~~Chapter 18: THE SCIENCE~~

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"Ça va, Y/N?" Lafayette asked as I held my hand over my mouth. I nodded quickly and ran up to him. "Your face looks drained," He informed me as I waved him off. "And why aren't you speaking?" He asked as we continued to walk towards our new tent. Lafayette had set it up a few hours prior. I shrugged as I kept my hand on mouth, scared that a petal might flop out. 

He stared at me for a second before he continued his way to the tent. When we went inside, I sat my butt down, back faced to Lafayette, grabbed my coat and puked all the petals out in my jacket. "Okay, I might not know my vocabulary card for this word, but that's not good!" Lafayette sternly told me. He was obviously concerned. He looked inside the jacket and saw all the petals.

"Qu'est-ce que c'est?!" He asked himself as he looked at the plum purple petals. I shook my head, unknowing what it was. "Merde, Hercules knows a lot about this," He hissed as he dropped the jacket on the grassy ground, making the petals swirl around a bit. He rushed over to Alexander's stuff and ripped a piece of paper out of one of his notebooks, a quill, and an ink pot. He sat himself down and began to swirl the quill over the paper, forming a letter to Hercules. 

"I think I'm fine. Thank you though," I told Lafayette as I stumbled up and put my hand on his shoulder. Still back-faced to me, he smacked my hand off his shoulder almost immediately. "Keep your diseased hands to yourself!" He barked at me, put the letter in an envelope and stamped it sealed with a wax stamp.

"Okay, jeez," I hissed as I backed away. I sat down on a chair, which was lazily placed inside the tent, and huffed. I silently looked at Lafayette's back, my arms still crossed from his previous reaction. "How long will it take for that letter to get to him?" I asked cocking my eyebrow lightly. He sighed in response. "Who knows?" He answered and stood up from his desk. "But in the meantime, we can go uptown and do some research on your...situation," He explained as I nodded. "Let's go," He smiled as I stood up, disregarding the coat full of bloody, purple petals. 

On our way out of camp, John had spotted us.

"Where are you guys headed to?" He asked as he stopped us. I looked at Lafayette for an answer. I didn't really feel like telling him about the petals would do any of us good. My trust in John had taken a turn for the worst. "We need to deliver an urgent letter. We'll be going uptown and we'll be back shortly," Lafayette explained briefly, grabbed my arm and dragged me along towards the direction we were supposed to head towards. "Cool, I need to get my mind off of something. I'll come along," He agreed as he jogged up to us. 

"Nah, we're, how you say, we're good fam," Lafayette dismissed him with a wave, still walking away from the camp.

"Also, I think you have enough to do around here," He told John before walking off with me. I slowly turned my head towards John who looked like a kicked puppy. He looked at me and then looked away. 

I turned my head back as we continued to walk uptown. It was quite a walk. While walking I turned my attention towards Lafayette. "That was kinda rude," I chuckled making him huff. "He's been a jerk towards you, why can't I treat him the same way?" He asked me as I shrugged. "Fighting fire with fire in an ocean of problem won't get anyone anywhere," I answered.

He thought about what I had said and hummed in agreement. "True," He nodded. We posted the letter and then headed towards the library. When we came inside, I was kinda amazed. "This is the thing Alexander likes to read, right?" I asked as I grabbed a book off the shelf. I looked at the front and noticed that the front picture wasn't the same. "Why is the front not the same?" I asked as I showed Lafayette the book, who had been looking over my shoulder for quite a long time. 

He cocked an eyebrow. "You know that each of the books has a different story inside...Right?" He asked as my mouth dropped. "You mean that in each of them there's a different story?!" I asked totally stunned. "Yes...?-"

"AMAZING!" I shrieked as I looked at the book. 

"You don't know how to read I presume?" He asked, chuckling slightly. "Nah," I sighed, still looking at the cover. Lafayette looked around for a second, trying to think. "I'll make a deal with you," He offered. "Yes?" I asked. 

"I'll get Alexander to be your teacher for reading and spelling if you..." He pondered for a second, thinking of what he could want in return. "Get me a croissant," He told me as I looked at him. "A what?" I asked as he sighed. "It's a sweet bread, in the form of a moon, it's really good actually! You should try it-"

I proceeded to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah, okay, that'll do," He agreed as I chuckled. "It's so easy," I smiled to myself.

"Let's get that book," He dismissed quickly, his cheeks slowly flushing. We went to the librarian and asked for an illness where a person throws up petals. He told us he didn't know any illness of that kind but redirected us towards the health books. 

"Well, no," Lafayette argued back. The blonde librarian rubbed his hair. "It's not an actual illness," He continued. "She threw up petals with blood and sh*t. Are you telling me she swallowed some seeds and then just...Grew them inside her tummy. Flowers take a long damn time to grow! She would've pooped the seeds out by then. It's scientifically impossible!" Lafayette argued as he slammed his fist on the wooden counter. 

"Sir, don't hit on the counter-"


"Okay, Lafayette," I pulled Lafayette's bun all the way down, making him shriek in pain. "You're beginning to sound like Alexander," I informed him. "Let's go to witchcraft section," I told him silently as he sprung upholding his bun away from me as we began to walk away.

But not before Lafayette stuck up his middle fingers towards the librarian. 

Mix and match: John Laurens X!Mermaid! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now