~~chapter 24: Who's back?~~

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"Okay, what do you want Lee?" John asked, clearly frustrated by Charles and I. He stood up and gave me his hand so he could pull me up. "Want for what?" Charles asked, cocking his eyebrow. "You won't tell anything to Washington in exchange for what?" John asked again but this time more detailed.

"Hmm, I don't know," Charles sarcastically thought as he put his hand on his chin. "Geez, what does every soldier want in these cold, bitter times?" He asked a bit sterner and looked directly at John.

"You want food?" John asked, cocking his eyebrow. I chuckled. "I want a command," Charles corrected him with a smirk.

"You idiot, how am I supposed to get you in command?"

Is what John told me he would've said.

Instead he looked at me and bit the bullet. "I'll try," he sighed and grabbed me by my arm and lead me back towards camp but more specifically away from Charles.

When we reached the first tent he hesitantly let go of my arm and walked ahead. I tried to keep up but felt a poke in my ribs making me gag. My hand formed a fist and put itself over my mouth. I coughed.

There is no way.

I regrouped and swallowed whatever was coming up and rushed to find Lafayette. That's when I noticed that John was still walking before me and running past him wouldn't be the best idea I've ever had.

I walked backward and finally turned myself around and ran in the opposite direction of John. I ran back to the outskirts of the camp and from there I ran to the harbor. I dumped my coat on the ground and ran towards an empty spot in the harbor. I inhaled sharply as I jumped and dove into the ice-cold water. I flew underwater and drifted off into the deep water. The petals twirled out my mouth and I could breathe. I slowly opened my eyes and took a deep breath in. The water filled my longs as I turned on my back. I looked at my tail and frowned. My f/c tail had turned grey and colorless. I took a good look at it.

As I grew more and more confused, I also saw my tail become more transparent. Before I had noticed what was happening, my tail split in 2 and wrapped itself around forming my legs. My pants and boots appeared again and I suddenly couldn't breathe anymore. I gasped for water but felt the water block my air. I immediately figured I had to swim up. So I did. But all of my strength and will I swam up and finally could gasp for air. I tried to keep my head above water but a ship past from afar creating waves making my head go back under. I tried to find the shore and I did eventually. I just had to get there.

And when I did I lunges myself on the nearest thing that could hold me, which in this case, was a plant on the edge of the wooden platform just above the water. I hyperventilated and looked over my shoulder at the water.

I shivered and looked before myself again. That's when I felt the roots of the plant snap. I reached for the platform to save myself from slipping, being eaten by the waves and sicking back in the water. Instead, I felt my arm being grabbed by someone.

They helped me on the platform and I fell on my knees. I coughed a few times before looking up at my savior.

"Herc?" I asked as he knelt down beside me. "What were you doing?" He asked me as I shook my head. "I fell in," I lied as he held up my chin and turned my head left and right. "You're lying," He concluded as I scoffed. He let go off my chin, making my chin fall down a bit. He gave me his hand and helped me up. "Let's get you dried up," He smiled and let go of me. I sighed and followed him toward the camp. 

"So you returned from your duties?" I asked as I walked next to him. "Only for a little while," He reminded me as I sighed. "Do you have-" "I have the medication for you and Lafayette," He cut me off. I stopped walking. 

"Why?" I asked, cocking my eyebrow. He stopped as well. "For the hanahaki disease?" He told me in a 'duh' tone. "But why for Lafayette?" I asked stepping towards him. Hercules looked away for a second. "He has it too," He carefully told me. "What?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. "He didn't tell you?" He asked, shocked. "What?! No!" I yelled, frustrated. 

"Shoot," Hercules mumbled. 

I pushed Hercules to the side and angrily made my way to Lafayette. 

Mix and match: John Laurens X!Mermaid! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now