~~Chapter 8: The bar~~

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We entered a building. It was cozy and dimly lit making it have a comfy home feel. I stared in amazement at the candlelight. Maria snapped her fingers making me snap out of my daze. "Y/N, don't look at the candlelight," She reminded. "But it's pretty," I countered. "Y/N...Last Wednesday you stared at it for a whole day. You woke up, began to stare at it when I lit it to get some light. I left in the morning and when I came back you were still looking at it." She sighed with a chuckle.

"Okay, sure, but have you looked at it?!" I argued back. "Look what else is pretty," She smirked as she grabbed my chin and shifted my gaze to a bunch of guys. "You need to get a grip on yourself before you get a grip on any of these guys," She explained as I frowned.

"Like the peepee thing?" I asked as she nodded. "Like the peepee thing," She confirmed.

"You've seen me flirt right?" She asked as I nodded. "When we went to the-" I tried to get the right word in mind. "The...Bake...The bakery!" I beamed as she smiled. "Yeah! The baker's son, you were there," She hummed.

"So there are 2 things you need to keep in mind when you flirt!" She reminded me. "Act innocent and clueless until they lay the first move," She told me as I nodded. "Just be you in that case," She muttered under her breath.

"And if you don't like it, stop it before it goes further. Don't just let it happen. Trust me, I would know these things..." She sighed as her gaze fell on her feet. I was concerned. "What do you mean?" I asked she looked back at me. 

"Hmm? Nothing," She brushed off.

"Now go out there!" She chuckled as she changed the topic. "Ah," I stuttered as she pushed me towards the guys. I inhaled and exhaled. "Here we go," I sighed to myself and slowly looked around. 

Loud laughing made me jump as I looked to my side to see a group of tipsy men drinking from their mugs. The liquid sometimes poured over their chin as they began to laugh in the middle of their drinking session. I was amazed at how they didn't dry-drown.

I walked even further in the big wormhole as I slid between chairs and tables. That's when I saw them. Alexander, Lafayette, John, and Hercules sitting on a table, mugs in hand. John was getting giggles as he laid his chin on the table. Alexander was telling a story about God knows what. Hercules was laughing alongside John and Lafayette looked...

I can't describe it.

He looked...Wasted. Let's just keep it at that. Head down on the table, arms protecting his head as well as cushioning his head.

This was the first time I'd seen them without their blue trench coats. They only had a white shirt and their beige pants with their dark brown boots. I exhaled and made my way towards them. 

"Hey!" I smiled as I waved. I stood before the head of the table. They all turned their gaze towards me. "F*CK!" John yelped as he clung onto Alexander's shirt. "I THOUGHT I GOT RID OF YOU!" He screamed at me with a horrified expression. 

His red cheeks and nose mixed with his dazed eyes made me question what was in those mugs. "Hi, John!" I smiled as he grumbled something under his breath. "Hey! Y/N!" Alexander greeted me. "Nice to see you! How's that Maria gal been treatin' you?" He asked as he motioned me to sit down. So I sat down next to Lafayette. He side-eyed me.

"She's been awesome! She lets me do whatever I want!" I giggled. John scoffed. "Sounds great!" Hercules beamed. Lafayette groaned. "What's up with him?" I asked as I tapped the black fluff of hair on his head. "Poor guy is drunk AF," Alexander grinned. 

"Oh," I sadly murmured as I put my hand on his forearm. "You okay?" I asked in a sweet voice. "Pas aussi excellent que toi," He grinned as he raised his head and drunkliy slurred his words together.

"What did he say?" I asked as I looked up at the rest. John had already sobered up a hell of a lot more since I came here and was looking at other people. "Lafayette, no," Hercules smirked as he lightly punched Lafayette. "Je vais tenter ma chance," Lafayette purred as he looked at me.

"Nooooo," Hercules began to laugh and fell off his chair. "Herc noooooo," Alexander laughed along as he fell on the ground.

"..." I had no idea what I had just witnessed.

"Wow," I finally uttered out. 

I looked at the ground and saw that they had rolled away. I frowned and looked up at John. Slight problem with that. John wasn't there. 

"Well," I sighed as I leaned on Lafayette's shoulder. "So we're with 2 now," I stated as he turned his head towards mine. He made eye contact and never broke it. Then the things that Maria told me flooded in.

Act innocent. Do what you wanna do.

"So what now?" I asked as I kept the eye contact going. He didn't answer me. 

Not with words at least.

He put his hand behind my neck and cheek and pressed his lips to mine. 

First I was like:


But then he lead me slowly into it, making it obvious how I was supposed to react. He then fully turned towards me and put his other hand on my cheek. After a while of this, he separated. I slowly but rapidly inhaled and exhaled. He offered me his hand as he stood up from the bench.

I stared at it and slowly put my hand in his. He pulled me up and lead me out the bar. "Where to?" I asked as we went outside. I was looking behind me, looking at the bar and keeping Maria in mind. 

"Ma maison," He smiled.

Mix and match: John Laurens X!Mermaid! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now