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Kelly and Josh helped Tyler into the house. The siblings followed behind. Once they were inside, Josh immediately took Tyler into the living room and sat him down. Kelly stayed in the kitchen to help get everything ready. The siblings came and sat across from Tyler and Josh.

They were super excited about the twins. They couldn't help but talk about it. It was all they could talk about. It somehow made Tyler forget the negative because he knew how happy his younger siblings were.

"So Tyler, what did you mean when you said you and Josh are having fraternal twins?" Madison asked.

"It means we're going to be having a boy and a girl." He replied.

"Ooh, that sounds awesome!"

"I'm really glad."

Jay jumped in front.

"What are you going to be naming them?"

"We're going to be naming the boy Taylor and the girl Adelina."

Jay smiled.

"I like those names."

"Yeah, me too." Madison added.

"I'm going to be the best uncle ever."

"I'm sure you will Zack." Tyler said.

"What about me Tyler?" Jay asked. "Am I gonna be a good uncle too?"

"Why of course." He said. "You all will."

The siblings giggled. Josh wrapped his arms around Tyler.

"I'm so happy for us." He said.

"Me too." Tyler replied.

Suddenly, angry footsteps entered the home. Tyler and Josh lifted their heads to see that it was Tyler's father, Chris.

"You're just in time." Kelly said. "Dinner is almost ready."


"Also, I forgot to mention, I have Tyler and Josh here with us."

"Oof, that transsexual freak." He huffed. "Why would you invite him over?"

"He's our son Chris." Kelly said. "He deserves to be here."

"No he doesn't! He disgraced the family!"

"He is still our son none the less. Give him a chance Chris."

Tyler started hyperventilating. He pressed both of his hands onto his stomach. Heavy contractions fell though.

"He's here Josh." The boy whispered. "He's gonna find out-"

"He won't." Josh said. "He will never find out."

"And if he does?"

Josh pressed his hand on Tyler's stomach.

"He will never get involved in our children's lives, I will make sure of that."

Madison stood up.

"We'll help too."

Jay and Zack stood up.

"Yeah Ty. We can help you."

"You can count on us."

The siblings gathered around Tyler and Josh; joining them in a group hug. Tyler felt himself starting to cry.

"Thank you guys."

Dinner started a few minutes later. Everything went as planned. Josh stayed real close to Tyler to make sure his stomach was hidden so that his father wouldn't see, and Kelly kept a close eye on her husband so that he wouldn't find out the truth.

"How is school going Zack?" Chris asked.

"It's going well." Zack replied.

"Are you getting good grades?"

"Yes, I am."

"Don't lie to me boy. I would not be happy if you did."

"He's not lying Chris." Kelly said. "He's doing very good right now. And we all know what happens if you don't."

"Yes mom, I lose my privileges on the GameCube."


"You still play with the GameCube?" Tyler asked.

"It's really all I have." Zack said. "Mom says I'm not old enough to have a phone."

"You'll have one soon hun." Kelly said.

"Or we can not get you one at all." Chris said.

Suddenly, Tyler winced as he had a tight contraction. Josh held him close.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, it's just a cramp."

"Is it really a cramp Tyler?"

Tyler and Josh immediately turned to look at Chris.


"Is it really?!"

"Chris please, leave him alone-"

"Shut up woman! Tyler, what was it?!"

Tyler stood up. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. Fear trembled through him.
He slowly lifted up his shirt to reveal his stomach to his father and everyone in the room.

When Chris saw what had happened to his son, he was infuriated. It made him even more angrier than before.

"You're pregnant?"

Tyler turned his head down; nodding.

Chris was pissed.

"Who's is the father?"

"Dad stop-"

"No! Who is the father of the baby!"

Josh stood up.

"I am!"

Chris was enraged. All the blood rushed his heart was extreme anger. His face turned red like crimson. He squeezed his fists until they were hard like rocks.

"How did you get him pregnant?"

Nobody said anything.

"You better tell me something boy!"

"Dad please leave him alone-"

"Shut up or I'll make you abort the baby!"

"NO!" Josh shouted. "You will not touch the babies! You're the worst person that's ever lived. You think you're so big and you have everything, you can have all the power to do whatever you want. And yes, I fucked Tyler while we were drunk and it was a mistake to get him pregnant in the first place. But I promise you, I will be a good father and Tyler and I will raise our children right! And we will be better parents than you'll ever be. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure you never go near Tyler or any of our children for as long as they live! Now stay out of our lives and stay away from our children!"

Josh helped Tyler up and they ran out of the house. As he put Tyler into the car, Kelly ran up to them.

"Josh, I'm so sorry. I didn't think he would find out-"

"You better watch him. And make sure he doesn't ever come near us again."

Kelly nodded.

"Of course."

Josh started the car and drove home. Kelly looked on; feeling as if she failed to protect her son and her unborn grandchildren.

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