "Her? You let a girl into the camp?" Washington barked. I couldn't look him in the eyes. "Sir, I can get the girl and the plan back," I said. "You better or else I'll execute your a$$!" He yelled at me. I flinched but nodded before jumping on the horse. 

"And that was not a joke," Washington grumbled before I pulled the reins and rode off toward our tent. 

"No, absolutely not," Alexander huffed before diving back into his work. "Uh, yes, you are coming with me," I hissed before grabbing him by the collar and grabbing the two bayonets in the corner of the tent. I handed one to Alexander as he struggled to breath. I let go of him when we got outside. I looked around and spotted Hercules in the row of innocent soldiers. 

I walked up to their guard. "I need Hercules Mulligan, orders of Washington," I said. He looked at me as if I was a joke. "Cool, kid. I'm not obeying anyone who doesn't have a command," He smirked. Alexander pushed me out of the way. "I've got a command," He sneered. 

Wtf, Alexander. Washington doesn't even trust you with his cat. 

"Good try, buddy." The guard scoffed yet again. Alexander, instead of punching the guy, turned around and yelled as loud as he could: " Rochambeau!"

Several soldiers turned their head and ran towards Alexander, forming a big crowd of armed and bloodthirsty soldiers. Alexander looked back at the guard. " so about Hercules, " he smiled. I was shocked. How did Alexander, the destructor of many rules, get a command?

The guard groaned but let Hercules out of the row. Alexander proceeded to lead us toward the stall where we kept our horses. Together with a very small battalion of 80 men, we drove toward the nearest Brittish camp where General Howe had a command. Assuming that there's where Y/N went. We left our horses far enough from the camp and discussed our plan of action. Alexander had been training his battalion of several weeks now and he could lead his attack with the elite 80 who were with us. He would distract the soldiers in the camp together with his soldiers and Hercules while I went into the general's tent. Even if Y/N wasn't here, we could still take the plan back and rip it into shreds so no one could use it.

That was the ideal situation.

Alexander went first and told me I could go to the camp 15 minutes after they had left. So I started to tap my foot on the grass and count out 15 minutes.


Y/N's P.O.V

"Don't look at me like that," Peggy hissed from her desk as I cocked an eyebrow. My narrowed eyelids didn't move even a bit as I did. "How could you do this?" I asked as I moved my arms, trying to untie the rope that tied together both of my hands behind me back. Peggy had tied me up in the corner of her tent. My restraints were tied to the wooden structure of the tent so I'd be stuck even if I could pull the restraints off. She, on the other hand, sat on a chair with folded arms and a face I could not link to the Peggy I knew.

"I can do this because I have brains and I used them, " she answered as she tapped on her head giving me a devilish smirk. I could only look at her in disappointment. Which seemed to do the trick for making her smirk fade away. After a while, I turned my head away from her and scooted my legs closer. A few minutes passed and something unexpected happened.

A British soldier rushed into the tent without announcing himself and looked at Peggy. He was out of breath and his pale face was tomato red. Peggy didn't seem surprised. "Miss, we are under attack!" The soldier wheezed. Peggy seemed even less surprised as she stood up from her chair and put her hands behind her back. "Get my horse ready, " she ordered as the soldier nodded and left. She pulled her red coat straight and sighed. "Maybe not the right timing but it'll do, " she mumbled. I frowned as I heard this. She looked at me and smiled.

"Wait here until your 'turtle prince' comes knocking at your door, " She sneered still smiling making me believe she wasn't smiling of happiness. I widened my eyes.

She then proceeded to grab a thick handkerchief and stuff it in my mouth so I'd keep quiet. She gave me a kiss on my cheek and left. I began to kick and scream for her to come back and leave my friends alone.

But instead, the screaming sounded like: 'Mmmm! MmmmMMmmmM! mMmMMMMMmmMMMMmmmmM! *le sharp inhale* MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!'

Which was far less intimidating than her badass walk out of the tent.

But I was panicking. There was a pretty good chance that the attack was lead under John or Hercules. Alexander can't have a battalion since he yelled at Washington. It couldn't be Alexander.

3rd person P.O.V

General Schuyler walked outside where her horse awaited her, she pulled on her ribbon in her hair so it would be tighter and jumped on the horse. She pulled the reins and flew forward toward the battle. Many soldiers had left their tent and were trying to control whatever battalion was coming at them. When Schuyler arrived she was embarrassed to see her 250 men could not kill 82 Americans. She recognised Alexander and Hercules at the front, pushing the Brittish soldiers as far away from the camp as possible together with their 80 companions.

Alexander had a plan. That plan was to push all the soldiers toward the American camp while John got the plans and/or Y/N.

And would you know it, 15 minutes had passed and John was on his way to the Brittish camp. Slowly, in the shadows casting on the trees, he moved closer and closer. He had seen soldiers running toward, what seemed to be, Alexander's trap.

In John's mind, this was a bad dream. He could never believe that Y/N played him and stole the plans. Deep inside he knew that Y/N would never do that. To him at least. As he drowned himself into the illusion he heard loud muscles screaming coming from his right. He looked and saw a large tent. Hesitant, he slowly made his way to the tent, scared of what he would or wouldn't find.

He lifted one of the entrance flaps of the tent and looked inside. There, on the ground in between grass and mud, sat Y/N on her knees kicking and screaming as loud as she could. Tears rolled down her face as the screams muffled through the handkerchief in her mouth.

John had a first initial reaction which was: 'HOLY F*CK!'

Then he let his mind think for a second. Suddenly he felt relieved. Y/N didn't steal the documents. She probably witnessed it getting stolen while she was out and was taken because no one could know. It all made sense to John. It just all clicked into place. How could he ever think that Y/N would be capable of doing that? He loved Y/N and Y/N loved him. He smiled. He ran towards her and removed the cloth in her mouth as he got on his knees. Y/N tried to tell him something but John immediately pressed his lips on hers to hush her.

Y/N had never expected to see John ever again, let alone kissing him ever again. She tried to tell him to let her go and leave her. But at the same time, she wanted this moment to last forever.

But she pushed John away.

John held her cheeks and looked at her with sparks in her eyes. Through the illusion he made, he couldn't see the pure sadness in Y/N's eyes. "I knew you were innocent," John mumbled with a smile. Y/N shook her head. "John," she choked. As she opened her mouth, a loud bang rung in the air. She looked down and put her head in between her shoulders. When she looked back up, she saw John's wide eyes staring at her. Slowly he fell on her shoulder. Y/N took a moment to react but when she did, the person who had shot John, knocked unconscious.

Mix and match: John Laurens X!Mermaid! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now