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Josh sat in his car. One window was open; allowing cool air to seem in. His hand was out; sliding his fingers down the side. The day was hot; very hot. It hasn't felt hot in a long time.

He was waiting for his best friend Tyler Joseph. He's 17 years old and he's very feminine. He acts like a woman instead of dressing up like one. It doesn't really bother him because he's not judgmental to him. He cares about him.

Josh has had a crush on Tyler for a long time. He doesn't think Tyler likes him back or if he really likes him. That's pretty much how they became good friends; due to the bonding they've shared with each other.

Tyler came out of the house; wearing a black t-shirt with black pants. He was walking really slowly.

"Come on Tyler. We're gonna be late." Josh said.

"I'm sorry man. It takes a while for me to get ready."

"Seriously babe, it takes that long for you?"

"I'm afraid so."

Josh chuckled.

"Alright. Well, we better get to Target before it closes."

Josh started backing out.

"Is it really that big of a deal for you?" Tyler asked.

"I love Target." Josh replied. They have the best clothes. And they're having a sale that's ending at 10:00 tonight, which is when the store will be closing."

"Oh that's right." Tyler said. "I need to get something cute for you and I."

Josh busted out laughing.

"You do that every time we go there."

"I like getting things for you alright?"

Josh turned back to looking at the road.

"Oh okay."

After driving for a while, they eventually get to Target. However, when Josh gets out of the car, Tyler doesn't.

"Why aren't you coming out?" Josh asked.

"I don't know." Tyler said. "I guess I ain't feeling it right now."

"Why not."

"I don't know."

Josh noticed that Tyler had a small smile on his face that he was trying to hide. He jumped into the back and pulled Tyler out. The boy laughed as Josh wrapped his arms around him.

"You just had to try and fool me?" Josh giggled.

"Crap!" Tyler yelled. "But I kind of got you."

Josh chuckled.

"Okay Ty, you got me that time."

Tyler smiled. He quickly kissed Josh on the cheek before getting out of the car as quickly as he could.

"Hey!" Josh yelled. "No kissing remember?"

"We do it all the time! We're friends!"

Josh touched the small speck of saliva with his fingers and looked at it. It shined like Tyler's rosy cheeks. He started to wonder. Maybe Tyler really does have feelings for him.

Still, he doesn't know for sure.

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