~~Chapter 14: The drop~~

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A second into the kiss, John started to pull back. He looked to the side when I tried to look at him. "John?" I asked as he side glanced at me but then looked back to the side. "What's wrong-" I started but he silently stepped away from me and walked away. 

*Le inhale*

So, I am confusion.

Alexander's P.O.V

"Where's John?" I asked Lafayette and Hercules. Lafayette shrugged. "I can take a guess," Hercules slid into the conversation. "With Y/N?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow. "He WAS staring at her," Hercules pointed out. "C'est vrai," Lafayette mumbled, looking into his champagne glass. "To kill her?" I asked with concern laced in my tone. "Maybe..." Lafayette pondered. 

"...Why are we all so calm?" Hercules asked. "...We shouldn't be," I pointed out. "...Idiots...WHERE IS ZE Y/N?!" Lafayette shouted after he facepalmed. "She's fine," We heard behind us. We turned around and saw John walking towards us. "Where is she?" I immediately asked him. "The little sh*t is in the hall," John mumbled, not directly looking us in the eyes.

"And how do you know that?" Hercules asked, not buying John's sh*t. "Chill! She just wanted to talk and I pushed her away," John answered, slightly defensive. "..." He stayed silent as we stared at him. "Have you seen a Schuyler sister?" John asked dismissively. I sighed. "I've seen Margarita Schuyler," I answered, referring to Peggy Schuyler. "How about Angelica and Eliza Schuyler?" Hercules asked curiously.

"Nothing," I lied, slightly annoyed. 

Y/N's P.O.V

 "It's not my breath, is it?" I asked myself as I walked around the ball. When I did, I bumped into someone. "Peggy!" I smiled as she turned her head away in embarrassment and fiddled with her fingers. "Sam, I'm so sorry for-"

"I'm not gay," I stated quickly. "What?" She asked as she looked at me. "John is...Weird," I admitted. "Pretty sure that he is gay," I mumbled. "I'm sorry," I apologized. Her smile grew. "Don't apologize," She snickered as she grabbed my hand. "Let me introduce you to my sisters," She told me as I nodded. "I'd love to," I smiled widely. 

She led me up the stairs and opened a hatch that led to the roof. There, 2 girls sat with beautiful gowns. One had an orange gown and one had a light blue gown. "Angelica, Eliza!" She called out as the two turned their heads. "And Peggy," Eliza chuckled as Peggy stuck her tongue out and helped me on the roof. "And company!" I sang along and almost fell off the roof. "You brought someone!" Eliza pointed out as Angelica turned around to look at me. 

"This is Sam," Peggy introduced. "I'm Sam," I smiled. "He's Sam," Peggy repeated. 

"Sam and what?" Angelica asked with a cocked eyebrow, referring to my surname. I opened my mouth slightly but closed it again when I realized that I didn't have a surname. Then a surname hit me. "Hamilton," I stated as Angelica's frown deepened. "As in, the brother of Alexander Hamilton?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow. "...Yep!" I lied.

"Huh," She mumbled as she looked at my face. While she was doing her business, I looked at their dresses. They were so shiny and silky. When I was alone with Hercules, he told me about fabrics and stuff. And based on what he told me, these dresses seemed well made. 

"You guys look pretty," I cheekily smiled. Eliza and Peggy took it as a compliment. Angelica, on the other hand: "You trying to rape us?" She asked as I looked at her. "What's rape?" I asked as she squinted her eyes together. She stood up and walked towards me. "You gotta go," She told me as she opened the hatch. "I didn't do anything wrong," I defended myself as I stepped aside. "I'm not going to ask again," She warned me as she grabbed my suit and tried to pull me to the hatch. "Hey!" I stated as I stepped back. That step led me to the edge of the roof. I stumbled backward as the piece of cloth that Angelica was holding, ripped off my suit. 

I screeched as I fell downwards. "Sam!" The three yelled. I looked around and grabbed onto a stone ledge before I could be crushed to my death. I exhaled and looked up to see three heads look down at me. "Are you okay?" Eliza asked as I looked down to see that I still had a long drop to go if I were to let go. "For now," I answered. "I'm sorry!" Angelica yelled. "No prob, Bob," I beamed as I felt my hands slip. I looked at the window in front of me. 

"Can someone open this window?" I asked as I kicked the window. "Peggy is on her way!" Eliza reassured me. I whined as my hands began to hurt. "I'm not gonna hold," I informed them. "What kind of soldier-" Angelica began but I didn't hear her finish the sentence as I slipped and fell 2 floors down before I held onto another ledge. A few seconds later, I saw Peggy poke her head out the window and look down at me. "Damn it! I'll be right there!" She told me as I nodded. 

Guess what happened.

"CAN YOU NOT!" Peggy yelled from 3 floors above me as I sheepishly smiled at her. She groaned. "Hold on," She sighed and closed the window again. 

"I can! And I will!" I heard under me. I looked down and saw John arguing with Alexander. "You can't be serious," Alexander stated as I frowned. "I don't want to talk about this," John stated, folding his arms. "Change of topic then," Alexander fake-smiled. "Y/N," Alexander started. "For f*ck's sake," John cursed.

I fell down 2 floors and listened to their conversation. 

"What happened when I was gone?" He asked John. "Nothing!" John lied as I narrowed my eyes. "She was being a dipsh*t and dragged me along with her," He lied. "Excuse?" I mumbled. "What did she ever do to you?" Alexander asked with a frown. "Exist," John answered. I sighed and let myself fall onto the grass, right beside John. 

"Talking sh*t?" I asked as I turned my head towards him. "THE F*CK DID YOU COME FROM?!" John shrieked as he sidestepped and fell down into the muddy grass. "That's the best way to discover that someone has been sh*tting on you," Alexander chuckled.

"Sam!" I heard from above me. We looked up and saw Peggy. "Couldn't you have just dropped down from the beginning?! I'm running a marathon over here!" She huffed. "Sorry," I sheepishly apologized. John looked at me and then Peggy. He grunted and stood up. His whole uniform was covered in mud. He scoffed as his cheeks turned red and walked away.

I sighed. "I'll inform Eliza and Angelica that you're safe," She sighed and closed the window. When she did I turned to Alexander, who was still chuckling a bit. 

"Alexander, we need to talk," I stated as he stopped laughing.

Mix and match: John Laurens X!Mermaid! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now