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Tyler was given a cup by one of the nurses who worked in the lab. She escorted him to the bathroom.

"When you are done, place it inside that compartment." She told him.

Tyler nodded.

"Thank you ma'am."

The boy was all alone; sitting on the toilet while holding the cup underneath his cock. Eventually, piss came down and filled it. It was yellow colored and it smelt like female urine.

It wasn't normal for him at all.

When he was done, he placed the cup into the compartment and the nurse took it into the lab for testing. Tyler got out of the bathroom and walked back into the lab waiting room.

Josh was already there. He had just finished with the paternity test. He still refused to believe that Tyler was pregnant and that he is the father of the baby.

A few minutes later, the nurse came out with a piece of paper; looking to be the results.

Tyler and Josh stood up; holding hands.

"I've gotten the results of both tests." She said; her eyes laid on Tyler first.

"Mr. Joseph....you are pregnant."

When he heard his results, he went into complete shock.

The nurse turned to Josh.

"And Mr. Dun....you are the father of Tyler's baby."

Realizing their reactions, the nurse fled. Tyler; filled with grief and sadness, collapses to the floor; sobbing.

Josh came down with him; cuddling the boy in his arms. He let go of his anger and let the sadness flow in, along with his love for Tyler.

Their lives have fallen apart.

Tyler is carrying a child in his stomach, and Josh must do whatever it takes to take care of him.

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