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The next morning, Tyler and Josh awoke to both of their heads pounding. Despite the pain, they realized they were naked and were no longer in Brendon and Sarah's bed. They were in their own bed in their house.

Tyler opened up the covers to look down on his naked body.

"Josh, why am I naked?"

He looked his naked body.

"And why are you naked?"

"You don't remember what we did last night?" Josh asked.

"N-No." Tyler said. "I don't remember. All I know is we were at the party and we must of passed out due to all the tequilas we had."

"Oh Tyler." Josh said. "That did not happen."

"What did we do! And how did we get back home?"

"Tyler please just calm down-"

"Joshua Dun! What have we done!"

Josh inhaled and exhaled; clearing his throat.

"We fucked."


"You and I fucked, in Brendon and Sarah's bed, while butt ass naked. They found us after we passed out and offered us a ride home. I was able to get you into the car as safely as I could. And I put you in bed."

Tyler looked down at his naked body in tears.
He was shocked and horrified at what they have done.

"N-No. Th-That can't be true."

"I'm sorry Tyler, I know we didn't mean it."

"I'm so stupid!" The boy cried. "I'm a stupid little boy with stupid thoughts who never learns the consequences!"

"Don't worry Tyler, nothing bad is gonna happen-"

"Bad?! I'm still not having my cycle. I haven't had it since I was proscribed more testosterone pills! Do you know what this means for us?! Especially me?! I could get pregnant!"

"Tyler, a male boy can't get pregnant."

"Yes they can! I know it. And it's going to happen!"

The boy sobbed while Josh put his arms around him.

"You're not gonna get pregnant. What we did was safe. I was able to tell Brendon what happened. It was all an accident."

"It wasn't an accident! I caused it!"

"You were too drunk to understand what you did. Nobody's too blame. You're going to be fine.

Tyler wanted to believe he wasn't going to get pregnant. But the nature of it haunted him all throughout the rest of that morning.

While they were out getting groceries, Tyler secretly purchased a pregnancy test. He needed to know if he truly was pregnant or the sex was nothing.

After Josh went to sleep, Tyler locked himself in the bathroom and began the test. He urinated into a cup and took the test strip and placed it into the urine. Then, he waited.

Thoughts flooded through his mind. Thoughts of sadness, depression, and even death. However, before he could dive into the even darker parts of his thoughts, he heard the beep. The test was complete.

Slowly, Tyler took the strip out of the cup and read the results.

It was positive.

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